Shakespeare, a treasure trove of masterpieces

Greek tragedyShakespeare, a treasure trove of masterpieces

Kazuhiko Tange, "Greek Tragedy" - Recommended introductory book to learn the depth of Greek tragedy.

In this work, you will first learn about the origins of Greek tragedy and its flow in the introduction.

From there, the flow of the book, in chronological order, examines the depth of Greek tragedy through the works of Aeschylus, Sopocles, and Euripides, the major figures in Greek tragedy. I appreciated this because it explains very clearly how the content of tragedy changed over time.

Greek tragedies are well-known by name, but their contents are not well known. This is a recommended introductory book to learn the depth of Greek tragedy.

Shakespeare, a treasure trove of masterpieces

Akihiko Ogita, "The Stage Speaks" - A book that provides background on the Shakespeare boom in Japan! Also recommended to learn about the currents of contemporary theater!

This book is the counterpart to "Contemporary Theatre in Japan," which was introduced in the previous article.

It was a pleasure to hear about the Shiki Theater Company, "Les Miserables" and other musicals that I also love.

And most importantly, it was a great opportunity to learn about the flow of Shakespeare's plays in Japan. The historical background of Shakespeare's boom in Japan was very interesting. The appearance of translator Takeshi Odajima and director Norio Deguchi, and the existence of the Shakespeare Theatre, of which Kotaro Yoshida was a member. The influence of Peter Brook, Trevor Nunn, and other prominent foreign playwrights. And the innovative direction of Yukio Ninagawa.

You can listen to Mr. Ogita's masterful commentary on these processes.

Shakespeare, a treasure trove of masterpieces

Yuriko Akishima, "Yukio Ninagawa and Shakespeare" - A recommended book that summarizes Ninagawa's Shakespearean stage productions.

This book is a look at Shakespeare's works directed by Yukio Ninagawa with commentary.

The episodes of each production are very interesting and make you want to actually see that play. This book will give you an insight into the depth of theater production and the fun of Shakespeare's works.

I am also watching a little bit of Shakespeare directed by Ninagawa-san on DVD. It is very interesting. I wish from the bottom of my heart that I could have seen it live.

This is a gratifying overview of Ninagawa's Shakespeare. We encourage you to pick up a copy.

Shakespeare, a treasure trove of masterpieces

Shoichiro Kawai, "Shakespeare: Master of the Theatre of Life" - A recommended introduction to the life and historical background of the master and the characteristics of his works!

This book will give you an insight into Shakespeare's life and historical background. After all, if you know the historical background, you will see his works differently. And don't miss chapter 4, "Shakespeare's Magic. The secret of Shakespeare's fun is revealed here. If you read this book, you will be surprised to find yourself saying "I see...! You will definitely want to hit your knees and say, "I see!

If you have never read Shakespeare before, this is a great place to start. It will surely make you want to read Shakespeare's works.

Shakespeare, a treasure trove of masterpieces

Kazuko Matsuoka, "Reading with 'Things': Introductory Shakespeare" - This and that of Shakespeare's works that you will enjoy more if you notice them!

When we think of Shakespeare's works, we tend to focus on the eloquent lines and dramatic storylines, but in this book, we learn that the detailed "things" that appear in the book are actually as eloquent as the lines.

This is a wonderful book that will give you a chance to enjoy Shakespeare's works more. Why not pick up a copy?

Shakespeare, a treasure trove of masterpieces

Shakespeare's "All's Well that Ends Well" Synopsis and Comments - The question is whether all is really well that ends well.

To begin with, I like the title of this piece, "All's Well that Ends Well".

I love this saying. No matter what kind of life we live, if we are able to live a good life at the end of it, it is "all's well that ends well. This is something I feel strongly about after reading "Les Miserables," Zola's "Lugon Makkar Series," and the great works of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy.

But the end of the play is not so "all's well that ends well". I can almost picture Shakespeare smiling and saying, "It's not that sweet.

Shakespeare, a treasure trove of masterpieces

Shakespeare's "The Winter's Tale" Synopsis and Thoughts - Tragedy and an unexpected ending brought on by sudden, maniacal jealousy!

The Winter's Tale" is recommended as a set with Kazuko Matsuoka's "Deep Reading Shakespeare.

If I had not read Matsuoka-san's commentary, my impression of this work would have been completely different. The jealousy of Leontees is just too abrupt. And the intensity of the jealousy is out of the ordinary. I would have been left behind by this suddenness and intensity.

But after reading "Shakespeare in Depth," I learned that this jealousy has great meaning. And that suddenly made me feel that this work is profound.

Shakespeare, a treasure trove of masterpieces

Shakespeare's "Cymbeline" Synopsis and Comments - Love is not to be tried. A tumultuous romance play from Shakespeare's late period.

This piece is quite a moving piece. The synopsis, "Inojen is in a state of suspended animation from drugs and beside her is the headless corpse of her husband," is overloaded with information! (Laughs) This is a roller coaster of a work that just deserves to be described as "a masterpiece of romance drama.

It has a different charm from major works such as "Hamlet" and "King Lear". Why not pick up a copy?

Shakespeare, a treasure trove of masterpieces

Shakespeare's "Pericles" Synopsis and Comments - Shakespeare's first masterpiece romance play with a dramatic storyline!

The Pericles marks the beginning of the "Romance Drama" era that Shakespeare reached after such profound tragic works as "King Lear" and "Macbeth".

When I read "Pericles" I was struck by how brilliant it is. I can't tell you how many times I got goosebumps. It is now at the top of my Shakespeare ranking. It's a fun play. I highly recommend it.

Shakespeare, a treasure trove of masterpieces

Shakespeare's "Troilus and Cressida" Synopsis and Comments - Those heroes talk and talk and talk in the world of the Greek mythology "Iliad"!

Troilus and Cressida" is a gorgeous work that features more and more of the famous heroes from that Greek myth, "The Iliad.

And how well the heroes of this work speak!

Where are those rugged, brave, manly heroes of "The Iliad"? The exchange of words, words, words, as is typical of Shakespeare! The way he speaks makes you want to laugh and wonder, "Are these really the heroes of Greek mythology?

But this is also good, isn't it? It's because it's Shakespeare that we can get this human touch!

The audience at that time must have applauded Shakespeare for showing an all-star battle of the Greek mythological heroes that everyone knew.