12 Shakespeare Recommendations - Interesting both on stage and in book form! Discover the charm of Shakespeare!

Shakespeare Shakespeare, a treasure trove of masterpieces

12 Shakespeare Recommendations - Interesting both on stage and in book form! Shakespeare's Charm

William Shakespeare (1564-1616)Wikipedia.

Shakespeare is unquestionably the world's most famous playwright.

Shakespeare has had a profound influence on literary figures around the world.

Pushkin, Turgenev, and Chekhov, whom we have mentioned on this blog in the past, were also strongly influenced by Shakespeare, and Dostoevsky, of course, was a close reader from a young age.

Shakespeare's influence is immeasurable when considering world literature.

And above all, Shakespeare's works are interesting!

It is wonderful to read about it in a book, and the excitement of seeing it live on stage is beyond words.

Shakespeare's works are probably one of the most performed plays in Japan.

Therefore, we would like to recommend Shakespeare's works here, which are good to watch and read.

We will discuss each of these in more detail in their respective articles, so please refer to the links as well.


When the ghost of his father appears in the castle and tells him that his uncle's plot caused his death, Prince Hamlet of Denmark vows to take his revenge. Moralistic and introverted, he feigns insanity night and day, and is troubled by the anguish of skepticism, but finally achieves his revenge, only to fall victim to a poisoned blade himself. Hamlet's tragic love for the beautiful Ophelia, who dies madly at her lover's transformation, is woven into this masterpiece of Shakespeare's tragedy, which has left behind many famous lines.

Shinchosha, Tsunen Fukuda's translation of Shakespeare, back cover

Hamlet is a dramatic work written by Shakespeare in 1600.

I have read "Hamlet" many times in the past, and even went to see it on stage.

The setting of this work is Denmark. The main character, Hamlet, is its prince.

His destiny is set in motion when the ghost of his father appears before him.

The story itself is interesting and draws you in, of course, but what I personally find attractive about "Hamlet" is the coolness of the dialogue. The dialogue, which is very theatrical and unique to the stage, is very good. It is the kind of dialogue that makes you want to read it out loud and imitate it.

The language is theatrical and the rhythm is very brave, as I will discuss specifically in this article. You can feel it especially when you read it out loud.

Shakespeare's plays are a parade of these words.

I can't get over how cool this line is and how it sounds so heartbreaking.

This is a "read it and you'll understand it. I would like you to experience Shakespeare.

Shakespeare's plays may give the impression of being difficult to understand, but in fact, this is not the case at all. In fact, Shakespeare's plays can be enjoyed even by modern audiences. Among Shakespeare's plays, "Hamlet" is particularly dramatic and emotional. Once you see it, you are sure to be drawn in. I highly recommend it.

A synopsis of Shakespeare's masterpiece "Hamlet" - the masterpiece that gave birth to the famous quote "To live or to die, that is the question.

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo, the only son of the Montague family, puts on a mask and sneaks into the Capulet family ball, but falls madly in love with Juliet, the only daughter of the Capulet family, at first sight. The story of the fateful encounter between the two enemies of the two families and their vow of eternal love under the moonlight, only to meet with a tragic end, is so well known that it is still widely translated and adapted even today. This is one of the most famous love tragedies in the world.

Shinchosha, back cover of Romeo and Juliet, translated by Yoshio Nakano.

Romeo and Juliet" is said to have been established around 1595.

When you think of Romeo and Juliet, you probably think of the famous line, "Romeo, why are you Romeo?" The famous line, "Romeo, why are you Romeo?

I was strangely enough, I don't remember what commercial it was, but it was on the balcony, and I was saying "Romeo! and "Juliette! I can't remember what commercial it was, but I have a strange memory of a commercial in which they were calling out to each other on a balcony, "Romeo! What was that all about?

Anyway, as mentioned in the synopsis, the love words exchanged between the two on the balcony is probably one of the most famous scenes in the world.

The more obstacles there are in the way of love, the more it burns. The differences between two people and the barriers that cannot be crossed are the most royal of all love stories. It is straight to the heart of the matter.

Romeo and Juliet" is a wonderful work that offers a taste of such romantic drama.

