To the cradle of mankind! Monk Takahiro Ueda's Circumnavigation of the World: Tanzania

Tanzania Tanzania and Turkey

To the cradle of mankind! Monk Takahiro Ueda's Circumnavigation of the World: Tanzania

My round-the-world journey began on March 26, 2019.

The first country to commemorate this event was Tanzania in Africa.

This country is also famous for the Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Conservation Area, an area famous for safaris, and Kilimanjaro, a mecca for mountain climbing.

But my destination is the Olduvai Valley, pictured above.

I set out on my trip because I really wanted to see this landscape, which is called the cradle of mankind.

The question of what religion is cannot be separated from the history of the birth of humanity. The shock of learning this had a tremendous impact on me afterward.

What is told in the Tanzania section is a record that turns to the history of religion and human evolution.

What kind of country is Tanzania, the first destination of the trip? Tanzania Part 1

The first article in this commemorative issue is entitled "What kind of country is Tanzania?" on the theme of "What kind of country is Tanzania?

Living in Japan, it is not easy to get information about Africa. I knew very little about Africa until I planned this trip.

Tanzania is famous for its Kilimanjaro coffee, but if you ask me where it is, I am completely at a loss.

This article serves as an introduction to my journey.

What kind of country is Tanzania, the first destination of the trip? Tanzania Part 1

Has Religion Evolved with Humanity? ~The Olduvai Valley Shows Us: Tanzania Part 2 (2)

This article explains why I chose Tanzania as the beginning of my journey and what the Olduvai Valley is all about.

This article talks about the origin of my round-the-world trip itself. It is an introduction to my journey that you should definitely read in conjunction with the first article.

Has Religion Evolved with Humanity? ~The Olduvai Valley Shows Us: Tanzania Part 2 (2)

Finally, the journey begins! Departure from Japan to Tanzania, Tanzania Part 3

Now, the journey is about to begin.

It was the first time for me to set foot on African soil! I still remember the heat and smell of the moment I stepped off the plane.

After this article, the character of my round-the-world journal will change drastically.

Finally, the journey begins! Departure from Japan to Tanzania, Tanzania Part 3

Ngorongoro, a paradise for animals - Tanzania from the window of Africa (4)

Upon arriving in Tanzania, I first set out for the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, a World Heritage Site.

On the way there, you will suddenly be confronted with a landscape that is so different from that of Japan.

I realized with my whole body that there is a world that is so different from the one I live in.

Ngorongoro, a paradise for animals - Tanzania from the window of Africa (4)

Safari at Ngorongoro Crater - Lion Range Tanzania Part 5

Ngorongoro is a safari destination!

Since I had come all this way, I decided to enjoy the great nature of Africa, too.

Ngorongoro was the location for the African version of the "Wednesday Show" and is an irresistible place for fans of the show.

When I actually went there, I found the exact same scenery that I had seen on the What's up? Animals everywhere. It was an unbelievable sight.

We were also able to see the Big 5 African lions at close range!

Safari at Ngorongoro Crater - Lion Range Tanzania Part 5

Walking in the Land of Africa - An impressive walking safari in Tanzania (6)

My dream, to walk the majestic land of Africa where the ancestors of mankind would have walked.

This was the moment it came true.

I still remember the excitement I felt at that moment.

Walking in the Land of Africa - An impressive walking safari in Tanzania (6)

Longing for Olduvai Valley - Considering Symbols and Sacred Sites, Tanzania (7)

The Olduvai Valley was the catalyst for this trip. We finally arrived here!

An overwhelming view! Did our ancestors live in such a place?

In this place called the cradle of mankind, I am lost in thought.

What is religion anyway? Where did it come from?

And this article looks at the Olduvai Valley under the theme of religion and symbols. This is a highlight of the Tanzania section.

Longing for Olduvai Valley - Considering Symbols and Sacred Sites, Tanzania (7)

A must-see for coffee lovers! A visit to a famous coffee plantation in Kilimanjaro! Tanzania Part 8

I love coffee.

I drink several mugs of drip coffee every day.

Visiting cafes is one of my few hobbies.

I am usually reluctant to go out, but when I go to a café, my footwork becomes lighter than I expected.

Tanzania is known for its Kilimanjaro coffee.

I was very interested in how coffee, which I usually drink with great relish, is grown and harvested.

I was thinking to myself that my coffee must be even better after seeing it in person.

A must-see for coffee lovers! A visit to a famous coffee plantation in Kilimanjaro! Tanzania Part 8

Good-bye Tanzania Thank you Africa - Next destination is Istanbul! Tanzania Part IX

Tanzania, the country of beginnings.

Although the trip lasted less than a week, it was truly an intense time.

I was very satisfied to have fulfilled my main goal of visiting the origins of humankind.

Good-bye Tanzania Thank you Africa - Next destination is Istanbul! Tanzania Part IX


Tanzania, the country where my round-the-world journey began.

It was a strange itinerary to suddenly bring the main dish of the trip first, but I think it turned out to be a great decision.

If I had not gone here while I still had strength left, I probably would have been in trouble.

And after first contemplating the beginnings of humanity in the majestic wilderness, I was able to travel around the world thinking about human development and religion. This was very gratifying.

The Tanzania section was the starting point of my trip. It was a very memorable trip for me as well, as it was the fulfillment of a long-cherished wish.

This was "Monk Takahiro Ueda's Circumnavigation of the World - Summary of Tanzania Chapter 9 Articles".

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