C. Meridale, "Ivan's War: A Record of Red Army Soldiers 1939-45" - What did Soviet soldiers believe and why did they keep fighting?

Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

キャサリン・メリデール著、松島芳彦訳『イワンの戦争 赤軍兵士の記録1939-45』概要と感想

キャサリン・メリデール著、松島芳彦訳『イワンの戦争 赤軍兵士の記録1939-45』は白水社より2012年に発行されました。キャサリン・メリデールは以前当ブログでも紹介した『クレムリン 赤い城壁の歴史』He is also the author of

この本もものすごく刺激的で面白く、私は『イワンの戦争 赤軍兵士の記録1939-45』を読む前からキャサリン・メリデールの書いた本ということでものすごく期待していました。そして実際、期待以上の圧倒的に面白い本でした。これはものすごい本です。

This book answered a question I have had since I started learning about the history of the German-Soviet war.

The question was, "Why did Soviet soldiers continue to fight even though they knew they would die?

In the Russo-German War, the Soviet Union sent an incredibly large number of soldiers to assault the Nazi army, although it sounds good to call it manpower tactics. They were cruelly overrun by an overwhelming margin of force.

However, this manpower tactic resulted in the repulsion of Nazi forces.

We know that we were forced to fight as soldiers under Stalin's orders. We have also learned that soldiers were motivated by the rule that if they fled or were captured, they would be killed along with their relatives. (See the following article).

But still, I could not for the life of me understand why they were able to continue to fight so miserably.

This is analyzed in this book using interviews with people who experienced the war at the time, as well as new documents that accompanied the collapse of the Soviet Union.






兵士たちは何を信じ、なぜ戦い、罪を犯したのか? 何を語り合い、愛し、夢見たのか? 「必読の書」(アントニー・ビーヴァー)、「卓越した歴史家」(トニー・ジャット)、「焼けつくような物語」(ロバート・サーヴィス)ほか、世界的な賞賛と反響を巻き起こした、練達の歴史家による驚愕の記録! 図版多数収録。





上の文章に「兵士たちは何を信じ、なぜ戦い、罪を犯したのか? 何を語り合い、愛し、夢見たのか?」という言葉があります。

The book reveals what each soldier went through and why he continued to fight.

Each one of them is an ordinary human being just like us.

However, the environment in which they were raised, the Soviet propaganda, the Nazi invasion, the scene of extreme violence that was so tragic, and the extreme circumstances of war that if they did not do it, they would be killed, motivated them.

A person has the potential to be anything. Depending on the circumstances, people can commit atrocities with impunity. Even if you think you are a good person, you never know what you might do. This book makes you think about that.


以上、「キャサリン・メリデール『イワンの戦争 赤軍兵士の記録1939-45』ソ連兵たちは何を信じ、なぜ戦い、なぜ戦い続けたのか?」でした。

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