However, in this article, I will discuss some surprising facts about Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet are associated with pure love, but there are some episodes about Romeo that may make you say, "Hmm?" I was surprised when I actually read the story. I was also surprised when I actually read it. I was actually surprised when I read the play.

Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" Synopsis - Everyone knows the masterpiece love tragedy.


Othello, a brave Moorish general, is appointed to the administration of the island of Cyprus. Frustrated at not being appointed second in command, his bannerman, Iago, conspires to have his second in command removed from office, and then fabricates a false accusation against Othello's wife, Desdemona. Othello, who strangled his wife with his own hands in a fit of jealousy, realizes that it was all a scheme of Iago's and commits suicide. This is one of Shakespeare's late masterpieces and one of the four great tragedies.

Shinchosha, back cover of Othello, translated by Tsunen Fukuda

Othello" was published around 1604.

The protagonist of this work is an African general named Othello.

He rose to the rank of general by demonstrating exceptional valor in battle. He is also a well-liked general with a noble and upright character.

The general took as his wife the beautiful Desdemona, a daughter of a noble family. Desdemona and Othello were joined in a relationship that was almost an elopement. But the two were torn apart by the schemes of Iago, a close associate of Othello's, who was supposed to have brought them together.

Iago may remind many people of the parrot character in "Aladdin". It is this Iago from "Othello" that inspired the name Iago.

Iago in this work is a very good talker and is surprisingly skillful at deceiving people. His ability to deceive people is so good that it is frightening to read about it.

Although Othello is the main character in this work, Iago actually appears more often and is portrayed more vividly. His struggles and the vividness of his schemes are depicted so well that Iago might as well be the title of the film.

Iago's villainy is also a major highlight of this film. Like Iago in "Aladdin," Iago is a deceitful villain, but somehow he has a mysterious charm that is hard to hate. Please enjoy Iago's antics as well.

Personally, I love this work. You can feel as if you are looking into the madness and chaos of human beings. It is one of the best Shakespeare's works.

Synopsis of Shakespeare's "Othello" - Tragedy of jealousy and passion of the brave general Othello - Iago's skillful technique of deception.

The Merchant of Venice.

A young merchant in Venice, Antonio, borrows money from an unscrupulous loan shark, Shylock, by pledging a pound of his own breast meat for a friend in love. However, his merchant ship is lost at every turn in a storm, and he loses all of his possessions. With no way to repay his debts, he is forced to have the flesh of his chest cut off. This witty and heartbreaking reversal of fortune is a timeless comedy classic that will move you with fresh emotion.

The Merchant of Venice, translated by Tsunen Fukuda, Shinchosha, back cover

The Merchant of Venice was written around 1596 or 7.

The main plot of this work is the confrontation between Antonio, who could not repay his debt, and Shylock, a loan shark, as described in the synopsis above, but this is Shakespeare. The story that goes on in parallel with this main story is also interesting.

It was a friend in love who caused Antonio's debt in the first place. He was going to ask the woman he was in love with to marry him, but he didn't have enough money.

So Antonio, who was very fond of his friend, went to Shylock to try to get some money for him. What happened to him has already been mentioned, but this work also tells the love story of his friend Bassanio.

He falls in love with Portia, a beautiful woman who has just inherited a huge fortune.

Many suitors came to her. But what she offered them as a condition of marriage was the solution to a mysterious riddle.

The content was to choose one of the gold, silver, or lead boxes, and if they could choose the correct answer, the marriage would be recognized.

In fact, this was her late father's will, and Portia was unable to choose her own marriage partner, lamenting that she had no choice but to "leave it to this box.

As promised in the story, a number of men try to solve the riddle, but they fail miserably. Inside the wrong box are the words of his late father, who bitterly criticizes the man who chose the wrong box, and these words are again very funny and clever.

The scene where the men who come to court are racking their brains over which box to choose is interesting, but this scene where they are beaten to a pulp is also wonderful.

To begin with, the riddle "Choose one of the boxes of gold, silver, or lead. The riddle, "Choose one of the gold, silver, or lead boxes, and I will give Portia to the one who chooses the correct box," is already full of fun, isn't it? It reminds me of the golden axe and the silver axe. If it were me, I wonder which one I would choose.

Now, finally, that man appears among the many defeated suitors.

Now, will Bassanio be able to choose the right box and will he be able to marry?

