Don Quixote

Hamlet and Don QuixoteTurgenev, the great Russian writer

Turgenev's "Hamlet and Don Quixote" Synopsis and Comments - Recommended for an introduction to Turgenev's literary views.

This piece is a paper in which Turgenev expresses his thoughts on Hamlet and Don Quixote.

For Turgenev, these two characters were a very important influence in the creation of his works, and their faces are everywhere in his works.

Turgenev's juxtaposition of Hamlet and Don Quixote highlights the two characters.

Turgenev sees the Hamlet type, who is always fretting about himself, and the Don Quixote type, who always acts for the good of others.

Turgenev, the great Russian writer

Introducing the life and major works of Turgenev, the great Russian writer - a human portrait of Turgenev, author of "Aibiki", "First Love" and "Father and Son".


In addition, Turgenev's literature is highly acclaimed throughout the world as a work of art.

I feel that by reading Turgenev we can also see what art as literature is, and what Dostoevsky's power of thought is that complements it.


Pickwick ClubDickens, England's greatest writer

Dickens' "The Pickwick Club" Synopsis and Impressions - A powerful influence on Dostoevsky's "The Idiot"! 19th century British version of Don Quixote!

This work was written with Cervantes' "Don Quixote" in mind, and was also a great influence on Dostoevsky's masterpiece "The Idiot.

Those who read it in England at the time laughed out loud, and the whole of England looked forward to seeing Mr. Pickwick in action week after week.

Of Dickens' works, "The Pickwick Club" is the most important for studying Dostoevsky.

I had not heard of this work until recently, but after reading it, I was convinced that it was a very interesting work.

IvanhoeBritish and German Literature, History and Culture

Walter Scott's "Ivanhoe" Synopsis and Comments - Robin Foot and the Black Knight in action! A chivalric tale at its best!


その代表作である『アイヴァンホー』は騎士道物語の王道であり、「THE 勧善懲悪物語」であります。






Javert.To enjoy "Les Miserables" even more

Three advantages of long novels and reading - Now is the time to read a masterpiece! What I felt after reading "Les Miserables

What image comes to mind when you think of long novels?

Classics. Difficult. Long. Boring. Hard to read...etc. You may not have a good image of them.

This is especially true when it comes to classics by famous authors from a long time ago.



idiocyDostoevsky's works

Dostoevsky's "The Moron" Synopsis and Comments - The Creation of Christ - Deep Relationship with Don Quixote and Remise

Although it aims to portray Christ as "an unconditionally beautiful human being," it is more than enough to enjoy without any knowledge of Christianity. (Of course, it is better to know about it to appreciate it more deeply.)

It is such an outstanding work of fiction and art.

Although it is a work that has not been shown much in the shadows of Crime and Punishment, it is very highly regarded as one of Dostoevsky's masterpieces. It is interesting. I strongly recommend it.

Shinran and Dostoevsky

My Round-the-World Journey, Don Quixote's Ideals, and Dostoevsky: My Encounter with Dostoevsky (3)

After returning from my trip around the world in 2019, I met many children through temple events.

And they led to my reunion with Dostoevsky. This was my second encounter with Dostoevsky.

From this time to the present, I have continued my research on Dostoevsky.

As I studied him, it became clear that Dostoevsky and Shinran Shonin, the founder of Jodo Shinshu, had remarkable things in common. The meaning of studying Dostoevsky is becoming more and more significant.

TanzaniaCuba Edition

A journey through what religion is all about! 11 articles recommended by monks for the best circumnavigation of the world! (Religion and Philosophy section)

A journey through what religion is all about! 11 articles recommended by a monk's choice for the world's most round-the-world trip! (Religion & Thought) In the previous article, I introduced my recommendations for travelogues. In this article, I would like to continue with the 11 articles I recommend in the Religion & Thought section...

CubaCuba Edition

The Unexpected Relationship Between Che Guevara's Mausoleum in Santa Clara and Don Quixote, Cuba (7)

Santa Clara is a city inextricably linked to Che Guevara.

Che Guevara, whom I came to know while studying Cuban history.

A revolutionary warrior in pursuit of his ideals. The most respected revolutionary in the world.

Why does he attract so many people from all over the world?

In the course of my research on him, I came to learn something.

It was the fact that Che Guevara's favorite book was Don Quixote and that he was greatly influenced by Don Quixote's life.

In this article, I will discuss the relationship between Guevara and "Don Quixote" and my experience visiting Guevara's grave.