Tolstoy's "Resurrection" Synopsis and Impressions - Tolstoy's late great work, also known as the Katyusha story.

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Tolstoy's "Resurrection" Synopsis and Commentary - Tolstoy's late great work, also known as the Katyusha story.

I would like to introduce "Resurrection" published by Tolstoy in 1899. I read the Shinchosha edition of "Resurrection" translated by Hiroshi Kimura.

Let's take a quick look at the book.

Duke Nevryudov, who was on trial as a juror, was disturbed when he saw the female prisoner who appeared before him. It was his daughter, Chuzha, whom he had raped in the past. Seeing the consequences of his own transgressions in the form of a female prisoner about to be sent to Siberia for a crime she did not commit at the end of her depraved life, the Duke suddenly awakens to his true self and decides to save her and himself. ...... The Duke suddenly awakens to his true self and decides to save her and himself. (Volume 1)

On the long road to Siberia, Nevryudov pursues Katyusha. His efforts are successful, and a special pardon is granted to have the sentence revoked, but Katusha is determined to continue her long journey with Simonson, a political prisoner whom she met in the prison corps. This is a powerful work by Tolstoy that boldly exposes the irrationality of the courts, church, and government in Imperial Russia, and rails against the inhumanity of the Gonka. (Volume 2)

From the top and bottom back cover of Resurrection, translated by Hiroshi Kimura, Tolstoy, Shinchosha

It tells the story of the wealthy aristocrat Marquis Neffrudov and his servant girl Katusha, whom he once fell in love with and abandoned.

The work caused a huge sensation not only in Russia but around the world, immortalizing Tolstoy's name.

The commentary at the end of the book describes this work as follows

Even in Japan, where Russian literature has been so widely read since the Meiji era, few works have been as popular with the general public as Tolstoy's "Resurrection. Even Japanese who are not familiar with Russian literature must have heard at least once or twice the popular song "Katyusha, katusha, kawaiya, kareta no tsukaisa ......," which once dominated the world.

No, it is not only this popular song, but also the play "Katyusha Monogatari," which has been adapted and performed in various ways, that has had an immeasurable impact.

However, many people may have shied away from this work because of its melodramatic image as a "Katyusha story. However, "Resurrection" is by no means a mere "Katyusha story," as has been said. It is an aspect of this romance.

Of course, the beautiful pen of the great writer of "Anna Karenina" has not waned in the last years of her life, making this work full of fragrance.

Moreover, the author thoroughly describes the various aspects of Russian society of the time surrounding the love story, and makes many comments as a critic of civilization. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this work is a precursor to "The Gulag Archipelago," in which the modern Solzhenitsyn denounces the reality of the Soviet Union. In any case, in this work, the author has exposed and criticized the reality of the tyrannical police state of Russia at that time.

However, it is precisely because the artist Tolstoy succeeded in artistically sublimating the book's fierce criticism of the regime by incorporating the love story of Nevryudov and Katusha that the work has remained immortal in the world literature to this day.
Some line breaks have been made.

Shinchosha, Tolstoy, translated by Hiroshi Kimura, Resurrection Below, 2011, 33rd printing edition, p485-686.

The author thoroughly describes the various aspects of Russian society of the time surrounding the love story, and makes plenty of remarks as Tolstoy, the critic of civilization."

In reading "Resurrection," it is true that there is quite a bit of social criticism to be found, as described here.

The film moves from the point where Katusha was found guilty despite her innocence, due to negligence and flaws in the trial system. The protagonist, Nevryudov, serves as a juror in that trial and feels deep remorse for the mistrial.

From there, Nefludov struggles to overturn the results of the trial, but it is not going well.

The reason why it did not work was that the bureaucratic Russian administrative system had become a mere interest system and was dysfunctional. (In a way, it was working, in that it kept that system on a firm footing...)

The protagonist, Nefludov, originally pandered to these social regimes as well. However, when he sees the unfortunate Katyusha in front of him, he is converted. When he takes a new look at society in order to save Katyusha, he realizes that there is a lot of injustice in front of him. Through Nevryudov's fresh eyes, Tolstoy unfolds his criticism of society.