And their meeting will ultimately save their best friend Antonio. A brilliant ending. Shakespeare is indeed a great playwright.

7th note in the tonic solfa representation of the diatonic scaleThe Merchant of Venice" Synopsis - A witty and highlight-packed comedy masterpiece

King Lear"

When old King Lear abdicated, he decided to distribute his lands among his three daughters, with the greatest benefit to the most filial of the three. The two older sisters pleased their father with their clever and sweet words, but the truthful and frank words of his youngest daughter Cordelia enraged Lear, who disowned her and gave all his power and property to the two older sisters. The tragedy of old King Lear began then. This is one of Shakespeare's four great tragedies.

Back cover of King Lear, translated by Tsunen Fukuda, Shinchosha

King Lear" was written around 1605.

The story begins with the folly of King Lear, who easily believed the sweet words of his two older sisters and was enraged by the frankness of his youngest daughter, who was the kindest of souls. King Lear, who until then had wielded his power as he wished, is no longer of any use and is treated with disdain as soon as he hands over his position and power to his two sisters.

From there, the plotting between the two sisters escalated into a major incident involving the entire country. King Lear is reduced to the status of a beggar, wandering the country. The fall from the peak of his power as king to a beggar with nothing, and the betrayal of his beloved daughter.

King Lear" is a work in which Lear's anguish and grief are depicted with overwhelming power.

Mr. Fukuda, the translator, states that this work is such a masterpiece of tragedy that it even overshadows Greek tragedy. This means that this work has such a high degree of perfection. This is indeed the pinnacle of Shakespeare's tragedy.

Shakespeare's "King Lear" Synopsis - The world's greatest masterpiece of tragedy! Who can say, "I'm at rock bottom, too?"


Macbeth, a Scottish warlord who has long desired the throne in his heart, puts his ambition into action at the instigation of a strange prophecy of three witches he meets in the wilderness and a fiercely willful wife. After assassinating King Duncan in his own castle and seizing the throne, Macbeth's fear of losing it leads him to commit one crime after another at the hands of bloodstained ....... It is the most dense and cohesive of Shakespeare's four great tragedies.

Back cover of Macbeth, translated by Tsunen Fukuda, Shinchosha

Macbeth was written between 1603 and 1606.

The hero of this work is the brave warlord Macbeth. He is a general who has achieved many military victories and is trusted by the king.

One day, Macbeth meets three witches in the wilderness.

These witches' "Dear Macbeth! You will be king in time to come! The wheels of Macbeth's destiny were set in motion by the mysterious prophecy of the witches.

As the synopsis states, Macbeth was ostensibly a man loyal to the king. But deep down inside, he was after the throne. His true intentions were brought out in his entire being by the witches' prophecy.

If he really had no ambition, he would not have listened to the witches' prophecy. The reason he couldn't get the witches' prophecy out of his head was because he was consciously or unconsciously aiming for the throne.

Macbeth then invites the king to his castle, frames his guards for the crime, assassinates the king, and becomes king himself.

But from this point on, he had to keep getting his hands dirty to keep his position...and so the tragedy began.

The climax is the battle between Macbeth's army and the army of Malcolm, the son of the previous king.

Driven by anxiety before this battle, Macbeth again goes to the witches and asks for a prophecy.

That's where he got the famous "Until Burnham Forest comes to Dunsinane" prophecy.

The tragedy of Macbeth's attempt on the throne, seduced by the witches, is the main theme of this work.

The storyline is fast-paced and breathtaking. The witch's mysterious prophecy is also an exquisite foreshadowing, and it is really interesting to see how it will be recovered.

The impact of the phrase "until Burnham Forest moves on" is also exquisite.

This piece is also one of my particular favorites. I highly recommend this work.

Shakespeare's "Macbeth" Synopsis - "Until Burnham's Wood comes to Dunsinane."

Julius Caesar."

Brutus, a noble and brave general, in an attempt to stay true to his political ideals, stabs the Roman despot Caesar to death in the Senate Hall. The people applauded Brutus, but Antony's impeachment speech, which skillfully led the people, turned the tables and Brutus was banished from Rome. ...... A political tragedy that lives on today in a concise, clear style.

