Synopsis and Impressions of Dostoevsky's Masterpiece "Crime and Punishment" - Experience Dostoevsky's black magic in this work.

crime and punishment Dostoevsky's works

Summary and synopsis of Dostoevsky's masterpiece "Crime and Punishment

Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881)Wikipedia.

Crime and Punishment is a full-length novel published in 1866. It is a well-known masterpiece of Dostoevsky.

I read "Crime and Punishment" translated by Seiichiro Kudo, published by Shinchosha Publishing.

Let's take a quick look at the book.

Raskolnikov, a poor university student with a sharp mind, plans to harm a greedy old loan shark and put her wealth to good use on the theory that one small crime can be compensated by a hundred good deeds, but he also kills her sister who happens to be there. This unexpected second murder weighs heavily on Raskolnikov's mind, and he must find himself in a miserable state of guilt. (Vol. 1)

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Driven by anxiety and fear and unable to bear the scruples of his conscience, Raskolnikov is moved by the self-sacrificing lifestyle of Sonya, a prostitute he met by chance, and finally gives himself up to the law. -The 1860s were marked by the emergence of the intelligentsia in the history of Russian thought, and this work is of immortal value as a book of humanism that predicts the stupor of young people's thought in the midst of a radical change of values and appeals to their intense desire for human restoration. (lower volume)

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The main plot of the film is about a young man named Raskolnikov who kills an old moneylender and her sister, and the psychological struggles he goes through.

The commentary at the end of the book describes the elements of "Crime and Punishment" as follows

About "Crime and Punishment

This is a work of many elements. First, there is the mystery element. It takes the form of an intellectual confrontation between Raskolnikov, the criminal, and Porfiry, the preliminary judge.

The killer is known to the reader, and the preliminary judge is trying to track him down, in the manner of the original "Columbo. There are three confrontations, and tense, gripping scenes unfold.

Next is the social genre picture element. Some sociologists believe that the main character of the novel is Petersburg, and the realistic depiction of downtown Petersburg in the summer of the 1860s and the customs of the people living there make the novel a valuable resource from this aspect as well.

Furthermore, the elements of a love story. This takes the form of a confrontation of beliefs between the murderer Raskolnikov and the holy prostitute Sonya, with love at the core. There is also the love-hate, subtle psychological conflict between Svidrigailov, a hopeless nihilist, and Dunya, Raskolnikov's sister.

Then, of course, there is the element of thought fiction. Because it can be read in a variety of ways, you will be infected with an unusual enthusiasm as you read it, and when you finish reading it, you will find yourself thinking about it. This is that kind of novel.
Some line breaks have been made.

Shinchosha, translated by Seiichiro Kudo, Crime and Punishment, vol. 2, p. 492

Crime and Punishment" is a novel that, as described in this commentary, is full of elements of mystery, social genre, love, thought, and psychology.

Moreover, there are not only various elements, but each of them is also deep and profound...!

As Mr. Kudo says, "As you read the book, you are infected with an unusual enthusiasm, and when you finish reading it, you can't help but think about it.

The story of the protagonist Raskolnikov's suffering and the various characters are depicted with unusual intensity.

When Dostoevsky finished this novel, his life was at rock bottom.

I can't tell you more about it here, but he wrote from morning to night locked in his room in extreme conditions, mentally and physically, "while being burned by something like a fever," he said.

It is now the realm of madness.

This work, written in one fell swoop by such a monster Dostoevsky, has a black-magical magic.

I don't know how to explain this magic, but anyway,Read on to find out.Seeing is believing. Think you've been fooled and read it first. It is worth it. I am sure you will understand the meaning of black magic. I think this will be a rare reading experience.


We have been summarizing the overview, synopsis, and impressions of Dostoevsky's works on our blog, and now it is time to start with this "Crime and Punishment" to Dostoevsky's five major works ("Crime and Punishment"The Moron.Evil Spirits."Minors."The Brothers Karamazov.(1).

It is difficult even to summarize Dostoevsky's works in a concise manner, but the five major works from this point on are even more difficult to do so.

There are so many points that we would like to introduce that it would be impossible to do so in a single article.

If we were to go into the ideological aspect and the story behind it, it would be enough to write a book in no time at all.

That is how rich and dense the five major feature films we will introduce here are.

Therefore, I will not go that deep into the contents and background in the "Summary, Synopsis, and Impressions" article, even though I cry about it. If I start to write, I think I will be heading straight for the ditch.

I would like to write another article later on the detailed contents, explanations, and points to enjoy the work more, so please give me some time.

Please read this piece. Read it and you will understand. You will understand why this book has been read as a masterpiece. We invite you to fall under the spell of Dostoevsky's black magic.

The above is a synopsis of Dostoevsky's masterpiece "Crime and Punishment" and my impression - if you want to experience Dostoevsky's black magic, this is the film for you.

*Addition on January 19, 2024

Crime and Punishment" was written by the French writer BalzacOld Gorio."The company has been strongly influenced by the

Rastignak is quite similar to Raskolnikov, the protagonist of this film "Crime and Punishment" and "Old Gorio".

Raskolnikov was an impoverished student from the countryside who came out of the countryside to succeed, and to break out of his dead-end situation he killed a mean old moneylender to get some money.

Rastignak, on the other hand, was a young man who had moved to the glamorous city of Paris to become a lawyer. Like Raskolnikov, he felt that he had reached a dead end in his studies. So he wondered what he could do to succeed more quickly. These thoughts soon began to occupy his mind.

From this point on, their paths differ. It is very interesting to compare the reading of "Crime and Punishment" and "Grandpa Goriot" to see the difference between what is Russian and what is Parisian. I thought about this in the following article. We hope you will find it useful.

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