Shakespeare's "Coriolanus" Synopsis and Comments - A political play about the weakness of democracy and populism set in ancient Rome.

Shakespeare, a treasure trove of masterpieces

Shakespeare's "Coriolanus" Synopsis and Comments - A political play about the weakness of democracy and populism set in ancient Rome.


Let's take a quick look at the book.


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In my previous article.Titus Andronicus."に引き続き今回紹介する『コリオレイナス』も古代ローマを舞台にした作品になります。

シェイクスピアはプルタークによる古代ローマ史を参考にし、『コリオレイナス』を書き上げました。これはJulius Caesar."andAntony and Cleopatra."も同じです。



However, it seems that by this time, democracy was already in place to some extent, just as it was in ancient Greece. This story will tell of the problems that democracy entails, and the conflict and pandering between the aristocracy and the people.

The hero, Coriolanus, was a brave warlord and hero of many victories over Rome. However, he was a stubborn man. In a sense, he was a man who was too straight-forward.

And what he could not stand was the selfish demands of the people. They want cheaper food and they want to start a riot. While their arguments are understandable, Coriolanus, who has been desperately defending his country from other countries, rightly wonders, "Why do you not serve your country at all, but only insist on your own demands?

Coriolanus does not trust the people at all. His claim to such is told at the beginning of the story as follows.

What on earth do you want, you stray dog? When it comes to war, you shrink up, but when it comes to peace, you flatter yourself that peace is good. If we believe you, all is well.

Damn you! You believe you? He changes his mind like the eye of a cat, and just when you think he's praising the one you've hated until now, he suddenly calls the victor of the oak crown a scoundrel. (omitted)

They sit in front of the fireplace and talk knowingly about what happened or didn't happen at the Capitol, who's going to be great, who's going to be influential, who's going to fail, and so on. They would help their favorite faction to become stronger, but they would trample over their own broken shoes and ignore the factions they didn't like. There is enough grain to go around, they said! If only the nobles would give up their pity and let me use my sword, I would slay thousands of these slaves and build a heap of dead so high that no spear could penetrate it.

Kindle edition, Shinchosha, "Coriolanus", Shakespeare, translated by Tsunsen Fukuda, position No. 113-135

Coriolanus does not abandon this hostility toward the people until the very end.

If he could soften his attitude and compromise a little after this ....

Everyone who cares about him warns him of this and desperately tries to soothe him. But no. He was too virtuous and upright to do so.

この物語はそんな真っすぐすぎる男が破滅していく悲劇です。この作品はシェイクスピア悲劇時代の最後の作品で、これを最後に次からは『ペリクリーズ』、『シンベリン』、『冬物語』、"Storm."and will move toward romantic comedy.

As Shakespeare's last tragic work, this may be one of the most notable.

...And yet, how astute is the weakness of democracy and populism preached in this work...!















Shakespeare is still a monster.

There is probably no one who reads this work who does not think of our own lives today.

And I have been learning about Rome for the past two months.

The more you know about Rome, the deeper you go.

And among them, I still think, "Even Rome, which boasted so much prosperity, has finally fallen.

Why did a great nation that boasted so much technology fall?

Sometimes the explanation is simply "because the barbarians invaded," but it is not that simple.

Why did the "barbarian invasion" happen? It may be due to the fact that the empire was so self-destructive that it could not even defend itself against the barbarians. So why was the empire self-destructing, and what does it mean for an empire to be self-destructive in the first place? What was the relationship between the Roman Empire and the barbarians, who are often referred to as barbarians in the first place?

But I still think that ancient Rome was completely vulnerable to the weaknesses of democracy. Citizens who thought only of "bread and circuses. Political corruption. The enormous cost of maintaining a superpower, the balance between war and peace...

This is also extremely complicated if you think about it, and I know myself that if I put it into words, I would fall into the trap of simplification at that point. However, it seems to me that what was taught in this work was at least a major factor in the fall of Rome.




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