Shinchosha, back cover of Julius Caesar, translated by Tsunenobu Fukuda

Julius Caesar" was written circa 1600, 1601.

Many of you may read this synopsis and think, "Huh?" You may be thinking, "What?

I was the same way when I first read it.

The title is "Julius Caesar" but the main character is Brutus or something along those lines. In fact, in this work, Caesar does not appear so much in the story, and Brutus becomes the main character.

To tell you the truth, I have failed this work once.

I could not get into the story because I could not see the plot at all and could not understand what was going on.

That's when I read Atouda Takashi'sTo Enjoy Shakespeare."It was a book called (which you will read about later in this article)

After reading this book, I read "Julius Caesar" again and found it interesting! This book explains the historical background of this work and the flow of the story in an easy-to-understand manner.

This was so wonderful that I will now introduce it at some length.

If one were asked to name the most famous heroes in European history, Napoleon, Alexander the Great, and Caesar would surely be at the top of the list. They are well-known big names in Japan as well.

All three men have words of wisdom.

Napoleon said, "Nothing is impossible in my dictionary," and during his expedition to Egypt, he inspired the morale of his soldiers by saying, "Four thousand years are watching us from the top of the pyramids. When Alexander's staff advised him to launch a night raid, he stylishly refused, saying, "I will not steal victory." On his deathbed, when asked who would succeed him, he muttered, "To the strongest," and died.

In this respect, however, Julius Caesar is, after all, outstandingly superior. He crossed the Rubicon River with the determination that "the die has been cast," and he was assassinated with a brief letter from the Asian Minor Front saying, "I came, I saw, I won," and a final lament, "Brutus, you too? He was an eloquent speaker and a first-rate writer.

Shinchosha, Atouda Takashi, To Enjoy Shakespeare, p. 200

The die is cast, Crossing the Rubicon, I came, I saw, I won, Brutus, you too?

Some of these may ring a bell.

I myself did not think of the name Julius Caesar, but the Romanized real name of this man is Gaius Julius Caesar. In Romanized form, it is JULIUS CAESAR, and the difference in reading is the difference between Julius Caesar and Julius Caesar.

Okay, many people may hear "Caesar" and go, "Oh, that's what that means.

Once you understand this background, this work becomes all the more interesting.

Julius Caesar" was a work that left a strong impression on me. It was most interesting to read after knowing the synopsis and background. I highly recommend it.

Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" Synopsis - A masterpiece famous for Caesar's famous quote "Brutus, you too?

Antony and Cleopatra."

Antony and Cleopatra," above.Julius Caesar."This work is a sequel to

Antony's performance in the previous film was tremendous. His famous speeches were overwhelming and enthralling. It was a scene that clearly showed what an effective politician he is, and it left a very strong impression on me as well.

And now, "Antony and Cleopatra" is the story of such a talented politician Antony, but we see a different Antony from the previous one, a useless Antony.

Why does Antony, who was so capable, continue to roll down the slope of doom, and what is the cause, Cleopatra?

If you read this work in the vein of "Julius Caesar", you can feel the grand rise and fall of the Roman Empire, making it a very interesting work. It is a masterpiece that should be read in combination with "Julius Caesar".

Shakespeare's "Antony and Cleopatra" Synopsis and Comments - Set in the Roman Empire after the death of Caesar! A story of the rise and fall of a man addicted to love.

A Summer Night's Dream

This work will be a slapstick comedy about a love quadrangle between four young men and women and the fairies who stir it up even more.

As the title suggests, the story unfolds in a magical way that is exactly like dreaming.

The translator Tsunsen Fukuda said in his commentary, "The impression after reading the book is as fertile as a 'dream.

In fact, this work is such a satisfying experience.King Lear"andMacbeth."It is a work that can be enjoyed with a casual laugh rather than following a heavy storyline as in the case of

And in this work, I want to tell you especially about the relationship with the German composer Mendelssohn.

Mendelssohn, the great 19th century composer whose works we have previously mentioned in this blog, loved this work from childhood. At the age of 16, he played it with his brothers and friends, and by the time he was 17, he had completed the overture to "A Summer Night's Dream.

One can only marvel at Mendelssohn's overwhelming talent to complete this piece at the age of 17. It is no wonder that Mendelssohn is praised as a talent comparable to Mozart.

