(14) To Zola's house in Medan, a suburb of Paris - with the gentle stream of the Seine loved by the great writers of France.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

Paris Travelogue] (14) Visit to Zola's House in Medan, a suburb of Paris - With the gentle stream of the Seine loved by the great writers of France

We have talked about Zola in the past, but now it is time to introduce Emile Zola's house in Medan, a suburb of Paris.

The easiest way to get to Medan, where Zola's house is located, is to take a train from Saint-Lazare station in Paris.

Saint-Lazare station in Zola.The Beastmaster.But it is a large terminal known for its setting and for the impressionist painter Monet, who painted this station.

The nearest station, Villennes-Sur-Seine, is approximately less than 30 minutes away.

Arrive at the station. From here, we walked. According to the navigation system, it takes about 25 minutes to get there. Basically, don't expect to take a bus or cab from this station. Be prepared to walk.

Medan is an upscale residential area in the suburbs of Paris, so it has a quiet atmosphere. Moreover, there seemed to be no one there in August, the month I visited, because it was vacation time.

Still, there were no people around, and after walking for more than 10 minutes, I still hadn't passed anyone. Not even a car was coming. I am getting more and more anxious as I walk. The navigation system on my phone is not in a good mood, and I am walking on a hunch.

After about 20 minutes of anxious walking, we finally found a sign that looked like it. Finally, we found a sign that looked like it. Zora's house is close.

This park? s many private photos of Zola were on display, which was very interesting.

We started walking for about 30 minutes. We lost our way a little bit, but it was tolerable. Finally, we arrived at Zora's house.

Enter the grounds and complete the entry procedures immediately. You cannot enter Zola's house on your own. You must sign up for a group tour directly from the website. I had signed up for the English tour, but that tour was suddenly cancelled, so I had no choice but to join the French tour. I have no idea what they are talking about anymore, but if I can get in, that's all the better.

This is a full view of Zola's house. This is indeed the pride of France's literary giants. It is a magnificent house. Unlike Balzac, Zola was a very solid man. He wasNana."The sales exploded with the book, and from there, each time a book was published, he gradually bought more property and lived in the magnificent house that he lives in today.

Well, the tour begins. We follow our French guide into Zora's house.

As one would expect from Zola. The guest room is incredibly luxurious as soon as you enter. It has an intellectual atmosphere. This is exactly the kind of room you would expect from a literary giant with a deep knowledge of art and culture.

Many literary and intellectual figures gathered in this house, which became one salon. The most famous of them was Maupassant, and it is said that his "Lump of Fat" was born from this gathering. Zola wished not only for his own success, but also for the success of future writers. I was moved to think of the heated discussions among these literary figures that must have taken place in this room.

Then I looked around the room and saw this pottery. Isn't what is written here Japanese?

Zola was also known for his interest in Japan. Please take a look at this portrait of Zola.

manager (esp. of school sports clubs)《《Portrait of Emile Zola1868Wikipedia.

The writing on the upper right is clearly Japanese. The folding screen-like object on the left may also be Japanese.

I didn't expect to see anything connected to Japan as soon as I entered Zola's house.

We followed our guide through the various rooms of Zola's house. Finally, we arrived at Zola's study, which I most wanted to see.

Oh, how well this is no longer the case...!

Great Professor Zola ... too cool ... I have lost my vocabulary under the pressure of the study of the great writers.

Beyond the desk is a huge wall of windows. The outside light comes in dazzlingly. Zola loved the rich nature along the banks of the Seine in the suburbs of Paris. It was here that Zola wrote while enjoying the view. I regret a little now that the picture would have been better without the pipe chair.

Behind the desk are two sculptures of monks. This also shows Zola's taste for Japan and interest in the Orient. The great writer representing Europe has shown such an interest in our culture. As a Japanese and an Oriental, I felt proud of this.

The upper part of this room, which can also be seen in the photo, is a library, and it seems that Zola's collection of books was stored here.

I was deeply moved to be able to see Zola's study, which I had longed to see. I was moved when I saw Balzac's study in Paris, but I was even more moved when I saw the study of Zola, whom I respect very much. I was already very satisfied with Zola's house.

Now that I have introduced the interior of Zora's house, there is one more thing I would like to talk about.

I am,(4) Dostoevsky poking fun at French eloquence in the Pantheon - And I visit the tombs of Zola and Hugo."article in which Dostoevsky observes the eloquent habits of the French.

I love the scene of French eloquence described by Dostoevsky, which makes me cringe every time I read it, and that is exactly what I was to witness here in Zola's house.

The woman in the light pink shirt on the left in this photo was our guide. As I mentioned earlier, I was supposed to be on the English tour, but I was hastily transferred to the French tour. I do not understand French at all. So I had given up on the commentary from the beginning, but this woman was just amazing.

What was amazing was that they talked and talked and talked, and never stopped.

The guide woman continued to speak with rich intonation, as if she were singing an opera. She also makes full use of her body language and hand gestures, just like a stage actor, and always ends her narrative with a determined look of perfection.

This is the very essence of love for eloquence! What Dostoevsky said was true!

This woman sang in this fashion for the entire hour of the tour.

What we wanted to see was Zora's house. But what we were shown was, to our surprise, her eloquence!

We were riveted by her eloquence and hurried to look around at the details of the room in the little time we had to travel afterward.

Why not just watch while she's talking?

No, no, no, don't be so wild.

She is the star of the show. It would be beyond rude to take one's eyes off the star.

She is clearly watching us. She is looking at us more than we are looking at her. There is no way we can look away like that!

We must accept her brilliant eloquence with a big smile on our faces. This is our mission as spectators.

We did not pay attention to Zora's house, but enjoyed her eloquence as if she were singing.

Incidentally, the building next to Zola's house is now the Dreyfus Museum.

The Dreyfus affair was a huge corruption case that rocked France, and "Officer and Spy," a film about the case, was released in Japan this year.

Zola also fought for his very own life to solve this case. Please refer to the following article where I talk about this.

The Dreyfus Museum has various exhibits related to this incident.

Those interested in Zora are encouraged to visit the museum together.

After I finished looking at Zola's house, I walked a little further down to the Seine River, where Zola spent some time floating his small boat. This is the scenery that Zola loved. I wanted to see it with my own eyes.

Thankfully, there were stairs right there that led down to the river level.

The river was so calm that if it had not been for the faint shimmering and glimmering of light flowing through it, one would have doubted that it was really flowing.

The only sound you can hear is the leaves rustling in the distance. The fresh breeze is pleasant and makes you forget the summer heat.

Silence. What a silence. Zola loved this view!

The Seine for me is here. The Seine in Paris is not my Seine!

This Seine that Zola loved is my Seine!

For me, the time spent on this river surface was unforgettable.

be unbroken

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