Turgenev's Encounter with Dostoevsky: The Beginning of a Fate

Turgenev, the great Russian writer

Turgenev's Encounter with Dostoevsky: The Beginning of a Fate

Turgenev (1818-1883)Wikipedia.




時は1845年、ドストエフスキーがデビュー作The Poor.を完成させ、批評家ベリンスキーに激賞されたことで一躍文壇のニュースターとなった頃のお話です。その頃、ツルゲーネフは期待の若手としてすでに文壇で活躍し始めていました。

On November 16, 1845, he wrote to Mikhail (*Dostoevsky's brother).

No, Nii-san, there has never been a time when my fame has been as high as it is now. I have received incredible respect everywhere, and the curiosity about me has been tremendous. I have been introduced to countless people, even to their personalities. (I have been introduced to countless people, including dignitaries.)

Everyone treats me as a miracle. I can't even talk, lest someone here or there mention that Dostoevsky said this or that, or that Dostoevsky is about to do that. Belinsky loves me more than I can think of ......"

His friendship with Turgenev, a handsome aristocrat, particularly tickled the budding writer's self-esteem.

Just recently, the poet Turgenev (I am sure you have heard of him) came back from Paris and developed a strong attachment and friendship for me, which Belinsky explained as Turgenev having fallen in love with me. But, Nii-san, what a wonderful person you are! I almost fell in love with him myself.

Poet, gifted, aristocrat, handsome, rich, wise, cultured, and twenty-five years old - it is hard to imagine what heaven did not give him.

In addition, she has a straightforward and beautiful personality, built up by a solid upbringing. ......"

The long-standing feud between Dostoevsky and Turgenev began when they fell in love with each other.

The pathologically egotistical writer suddenly entered "high society" from the dreary environment of the Mariinsky Hospital, the closed world of the military academy, and a time of poverty and obscurity.

He is fascinated by Turgenev's aristocracy. This aristocracy, which is nothing else but aristocratism, soon becomes irresistible to him.
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Motuliski.A Critical Biography of Dostoevsky.松下裕・松下恭子訳P53-54




And his second filmDual personalities (alter egos)."が発表されるとその作品は文壇から激しく非難されます。デビュー作の『貧しき人びと』で天国を味わったドストエフスキーが今度は地の底に叩きつけられることになります。


The young writer's vanity and haughty, challenging attitude drove the literati away from him. Relentless slanderous attacks began, ridicule and satirical poetry were hurled at him.

In the custom of the literary circles of the time, such "chasing away" was often carried out. Avdoucha Panayeva writes

It would be a disaster if young writers were to join the circle and become the object of criticism. But Dostoevsky, as if on purpose, invited such an occasion with his irritability and his arrogant attitude of flaunting his talent as if he were better than anyone else.

There, he began to take down the shelves, and his constant innuendos irritated his self-esteem. Turgenev was particularly adept at this.

He deliberately gets Dostoevsky involved in a controversy and brings him to the verge of exploding. Dostoevsky forgets the back and forth and leaps to excuse his ridiculous opinions, which he had spouted in a fit of passion. Turgenev takes advantage of the situation and makes fun of him.

Dostoevsky became a paranoid man. He believed that everyone was coveting his talent, and every casual word he said was an attempt to belittle his work and insult him.

He would come to our house with seething hatred and burst into a tantrum that made him feel suffocated, taunting the naysayers with one word or another.

But people did not tolerate this sick, nervous man, but irritated him more and more with all kinds of ridicule.

Grigorowicz's description of the pain he inflicted on the "sick man."

The unexpected turn of events, from venerating the author of "The Poor People" to immediately and irredeemably slamming his literary talent, would have been enough to make even a person as sensitive and self-esteemed as Dostoevsky despair. He soon began to avoid the people in Belinsky's circle, retreating into his own shell even more than before and becoming extremely irritable.

When he met Turgenev, Dostoevsky, unfortunately, could not restrain himself and vented his seething anger, saying, "I am not afraid of any of you, watch now, I will trample you all in the mud.... .......

After a dispute with Turgenev, Dostoevsky finally parted company with Belinsky's circle. Since then, he has never set foot in the circles of Belinsky. He was bombarded with alarming and satirical poems, and accused of having an astonishing self-esteem and of being jealous of Gogol.
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Motulisky, "Critical Biography of Dostoevsky," translated by Yutaka Matsushita and Kyoko Matsushita, p.64-65




Motulisky, "Critical Biography of Dostoevsky," translated by Yutaka Matsushita and Kyoko Matsushita, p.67











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水声社 アンリ・トロワイヤ 市川裕見子訳『トゥルゲーネフ伝』P44-45







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