Masashi Jinno's "World History Theater: The Russian Revolutionary Upheaval" - A recommended introduction to the Russian Revolution and what it is all about!

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

Bele Publishing, Masashi Jinno, "World History Theatre: The Russian Revolutionary Upheaval" Summary and Impressions

From this article, we will talk about the Russian Revolution, which is an essential part of the history of the Soviet Union.

It was, after all, the Russian Revolution of 1917 that led to the birth of the Soviet Union.

The Romanov dynasty, which lasted for more than 300 years, fell, and from this point on, the history of Russia begins to move quickly.

This revolution is one of the greatest events in Russian history, but it is difficult to understand why it happened and what kind of revolution it was. I knew almost nothing about it until I looked it up. It was the same with the French Revolution and Napoleon, but I only knew the names of the revolutions, but I honestly didn't know anything about the details.

I first searched for a good introductory book on this revolution, and found a book titled "World History Theatre: The Russian Revolutionary Upheaval" by Masashi Jinno, a well-known author on my blog.

As usual, Jono's books are really easy to understand and, above all, interesting. It is really easy to understand the flow of history, or rather, the sense of connecting the dots.

The back of the front cover says the following about the book

0The development of the Russian Revolution from the eve of the revolution to Lenin's seizure of power is explained in detail. The differences between the theories of the various Russian socialist factions and the flow of the revolution are reproduced in an easy-to-understand manner.

0The book is easy to read and understand, just like watching a movie or a play!

Full of "illustrations" that "show" the history!

0From adults who want to relearn history to high school students who are not good at history.

Bele Publishing, Masashi Jinno, World History Theatre: The Russian Revolution's Cataclysmic Shake.

This is exactly what makes "World History Theatre" so unique. It is often said that it is like watching a movie or a play. You can't stop turning the pages to see what happens next.

In his "Introduction," Jono describes the Russian Revolution, the main theme of the book, as follows


I will burn in the fires of hell with Marx and Lenin after I die. But the torment of hell is nothing compared to the agony of being forced to pursue an ideal that was never meant to be realized in the first place.

Cuban Revolutionary Warriorffidel. AAlejandro. President Castro said.

fatherlandCubaHe believed that "socialism is justice" and devoted his life to realize this "ideal.

How many corpses have been piled up for the sake of "justice"? And all this only if we think of it as "a precious sacrifice to build a paradise on earth.


The old Castro's despair at realizing in his old age that socialism was a mistake. These are the words that came out of his mouth.

20th Century -.

It was truly a "grand socialist testing ground.

In the nineteenth century, it was decided that socialism, which had been "theimaginary,,The company accused him of being a "liar" and "a liar",kcurl. ." by Marx and others.scientific,,Once "socialism" was born, and based on it, "socialist revolutions" broke out in various parts of the globe in the 20th century, beginning in Russia.

But in every case, they all ended in dismal failure. The "results" of this "experiment," which took a great deal of time and cost a great deal of money, have led mankind to the "socialist" way of life.(Platonic) ideal (of how things ought to be, e.g. human rights)ideologyThe fact that the "Mere Old Man" had been wrong without a doubt was a very obvious reminder of the fact.


There are always those who cannot accept "objective facts" that are put in front of them. ......

'Yea! Still, socialism is right!!!"

(esp. of men) one's prime (approx. age 30)rumbling noise that accompanies a tidal boreboastThere are still people today who are interested in the "new" in the world of the "new".

But these people turn away from the stark facts before them, and no longer reason with the "(religious) faith,,They are just people who are in the realm of "the

Born in the 19th century, "scientific,,Socialism" is,

After the "disastrous experiment that took tens or hundreds of millions of lives" in the 20th century,

In the 21st century, "thespiritual,,It was transformed into "socialism.

It is no longer science, even though it claims to be "scientific," but only the "rotting wreckage" of socialism.

And the "socialist experiment" that would prove socialism wrong."raging wavesraging wavesThe theme of this book, "The Russian Revolution," is the "first word of the Russian Revolution.

Thus, without an understanding of the "Russian Revolution," there can be no understanding of the 20th century, and by extension, the 21st century.

However, this is a high threshold, nothing more.

The Russian Revolution is a spectacular ideological and ideologicalquarrelblameThe reason is that, because it is a gibe, one must inevitably have a firm understanding of the subtle differences between these esoteric ideologies.

This is why commercial commentaries on the "Russian Revolution" are so difficult for beginning students.

That is where this book comes in.

In this book, we have tried to provide explanations in plain language and with many illustrations so that readers with "absolutely no historical knowledge" can understand.

We are proud to say that this is the easiest and most advanced introduction to the Russian Revolution than any existing introductory book.

We hope that this book will serve as a "first stepping stone" for those new to the "Russian Revolution" and provide them with the opportunity to take the next step.

November 2014 Masashi Jono

Bele Publishing, Masashi Jinno, World History Theatre: The Russian Revolution's Cataclysmic Shake.

Learning about the Russian Revolution will be very important for understanding later socialist states and the world during the Cold War.

The author, Mr. Jono, is quite harsh on socialism here, and the book makes it very easy to understand why he says so.

Marx's theory of capital is key to understanding this revolution. This Marxian philosophy was the stumbling block to socialism in the first place, according to Jono.

I will discuss this later in this blog.

This book is a great introduction to the Russian Revolution. The complex history of the revolution is explained very clearly.

I first read this book to get a general idea of the flow of the revolution, and then read books about the revolution and the Soviet Union. In his "World History Theater" series, Mr. Jono also says that in order to learn history, it is important not to believe what someone tells you, but to do your own research and think for yourself. Of course, that is also true for this book.

This book does not mean that you understand everything about the Russian Revolution, but you have to compare what is written in this book with other reference books to understand some things. Especially about Marx and Lenin, the evaluation is quite different depending on the viewer.

I would like to look at what role Marx and Lenin played in history and how they influenced people, using a variety of books. I would also like to consider whether the socialism that Mr. Jono so harshly described was really such a thing by looking at various reference books.

This is "Masashi Jinno's "World History Theatre: The Russian Revolutionary Upheaval," a recommended primer on what the Russian Revolution is all about! The above is a recommended introduction to learn what the Russian Revolution is all about!

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