And I was surprised to see in the comments section of this video that this song was also used in the Doraemon movie. Indeed, I felt that way when I thought back on it. This was a surprise.

Mendelssohn remained attached to "A Summer Night's Dream," and between 1841 and 1843 he began working in earnest on the incidental music for this work.

And here is one of the most famous of the completed songs.

Everyone knows this melody from "A Summer Night's Dream," which was written by Mendelssohn for a wedding. This melody that everyone knows was written by Mendelssohn for "A Summer Night's Dream". I was really surprised when I learned this fact.

The fact that my favorite Mendelssohn loved this work makes me love "A Summer Night's Dream" even more.

A Summer Night's Dream" isHamlet."andOthello.", ,The Merchant of Venice.It may not be as well-known as some of his more famous works, such as the "Mendelssohn", but I love this work. But I love it. I might even say that it is my favorite piece now that I am hooked on Mendelssohn. It is just a funny and lovable work. The "spaniel" and the "stone wall" in this work are already so lovable. It is a dreamy and enjoyable play that makes your heart lighten up.

I never thought I would find a Shakespeare play that made me laugh so much. I will tell you more about why this play is so funny in this article, so please check out the link!

I would highly recommend this work!

Shakespeare's "A Summer Night's Dream" Synopsis and Comments - A slapstick comedy about lovers and fairies! Also recommended for Mendelssohn's famous overture

The Tempest.

The "storm" presented here is the one introduced above.A Summer Night's DreamIt is recorded with the

A Summer Night's Dream" is my favorite of Shakespeare's works, and the current work included with it, "Arashi," is equally easy and enjoyable to read.

It is the story of Prospero, Duke of Milan, who is deprived of his position, wealth, and everything else by his brother's schemes.

Prospero was originally the Grand Duke of Milan, a position that was practically king-like. However, he had little interest in politics and devoted himself to academic studies. He had a good temperament and was not suspicious of others, which left him open to anyone who wanted to take his place. As expected, he was targeted and his position was taken away by his younger brother and he was exiled.

Time passed, and the ship in which his brother, the current Grand Duke of Milan, the Grand Duke of Naples, and his party were boarding was caught in a storm and shipwrecked. They seemed to be doomed, but miraculously drifted ashore on an island.

The island was Prospero's island, and the storm and the drifting ashore were all orchestrated by Prospero's magic.

Prospero had learned to use magic after years of research. And with the help of Aerial, the wind fairy, this story is proceeding as Prospero intended.

What did Prospero want and what was the plot? That is what we, the readers, will be following.

In addition, the tragedy of "King Lear" runs behind "Arashi".

Prospero's situation is reminiscent of King Lear betrayed by his daughters and the Earl of Gloucester betrayed by his son.

In "King Lear," the story ends with these people being beaten into irredeemable despair, but in "Arashi," Prospero manages to regain his position and even reconcile with his enemies.

It is very significant that Shakespeare wrote such a finale, even though he used "magic" in a way that would be illegal in the real world. And this is the last work that Shakespeare wrote alone. It is also very meaningful that Shakespeare chose this story as the finale of his theatrical career.

I highly recommend this work together with "King Lear".

Shakespeare's "Arashi (The Tempest)" Synopsis and Impressions - A great play that is a counterpart to "King Lear"! A masterful play with a refreshing read!

As You Like It."

This is the story of Rosalind, a brilliant woman who plays a great role in the Forest of Arden. Among Shakespeare's works, there are not so many works in which a female protagonist plays an active role. This work is unique in that sense as well.

King Lear"andMacbeth."The tragedies of "A Night Dream in Summer" and "Arashi" are honestly heavy to read, and that heaviness is their greatest charm. But "Okaisumashimasu", "Natsu no Yoru no Yume", and "Arashi" are very easy to read and lighthearted. There is a lightness to them.

You can savor Shakespeare's connotative quotes or enjoy the lightness of the story.

I believe that the easy familiarity of this work is something to be appreciated, in my opinion.

I highly recommend this work.

Shakespeare's "As You Like It" Synopsis and Impressions - Famous for the quote "All the world's a stage"! A great success of the brilliant Rosalind!

Henry VIII.

Henry VIII was a real person who reigned as King of England from 1509 until his death in 1547.

