What should I read Dostoevsky first? What is the recommended reading order?

Dostoevsky Dostoevsky's works

What should I read Dostoevsky first? What is the recommended reading order?

Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881)Wikipedia.

Dostoevsky is a Russian literary master along with Tolstoy.

Speaking of Dostoevsky.Crime and Punishment."andThe Brothers Karamazov.He is an overwhelming giant who has left behind such literary masterpieces as "The Last of Us," "The Last of Us," and "The Last of Us," which are well known in the literary world. His works plumb the depths of the human psyche, opening up to us a profound and chaotic world. His stories, woven with his unique narrative style and strong personalities, have an indescribable black magic charm. I was one of those who were fascinated by his black magic.

But there is a big problem with Dostoevsky.

That is the question, "I want to read Dostoevsky, but what on earth should I start with? Is there a recommended order?

This is a problem that many people who want to read Dostoevsky for the first time may have trouble with.

Indeed, this is a difficult problem.

Many of you may have tried reading "Crime and Punishment" or "The Brothers Karamazov" because they are "famous works," but failed at an early stage.

Recently I have also been asked by a student if "Crime and Punishment" is easy to read? Where should I start? Can I read Dostoevsky? This is a very difficult question.

Frankly speaking, it is quite challenging for a novice reader to suddenly read "Crime and Punishment" or "The Brothers Karamazov". If you are a seasoned reader, I would answer that you can start from anything, but if you are not, I would start with Dostoevsky.The Record of the House of Death."is recommended.

The Record of the House of Death."is just easy to read. Moreover, the story is divided into chapters, so the tempo is good. The names of the characters and the plot of the story are also much clearer and easier to understand than those of the five major feature stories.

It was also the basis for his later five major novels. This work is therefore an excellent introduction to Dostoevsky.

And if possible, I recommend reading some commentaries before going into the longer works such as "Crime and Punishment," "The Idiot," "Evil Spirits," "The Brothers Karamazov," etc. You will enjoy reading them far more than if you simply read them.

I recommend the book by Yasuyuki TakahashiGreek Orthodoxy."and Huderi's bookThe Dostoevskii Legacy.Written by Seiro SatoThe Viewer and the Seeker: Turgenev and Dostoevsky.It is.

In "Greek Orthodoxy" by Yasuyuki Takahashi, we can learn about the relationship between Dostoevsky and Christianity. We tend to think of Christianity as Roman Catholicism or Protestantism, but Dostoevsky was a believer in Russian Orthodoxy. Without this knowledge of Russian Orthodoxy, it is difficult to see the religious stories preached in Dostoevsky's works.

This is especially true in "The Brothers Karamazov". The biggest climax, "The Grand Inquisitor's Chapter," is the very heart of Dostoevsky's religious theory. Since "Crime and Punishment" also has a large religious component, I strongly recommend reading "Greek Orthodoxy" as an introductory book.

The next book, "The Legacy of Dostoevsky" by Fudeli, discusses Dostoevsky's works along with his life. It is very thorough and easy to understand in terms of deepening one's understanding of his works. The work reads like a biography and is very useful in learning about his life.

This is the best book to learn about Dostoevsky's image as a Russian Orthodox religious figure.

And then there is "The Watcher and the Seeker: Turgenev and Dostoevsky" by Seiro Sato. This is another great book among great books. It is my favorite reference book.

The book is an attempt to take a fresh look at the literary styles of the two men, focusing on the temperaments and personalities of Turgenev, the "watcher," and Dostoevsky, the "seeker," as the title suggests.

The book is unique above all in that it reveals the differences between Turgenev and Dostoevsky through their lives and works.

Turgenev, the calm, middle-of-the-road observer, and Dostoevsky, the impassioned seeker who has to be thorough in everything he does.

The author will discuss why the two took such different paths and where the differences in their styles came from. It is best to read this reference book after reading the works of both Dostoevsky and Turgenev, but even if you have never read them at all, it is very interesting to learn about their differences. This commentary is also a wonderful compass for those who want to read Dostoevsky in the future.

I feel that reading these commentaries and getting to know the general framework of Dostoevsky before plunging into the five major works will make for a more enjoyable reading experience.

Also highly recommended here is a biography by Dostoevsky's wifeDostoevsky in Recollection."It is.

It was "The Brothers Karamazov" that inspired me to study Dostoevsky.

But it was this "Dostoevsky in Recollection" that made me fall in love with Dostoevsky from the bottom of my heart.

And then there is Dostoevsky and his wife Anna's trip to Western Europe, which is preached in the book. This struck a chord with me. After their honeymoon, they left Russia and traveled to Europe. Their destiny would change dramatically during their four-year stay in Western Europe. Without this trip, the great works that followed "Moron" would never have been produced, namely "Evil Spirits," "The Minor," and "The Brothers Karamazov. That is how significant this trip was for Dostoevsky.

Above all, through this journey, the two were strongly connected, and Dostoevsky was able to enjoy a happy family life that was completely different from the life he had spent suffering through the first half of his life. Dostoevsky may have a heavy and gloomy image, but in his later years, he was happy. This was a fact that greatly helped me.

And now that I have been studying Dostoevsky for more than four years already, I feel strongly. I like Dostoevsky with his wife Anna."

Dostoevsky's novels are interesting. And above all, they are profound. It has had a tremendous impact on my life as a monk.

But this biography of Madame Anna had no less a huge impact on me. It is thanks to this book that I fell in love with Dostoevsky from the bottom of my heart. I loved this biography so much that last year, in 2022, I went on a tour of the places mentioned in this biography. The record of that trip isDostoevsky and His Wife's Fateful Journey: Travels in Western Europe in Madness and Love.The article will be called.

Read "Death House Records" first, then read some of the commentaries from there, and then go into your favorite full-length book. This is the process I recommend.

We hope you will find the following article a useful reference for Dostoevsky's recommendations.

Dostoevsky is interesting! There is no doubt about this.

However, it is also a fact that you may be turned back if you rush in in the dark. To avoid such dangers, reading a "good manual" can be a very effective means.

We hope that you will enjoy your time with Dostoevsky's works.

These are the questions in "What should I read Dostoevsky first? Any recommendations on the order in which to read them?" The above is "What is the recommended reading order of Dostoevsky?

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