Eijiro Hazama, "The Truth about Gandhi: What is Nonviolent Thought" - A recommended reference book to learn about Gandhi's personality and the core of his thought!

Ghandi Indian thought, culture and history

Eijiro Hazama, "The Truth about Gandhi: What is Nonviolent Thought" - A recommended reference book to learn about Gandhi's personality and the core of his thought!

This time we would like to introduce "The Truth of Gandhi: What is Nonviolent Thought" by Jiro Hazama, published by Chikuma Shobo in 2023.

Let's take a quick look at the book.

Not to eat extravagantly, not to wear clothes made by exploitation, not to be captivated by sexual desire, to live with the infidels, and to defeat colonial rule - all of these things. Gandhi's idea of "nonviolence" includes all of these. How was the idea of nonviolence born as an idea and practice that resists all the violence produced by Western civilization? This book approaches the whole picture and the limits of Gandhi's thought, which had a great impact on later generations, from his life itself, in which he faced the truth and tried to be faithful to what he believed to be the truth to the utmost limit. This is an up-to-date book that will renew the study of Gandhi!

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Everyone knows Mahatma Gandhi as a great man who played a major role in India's independence.

This work, "The Truth About Gandhi: What is Nonviolent Thought?" is a recommended reference book that provides an easy-to-understand look at Gandhi's ideas, personality, and impact on society.

We are all familiar with Gandhi's famous phrase "nonviolence. However, what this "nonviolence" really means is not well known, or even misunderstood. This book raises such issues.

Chapters 5 and 6, in which Gandhi's religious views and family issues are discussed, are particularly shocking. I too was like, "What? That's right!" I was surprised.

However, this book is not mere gossip. It reveals Gandhi's thought and personality through a variety of sources. The author states his position in the book in the final chapter

In light of the overall discussion in this book thus far, it can be said that what is important today, in the 21st century, is not the blind acceptance of Gandhi's non-violent philosophy, but its critical transmission.

Chikuma Shobo, Eijiro Hazama, The Truth about Gandhi: What is Nonviolent Thought, p. 271

This is precisely the kind of book that will critically examine the saintly Gandhi, rather than blindly praise him.

Some may feel that "critical" means denigrating or putting someone down, but "critical" is not the same as "slanderous.

Criticism is a calm consideration of what is right or wrong in accordance with facts and data.

Gandhi is undoubtedly a great man. However, no matter how great he may be, Gandhi is a human being. He naturally has flaws and experiences of failure. On the other hand, there is also his greatness, which has not been so much neglected until now.

In this book, you will learn the importance of taking a step back to look at his ideas and achievements, rather than blindly believing in the miraculous feats of Saint Gandhi as they are commonly described.

As I mentioned earlier, I was strongly shocked when I read chapters 5 and 6 of this book. It changed my view of Gandhi.

In particular, the family issues in chapter 6 reminded me of the relationship between Shinran Shonin, the founder of Jodo Shinshu, and his son Zenran. Of course, there are differences, but I felt that the problem of a father who is too great and his child who follows him is always a difficult one.

I cannot talk about that here, but I hope you will read this book to find out. In this book, you will learn about this unexpected side of Gandhi, as well as his greatness and strength of spirit. I feel that this book's "approach to greatness" is important in all situations. It is a wonderful work. I highly recommend you to pick up a copy.

This is "Eijiro Hazama's "The Truth about Gandhi: What is Nonviolent Thought" - A recommended reference book to learn about Gandhi's personality and the core of his thought! The above is "The Truth About Gandhi: What is His Nonviolent Philosophy?

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