He was also involved in one of the most important events in the history of England, when he established the Church of England in opposition to the Vatican due to his divorce from Queen Catherine, who had failed to produce a male heir.

Incidentally, Mary, born to Queen Catherine, is that Queen known as Bloody Mary, and Queen Elizabeth, born to his second wife, Anne Boleyn, is the Queen Elizabeth who leads England to prosperity.

The current work, "Henry VIII," will tell the story of the king's suffering and the rise and fall of his entourage, centered on his divorce.

Shakespeare's "Henry VIII" Synopsis and Comments - The rise and fall of the king and his entourage as they struggle to find an heir. The story of the birth of Queen Elizabeth.

Extra Edition: Atouda Takashi, "To Enjoy Shakespeare.

Shakespeare's most famous works include "Hamlet," "Macbeth," "Romeo and Juliet," and "The Merchant of Venice," but he produced too many masterpieces to list here.

However, if you try to read those masterpieces out of the blue, you will have a surprisingly difficult time.

This is because, as with Japanese Kabuki, it happens that unless you know the historical background, characters, and synopsis of the performance, it is difficult to get into the story right away.

Since Shakespeare's works are basically performed on stage, when you start reading, the story suddenly opens and begins with the characters' conversations.

It is also tactless for a play to have the performers explain the background of the stage in an explanatory tone after the play has just begun.

If you do not know the general outline and background of the story at the beginning, you will be left with no idea of who is trying to tell the story or what they are trying to say. If this is the case, you will not be able to understand the interest of the story, and you will probably end up reading the book.

Therefore, when reading Shakespeare's works, a certain amount of knowledge is necessary beforehand.

I recommend this book, "To Enjoy Shakespeare" by Atouda Takashi.

It will make you itch to read Shakespeare's works as soon as possible. It is such a fascinating story of Shakespeare's works.

I myself was helped very much by this book.

I started reading "Julius Caesar" without any explanation at first, but I couldn't get into the story and gave up!

I even now find "Julius Caesar" to be a particular favorite.

So much so that this book is a great help in reading Shakespeare.

Please read this book before reading Shakespeare. I assure you that your enjoyment of the story will be multiplied many times over.

Recommended for an introduction to Shakespeare! Atouda Takashi, "To Enjoy Shakespeare" - This will make Shakespeare a whole lot easier to read!

Extra Edition: Recommended plays from Sapporo! Gemmakidan "You Can't Hurry Love!

I have introduced Shakespeare's works so far, but when I think of Shakespeare, this "You Can't Hurry Love! is a play that I cannot miss.

I saw this play for the first time in Sapporo in 2018, and since then I have been completely hooked on it, and it has become my favorite play that I even traveled to Tokyo to see it two days in a row in 2019. Here is a brief synopsis

One day, Yuzaburo Okusaka, a university professor specializing in Shakespeare, whose own theory is that "love is nothing but an illusion," falls in "love" with the voice of a weather forecaster on the radio. Confused by his first emotion and blinded by the world around him, Okusaka throws away all his previous theories and runs wildly toward love! Will his first love, which comes too late and involves his student and assistant, be fulfilled?

Strings Band HP.

I felt satisfied and happy on the way home the day I saw this film for the first time!

It is a winter night in Sapporo. Naturally, it is snowing, and it is so cold that one feels as if one's body is shrinking.

But how refreshing it was to walk down the street! I still can't forget that winter nighttime road filled with that feeling of sheer happiness.

This work has a mysterious charm. There is a freshness that lightens the viewer's heart.

I have seen this play many times since that time, and no matter how many times I see it, its charm never fades.

I never get tired of it. Every time I go, I come back with energy.

This is a charm that can only be described as mysterious.

Watch it and you'll understand. We hope you will go see "You Can't Hurry Love! by the Gemma Orchestra. I guarantee it will cheer you up. I really recommend it.

Recommended plays from Sapporo! The String Orchestra "You Can't Hurry Love! A slapstick romantic comedy about a hard-nosed Shakespearean scholar!

Extra Edition Tsunsen Fukuda, "Ningen: Kono Drama naru Mono" (Man: This Dramatic Thing)

The author, Tsunsen Fukuda, is famous for his translations of Shakespeare's works, and I have always been a big fan of his work. I like the Shinchosha edition of Shakespeare's works introduced above and am always impressed by the cool lines and language.