Tolstoy had reached a religious turning point almost 20 years before he published this work, and he published a work written of his religious beliefs called Tolstoyism.

They have been introduced on this blog in the past.

Tolstoy thoroughly criticizes social injustice in these works. In particular.'The kingdom of God is within you.'was a fierce critic of the regime, and published enough to be infuriated by Emperor Alexander III.

In the commentary above,It is precisely because the artist Tolstoy succeeded in artistically sublimating his fiercely critical book by incorporating the love story of Nevryudov and Katusha that the work has remained so enduringly vital in world literature to this day."Tolstoy expressed these religious beliefs through his story "Resurrection".

Tolstoy announced just before "Resurrection" was writtenWhat is Art?"In a paper called

The mission of the arts in our time - to transfer the truth that the happiness of people lies in their mutual union from the field of reason to the field of emotion, and to build, instead of the tyranny that now reigns, the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Love, which we all consider the highest purpose of human life.

Or in the future, science may discover newer and higher ideals for the arts, and the arts may realize them, but in the present age, the mission of the arts is clear and steadfast. The mission of Christian art is this: to bring about a comradely union of all men.

Kawade Shobo Shinsha, Nakamura Toru translation, "Tolstoy Complete Works 17: Art Theory and Education Theory", 1973, first edition, p. 136-137.

For Tolstoy, good art is nothing more than that which "must be religious and enhance the morality of human society.

In this article, Tolstoy thoroughly discusses what art is in the first place and what its role is, and I feel that the narrative of the essence of this article has come to fruition in the work "Resurrection". If you are interested in this thesis, please read the following article"Tolstoy, "What is Art?" Summary and Impressions - Recommended to learn what Tolstoy thought was "good art" in his later years."See also.

The Resurrection is, at any rate, religious and moralistic. And it is thoroughly repetitive in its criticism for the betterment of society.

I felt that the greatness of "Resurrection" lies in the way such noble religious beliefs are intertwined with the dramatic narrative.

Now, with this article, we will conclude our introduction of Tolstoy's works.

I have read quite a few of them, and to be honest, it was quite a painful read.

Because, as is often said in literary circlesDostoevsky or Tolstoy?"This is a problem.

I strongly felt that this is exactly what is implied in this issue, that if you like one, you cannot like both.

Dostoevsky and Tolstoy are complete opposites in their ideas and outlook on life.

I was very attracted to Dostoevsky's way of thinking and view of life. But then, I just can't physiologically follow Tolstoy's view of life. This was a surprise to me when I read it. I really can't.

There is a stark gulf that does not allow for even the compromise of "why not balance the best of both worlds?

When I was reading Tolstoy, especially during the period when I was working on his religious writings, it was so painful that I got a pain in my chest area. Probably stress. My physical condition became much worse.

Tolstoy thinks things through in a frighteningly rigorous manner, and I think he was overcome by the pressure. I also imagine that my body was sending out an SOS because I couldn't stand Tolstoy's repeated sermons. It was still tough for me to accept what Tolstoy was saying.

It was truly a Tolstoy experience that physically experienced the question "Dostoevsky or Tolstoy?

There are many other things I think about Tolstoy, but I may talk about them someday when I have a chance.

Tolstoy the Giant was still a giant. No, a giant. No, a monster. No, ・・・・

He can only be described as a person of tremendous scale. Everything about him is out of the ordinary. His personal life, his thoughts, and his works cannot be measured by ordinary standards. It was a truly gratifying experience for me to be able to talk with such a great man through his books. I have no regrets, although my body was damaged to some extent.

I found that I am still not good at Tolstoy, but I feel that this has deepened my feelings toward Dostoevsky. I think it is important to compare them. It was as if I could once again see the characteristics of each of them.

The above is a synopsis of Tolstoy's "Resurrection" and my impression of it - Tolstoy's late great work, also known as the Katyusha story.

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