P. Goreiewicz, "Genocide Hill: The Hidden Truth of the Rwandan Genocide" - An unbelievable tragedy was taking place in Africa...

Learning from the Bosnian Conflict and the Tragedy of the Rwandan Genocide: International Conflicts after the Cold War

P・ゴーレイヴィッチ『ジェノサイドの丘 ルワンダ虐殺の隠された真実』概要と感想~信じられない惨劇がアフリカで起きていた・・・

今回ご紹介するのは2011年にWAVE出版より発行されたフィリップ・ゴーレイヴィッチ著、柳下毅一郎訳 『ジェノサイドの丘 ルワンダ虐殺の隠された真実』 です。

Let's take a quick look at the book.

1994年、アフリカの真ん中で100万人が殺された。だが、世界の人々は少しも気にしなかった。20世紀指折りの恐怖の顛末を告発する! 今こそ知るべき隠された真実。※本書は2003年6月発行『ジェノサイドの丘』上下巻を新装版化したものです。

AmazonProducts Page.

First of all, let me say this. This book is so shocking that it has left me heartbroken...

I picked up this book as part of a stream of learning about the Bosnian conflict and the Srebrenica massacre, but the sheer tragedy left me speechless....



Have you ever heard of a country called Rwanda? Do you know where it is located on the world map?

I did not know. I did not know that only a decade earlier, the country had experienced the most brutal genocide it had ever seen and was on the verge of collapse. I did not know that genocide had been carefully prepared and was waiting to happen, not only for the perpetrators but also for the victims. They did not know that the UN and the rest of the international community all knew that genocide was taking place, but they did not want to intervene, so they left a million people to die. (omitted)


WAVE Publishing, The Hidden Truth of the Rwandan Genocide, by Philip Gorayevich, translated by Kiichiro Yanagishita, p. 483-484

In less than a few months, 800,000 Tutsis, an ethnic minority, were massacred.

Moreover, the method of slaughter was so brutal. As explained above, they were not killed with guns, but with machetes, an extremely primitive method.



And even more horrifying was the extraordinary situation in which it was not just a few who committed these massacres, but the majority of the Hutu people who participated in the killings, and almost everyone was involved in some way in the massacres.

The book tells the story of why and how such a tragic massacre took place.

What is also unique about this book is that, as the title suggests, it denounces the reality of the Rwandan tragedy, which has been ignored by the world until now. Why was the UN, which was supposed to have intervened to maintain peace, unable to stop the genocide? And what is even more shocking is the fact that countries around the world, including the UN, were even sending aid to the Hutus who were committing genocide...I was absolutely stunned by this...

It is truly heartbreaking to read...more like sickening. It is such a shocking and horrifying fact to be told.




WAVE出版、フィリップ・ゴーレイヴィッチ著、柳下毅一郎訳 『ジェノサイドの丘 ルワンダ虐殺の隠された真実』 P 485-486






Because, look at this picture.



It is a shocking book. I highly recommend it.

以上、「P・ゴーレイヴィッチ『ジェノサイドの丘 ルワンダ虐殺の隠された真実』信じられない惨劇がアフリカで起きていた・・・」でした。

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Bosnian Conflict, Recommended Reference List Introduction article for learning about the Srebrenica massacre.

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