The back cover says the following about the book

Human beings do not just want to live. There is a life of consciousness on a different level from real life. No theory of life or happiness is possible without it. These are words that resonate in our hearts and capture the essence of human nature. The key word, "dramatic human existence," is used to explain the complex and troubling emotions of love, freedom, individuality, and happiness....... A timeless treatise on the human condition, a must for young people lost in "life.

Shinchosha, Tsunsen Fukuda, Ningen: Kono Dramatic Narumono (Ningen: This Dramatic Thing), back cover

The book shares the views on humanity and life of Tsunenobu Fukuda, a leading translator, playwright, and critic.

This book was first published in 1956 and is still in heavy print. Even today, it does not feel old at all.

What is self, what is individuality, what is freedom?

I recommend this book to get to the root of what we are all about. I highly recommend it! I hope you will pick up a copy.

We will discuss the book in more detail in this article, so please take a look at it.

Tsunsen Fukuda's "Ningen, Kono Dramatic Narimono" (Man, This Dramatic Thing) is a famous book by the playwright famous for his translation of Shakespeare! Don't believe in individuality, for human beings seek the inevitable.

Extra Edition Akiko Kumai, "Shakespeare's Town: The Four Seasons of Stratford-upon-Avon"

The book is about Shakespeare's hometown of Stratford-upon-Avon, England.

Shakespeare's hometown is a town just between London and Manchester.

In this book, the author, who loves this town, introduces the spring, summer, fall, and winter of Shakespeare's hometown in a fun way.

What I always feel when reading this book is the author's love for this town. You can tell that the author really loves this town. It is a wonderful book full of warmth that makes you smile when you read it.

I like Shakespeare too, but this book makes me want to go there so badly already. In that sense, it may be a dangerous book in a way. lol I can't wait to go there.

What I appreciate about this book is that it not only describes the scenery and recommendations of this town, but also provides a lot of useful information for your stay.

It is full of practical and useful information such as which hotels are recommended, which restaurants are good, what kind of spending time is recommended, etc. I appreciate this. I think the information is very valuable because the author has spent a lot of time in the area as a traveler.

In that aspect, this book is one that I highly recommend.

It was a dusty and comfortable time for reading.

Akiko Kumai, "Shakespeare's Town: The Four Seasons of Stratford-upon-Avon" This will make you want to visit the area!

Extra Edition Kazuko Matsuoka, "Deep Reading Shakespeare

This book isChikuma Shobo's translation of Shakespeare's complete worksThe work is by Kazuko Matsuoka, famous for her

Kazuko Matsuoka's work has previously been discussed inKazuko Matsuoka, "Shakespeare in All Seasons" - A gem of a collection of essays that teaches the depth and joy of Shakespeare's plays!article.

After reading this book, I strongly felt that I wanted to read more of Matsuoka's books, so I picked up a copy of this book, "Deep Reading Shakespeare.

And this book was amazing...! Honestly, it was enough to change my view of Shakespeare all over again.

And as I mentioned in the title of the book, I was impressed by the superb actors! I have always had a longing for and respect for actors, and reading this book has strengthened that feeling.

It is easy to see how Shakespeare captured the subtleties of human nature with such precision. I myself was full of awe at this work.

It was a tremendous shock to me early in the year 2023. This is a great book, one of the best books of all time, and I highly recommend it. I highly recommend you to pick up a copy.

Kazuko Matsuoka, "Deep Reading Shakespeare" - A masterpiece that can only amaze you with its depth of translation and drama, and the power of its actors!

Extra Edition Shoichiro Kawai, "Shakespeare's Identity.

In fact, I had misunderstood its content until I actually picked up the piece.

The works with exciting titles such as "The Truth about the True Zero," "The Zero that No One Knows," and "The True Zero" abound. I am the true 00! The conventional wisdom is false! I saw this book as a book in that vein.

Indeed, the title alone is "Shakespeare's Identity," which is exactly what I mentioned above.

I had never had any doubts about Dr. Shoichiro Kawai, as he has helped me with his translations and commentaries on Shakespeare, but I had not been able to get my hands on this book.

