Shakespeare's "Titus Andronicus" Synopsis and Comments - An early hidden masterpiece set in ancient Rome! And the connection to "King Lear".

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Shakespeare's "Titus Andronicus" Synopsis and Comments - An early hidden masterpiece set in ancient Rome!


Let's take a quick look at the book.


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古代ローマを舞台にした劇をシェイクスピアはいくつも書いていますがその中でも最も有名なのはやはりJulius Caesar."ではないでしょうか。そしてAntony and Cleopatra."が次点に連なるのではないかと思います。


The work is probably dated to the end of the 2nd century or later in Rome. This is because the historical background of this work depicts a situation in which there were many rebellions by the Goths and the emperors were changing one after another. The 2nd century A.D. was the era of the great Roman emperors, the Five Wise Emperors, and the Roman Empire was at its most prosperous. However, after Marcus Aurelius, the last of the Five Wise Emperors, the country began to decline. The emperor Marcus Aurelius, by the way, is thatA Reflection of Myself."He is also known for having written

この辺りの歴史の流れの参考書としては本村凌二著A Global History of the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume 04: The Mediterranean World and the Roman Empire.やエドワード・ギボン著The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman recommended.

Now, I have to preface by saying that this work, "Titus Andronicus," is a historical drama set in the Roman Empire in such a declining period.

The protagonist is the hero of the title, the brave general Titus Andronicus. He was a man who fought for Rome with his life and served his nation faithfully.

The story begins with the return of Titus to Rome after his military service.

In Rome, Saturninus, the eldest son of the former emperor, and his brother Basheinas were fighting each other, saying "I am the next emperor. The popular Titus returned to Rome and asked them to settle the dispute. However, things did not end there, and it was decided that Titus should be the next emperor.

But Titus, who had lived his life as a loyal subject of the state, politely declined the offer. He simply handed over all power of the state to Saturninus, saying that Saturninus, the emperor's eldest son, was the most suitable person to be the emperor. This rash decision by the good-natured Titus was the beginning of all tragedy.

This is a tragedy that occurs when a person who has had position and honor gives power to an unscrupulous person.

This is thatKing Lear"It is reminiscent of "King Lear," isn't it? King Lear" also begins with the tragedy of an old king who easily believed the sweet words of his wicked daughters.





However, this work is just horrendous! It is a little unimaginable. It is quite painful to read.

King Lear" is also a rather tragic play, but it is far more brutal and outrageous than that.

I hope they all fall prey to revenge!"

Kindle edition, Shinchosha, "Titus Andronicus", Shakespeare, translated by Tsunsen Fukuda, position No. 1426

This is the word that Iago-like Aeron, who has been plotting evil deeds, cries out in agony when he is captured, and it is exactly as he says it.

And finally, the voice of that hatred is expressed in the following terrifying words of the protagonist, Titus.

Listen, scoundrels, I've got a bone to pick with you.ground barleybeing disadvantageousand grind it into powder with your blood.hoaxyoung (animal)I will make two pies with your head smashed into a paste and feed them to the whore, yes, to your abominable mother, so that the earth will swallow again what it has brought forth.

Kindle edition, Shinchosha, "Titus Andronicus", Shakespeare, translated by Tsunsen Fukuda, position No. 1621

Already in early Shakespeare, such a terrifying word has already appeared. It is a bit out of the ordinary, isn't it? I was also horrified when I read this passage.


In any case, this work is unusually cruel. Some commentary on this is also given in the solution. I will not go into this further, but as I have already mentioned, this work has something in common with the later tragic works.

And then there is the overwhelming individuality of the characters, the enormity of the people. This is also not to be missed.

Aaron, the man from Iago's case who was mentioned earlier, is a figure of evil. He is the embodiment of evil, but he is so huge and complex that he is not a simple man! I think this is a tremendous characterization. I am amazed at how they could create such a strong character. To put it in a modern way, he is a very strong character. His presence completely overwhelms the main character, Titus.

But even so, that's not to say that Titus, who uttered the astonishing words we just saw, was defeated. Not many people can come up with words like that. Aeron is just too special.

Also, we cannot overlook the curmudgeonliness of Tamar, the queen of the enemy. It was this queen who made Titus speak so much. The fact that Tamar is not just an evil woman, but that she was motivated by her resentment over the murder of her own son by Titus during the war, makes the story even more complex and profound. After all, the grief of a mother who has lost a child cannot be fully expressed with the word "terrible.

In any case, I believe that "Titus Andronicus" is a hidden masterpiece that already shows glimpses of later tragic works in its early years.

It was a shocking work for me as well.


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