Masashi Jinno, World History Theater: The Impact of World War I - Without this war, there would have been no Russian Revolution.

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

Bele Publishing, Masashi Jinno, World History Theater: The Impact of World War I.

Previous article by Masashi Jono, a great introduction to the Russian RevolutionTheater of World History: The Russian Revolutionintroduced.

We will introduce the writings of Mr. Masashi Jinno as well.

The Russian Revolution was an event so closely linked to the war that it might not have occurred without World War I.

The Great Russian Revolution," but it is important to know more about this revolution and its impact on the world situation.

We will look at the "Introduction" text of this book as soon as possible. It gives us an important perspective on the study of history here.


No longer postwar" (Annual Economic and Fiscal Report, 1956)

It has been a long time since that was said.

However, this is only from an economic equalization perspective,

. restored to prewar levels."

Postwar reconstruction had come to an end.

In this sense, Japan is still in the "postwar" period...meaning that historically, politically, culturally, and socially, the country has not yet emerged from World War II.

Therefore, if one wants to understand "modern Japan," understanding the "Pacific War" becomes essential.


Sadly, not many people have a proper understanding of the "Pacific War".

In other words, there are very few people who understand the current situation in Japan.

But why?

Every summer, books on the Pacific War fill bookstores, and many people read these every summer, so they must have some "knowledge" of the war.

But no matter how many books you read and how many "knowledge...Regardless of whether you accumulate "essence...It's as if we don't see the "Mere Old Man" at all.

Why doesn't "amount of knowledge" lead to "insight"?

The reasons are compounded, and it is impossible to say them all here, but one of the major reasons is that "in order to understand the essence of things, it is absolutely essential to learn from their premises and background, but we fail to do so.

In other words.

No matter how many dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of books you read on the "Pacific War," you will never be able to understand the true nature of the Pacific War.

"The sooner, the better."

If you want to understand the Pacific War, before learning about the Pacific War itself, you must first learn about World War II and the Sino-Japanese War, which were its background, and, to understand World War II and the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese Wars, you must learn about World War I and the Sino-Japanese and Sino-Japanese Wars, respectively.

In reality, however, most Japanese do not show much interest in the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars or World War I.

In particular, World War I and other wars have been called "forgotten wars.

This is why there are so many misguided opinions about the Pacific War.

Those who do not know about the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars and World War I are not qualified to talk about the Pacific War.

We have already mentioned the "Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese War" in this series.

Therefore, in this document, we would like to explain "World War I".

Coincidentally, July, the month this book is published, is exactly 100 years since the outbreak of World War I (July 28, 1914).

This may be one opportunity to learn about "World War I" that you have neglected until now.

We hope that this book will serve as an opportunity to learn and think about history from a broader perspective.

July 2014 Masashi Jono

Bele Publishing, Masashi Jinno, World History Theater: The Impact of World War I.

To know history, one must also know its background.

The Russian Revolution broke out because of the complex world situation.

No, to begin with, if we go back, various historical factors such as the French Revolution, the Napoleonic Wars, the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 and the subsequent Bismarckian regime and its collapse, etc., all intertwine to bring about World War I and the Russian Revolution.

Looking only at events at one point in history does not capture the essence of the event.

This book is therefore an excellent introduction to such historical trends.

In school history classes, we only learn that the First World War began in 1914 with the murder of the Austrian Crown Prince in the Sarajevo Incident.

However, the Sarajevo incident alone is an extremely complicated case. It was a case of last-minute bargaining between the major powers, which could be described as a microcosm of the social situation at the time.

This is really a great introduction to how history worked, not just a memorization of these mere years and events. And it's just so interesting that you can read it in one sitting. I really appreciate this book.

This book is also recommended to learn more about the Russian Revolution and the situation Russia was in at the time.

The above is "Masashi Jinno's "World History Theater: The Impact of World War I" - Without this war, there would have been no Russian Revolution.

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