But when I read this book, I was surprised. This book is a hard-boiled work that confronts the "00 truth" gossip and conspiracy theories that abound in the marketplace! This was a surprise.

I can't tell you how many times I wanted to applaud and say "Bravo! I can't tell you how many times I wanted to cheer and say, "Bravo! (Thanks to soccer, it's harder to use this bravo, but still...)

It's hard to find such a poignant book. I really regret not picking it up before now.

Well, it is a wonderful work! This is a great book that I would highly, highly recommend! I highly recommend you to pick it up.

Shoichiro Kawai, "Shakespeare's Identity" - A masterful book that confronts the different theories and conspiracy theories head-on using historical background and careful reading of the material!

Extra Edition: Yoshio Nakano, "The Fun of Shakespeare.

This work is a very direct and extremely interesting work, "A famous translator talks about the fun of Shakespeare".

The reader of Shakespeare's works should first of all wipe out of his mind any idea that he is a great writer of ancient times, or that his works are immortal classics. He should read Shakespeare as if he were reading a new play written by someone, at best, an unknown author attached to a popular play in Asakusa.

You don't have to read Shakespeare because he is a great writer, or because he is a masterpiece of the classics, or because he is a masterpiece of the classics! Just simply watch, read, and feel the play! That's how people enjoyed Shakespeare's plays in those days.

When I hear that, I think, "Ah! I see!" I feel strongly about it.

This book is a very gratifying work of Shakespearean enjoyment. It will definitely make Shakespeare more accessible. I highly recommend this work.

Yoshio Nakano, "The Fun of Shakespeare" - A great book that makes Shakespeare much more accessible! I was unintentionally reminded of Tokyo03


So far we have recommended some of Shakespeare's best works.

The works introduced here are all quite royal. Most of these works are well known and are often performed on stage.

But Shakespeare still has many more works. But there are many more Shakespearean works.

Last May (2021), "All's Well that Ends Well" starring Tatsuya Fujiwara and Satomi Ishihara was performed.

Here is an overview of this performance from the official website.

Since its inception in 1998, the Sainokuni Shakespeare Series, under artistic director Yukio Ninagawa, has presented a succession of high-profile productions in Japan and abroad, aiming for a complete production of all 37 Shakespeare plays. The series resumed with "The Athenian Timon" in December of the following year. The series was given a further boost with the production of "Henry VIII" in February of last year, which was highly acclaimed for its directorial skills.

However, in the aftermath of the worldwide outbreak of the new coronavirus infection, the last four performances in Saitama were cancelled, and this also affected "King John," the 36th in the series scheduled to be performed in June, forcing the cancellation of all performances.

Under unprecedented circumstances that still persist, the series finally reaches its final production, the 37th installment of "All's Well that Ends Well". The charming characters essential to Shakespeare's comedies, centering on Helen, an orphan of different status who falls in love with the young Earl Bertram, are all present. Bertram runs the gamut, and Helen's single-minded love for him keeps you riveted to the end of the play. The finale will be presented by Kotaro Yoshida, who has a deep knowledge of Shakespeare's works, and a splendid cast that will make this a fitting finale.

Don't miss the moment when the curtain comes down on "all's well that ends well."

Stage "All's Well that Ends WellOfficial HP.

This stage is a theater series that started under the direction of Yukio Ninagawa and is currently being performed with Kotaro Yoshida taking over as director. As explained above, Shakespeare's works are performed every year.

*Addition on January 16, 2023

This January 2023, I will be the first in this Sai-No-Kuni Shakespeare series.King John"I have seen the play. I share my impressions of it in the following article.

Incidentally, I also got to see "Henry VIII" mentioned above last year. It was a wonderful play starring Hiroshi Abe. I would be happy if you could read the two together.

There is some other Shakespeare play being performed almost every day in Tokyo. Although it is difficult to do so now due to the corona, the world of Shakespeare is closer to us than we think.

."Tokyo Suburbs Shakespeare Play ScheduleThe schedule for the lecture is posted on a website called "The Japan Foundation" and we hope you will check it out.

I am sure you will be amazed at how familiar the world of Shakespeare is to you.

We invite you to experience the world of Shakespeare.

These are the 12 recommended works of Shakespeare - both stage and book are interesting! The charm of Shakespeare".

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