Recommended! Naoto Saito & Yoko Ueda "Does Dostoevsky Support War? 〜Traveling in Russia in ~2022" # Silas


Recommended! Naoto Saito & Yoko Ueda "Does Dostoevsky Support War? 〜Traveling in Russia in ~2022" # Silas

I would like to introduce you to Shiras "on November 22, 2022.Yoko Ueda's World Travel in Russian УРА!Naoto Saisu and Yoko Ueda, "Does Dostoevsky Support War? 〜Traveling in Russia in 2022".

This time, instead of introducing books as usual, we would like to introduce a program about Dostoevsky that we highly recommend.

Let's take a quick look at this program.

Naoto Saisu, a Dostoevsky scholar, will join us to discuss Dostoevsky and war.

Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Dostoevsky's name has been brought up in various contexts. In his speech at the Valdai Conference (an intellectual conference on international affairs presided over by the Russian government) in October, President Putin quoted the nihilist's words from "Evil Spirits": "Starting from unlimited freedom, we are ending with unlimited despotism" (Kobunsha Collection, Vol. 2, translated by Ikuo Kameyama, p. 473) (Kobunsha Bunko, vol. 2, translated by Ikuo Kameyama, p. 473). In addition, Dostoevsky's patriotic discourses found in "Diary of a Writer" and other works are used in the propaganda of modern patriotic ideologies such as "The Russian World.
On the other hand, Dostoevsky is also sometimes mentioned in the context of opposition to war as a representative of Russian writers full of love for humanity, though not as much as Tolstoy. Dostoevsky has not lost his image as a writer of love, compassion, and human weakness.

This time, Mr. Saisu will give us a lecture on how Dostoevsky talked about war in his time, and we will consider whether the writer would have really affirmed war if he were alive today. Mr. Saisu's theme is Dostoevsky and the Russian Orthodox Church, and he will unravel the relationship between today's conservative ideology and the writer from a religious perspective. In the context of inspiring patriotism, Dostoevsky has also done a lot of work.

D. in Russia and has been in Russia for a long time, visiting all the places associated with Dostoevsky. This summer, he attended an academic conference in Russia and was able to see not only Petersburg, where Dostoevsky lived, but also the provincial cities. In the second half of the seminar, we would like to hear real-time information about how Russians now view the war, while looking at photos from his trip.

You can read the record of Mr. Saisu's journey to trace Dostoevsky on webGenron.
Connecting Russia (16) "The Children of Karamazov", Going to the Holy City of Varlaam

Message from Mr. Saisu

The year 2021 marks the bicentennial of Dostoevsky's birth, and events and conferences in Russia and around the world were in full swing. On November 11, the very day of the writer's bicentennial birthday, the Dostoevsky Museum in Moscow will be reopened. Its first visitor will be Vladimir Putin, and the event was covered extensively in the Russian news. This was just when the U.S. was beginning to point out the possibility of a Russian invasion of Ukraine.

It was only three months from this date until the invasion of Ukraine began on February 24 of this year. The invasion of Ukraine is attributed in part to the imperialist and pan-Slavic attitude of the Russians toward Ukraine. There are many Russian thinkers and writers who are considered to have made pan-Slavic claims, but Dostoevsky is often discussed, partly because he is the most famous.

These, as well as Dostoevsky's political ideas, which are mainly portrayed in "The Writer's Diary," were often the topic of discussion for his works. For example, in the chapter "Rebellion" in "The Brothers Karamazov," where Ivan Karamazov tells Alyosha about the cruel death of an innocent child, there is also an example of a child being brutally killed by Turkish soldiers. Depending on which part of Dostoevsky's work you focus on, you will see a different attitude toward war.

I have been a regular participant in Russian Dostoevsky conferences for nearly a decade now. This summer of 2022, I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the conference in person in Daravoe, where Dostoevsky spent his childhood in Usasiba (the mansion). I would like to share with you some photos of Russia in the period shortly before the partial mobilization, Dostoevsky research, events, and museums in Russia, and consider Dostoevsky's political position and literary works.

Speaker Profile
Naohito Saisu
Born in Tokyo in 1986. Specializes in Russian literature, history of Russian religious thought, and Dostoevsky. He is currently a lecturer at the Center for the Advancement of Liberal Arts, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies, after serving as a Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. D. in Russian Literature from the Department of Literature at the Gertzen Memorial Russian State Pedagogical University. D. in Literature from the Department of Russian Literature at the Gertzen Memorial State Pedagogical University of Russia.

shirasu (white pumiceous soil of southern Kyushu)Viewing Page.

For more information about Dr. Saisu, who will be appearing in this event, please see the previous article.Genron β63," Naoto Saisu, "'Karamazov's Children' Go to the Holy Land of Valaam," into the deep world of Dostoevsky and the Russian Orthodox Church."article.

As mentioned in the introduction above, Dr. Saisu spent a long time in Russia and visited many places associated with Dostoevsky.

In this program, Dr. Saisu and Yoko Ueda will talk about "Does Dostoevsky Support War?

At the beginning of the program, we will first look at how Dostoevsky is quoted in Russia, based on the various documents introduced by Professor Saisu. It was especially interesting to see in what context President Putin quotes Dostoevsky and what his intentions are in doing so.

It was very easy to understand what kind of national outlook President Putin has and what kind of theories he uses to criticize the West. And to hear it intertwined with Dostoevsky was also a great pleasure for me.

We are going to be thinking about President Putin's ideology in a much deeper place than the Russia we see on TV and the Internet. It would be very significant to learn why President Putin is so strongly critical of the West and what his rationale is.

From the middle of the book, we will carefully examine Dostoevsky's discourse on war from the works of the man himself. While there are certainly passages that affirm war, we will also consider the context in which they were uttered and the extent to which we can accept them as his opinions.

As mentioned in the introduction above, Dostoevsky was also a writer who preached love for humanity and a tender eye for children.

On the one hand, it affirms war, and on the other hand, it preaches love.

Dostoevsky is often described as a two-sided person, a man of contradictions, but he is truly something elusive.

I think the highlight of this program will be to see what the expert Dr. Saisu will say about Dostoevsky and how we should look at Dostoevsky.

The program lasted a whopping five and a half hours, including overtime! Shocking, isn't it? Basically, he talks all the time. But I never get tired of it. It was as if the time had flown by in a flash.

Looking back, since the invasion of Ukraine began, we are now in a situation where we are hesitant to even mention anything related to Russia. However, in considering what Russia is all about again, I think it is very significant that we are now exploring the theme of Dostoevsky from the perspective of literature and culture.

I strongly felt that "now is the time." I feel this theme is very important.

I have introduced it here in the hope that many of you will watch it. It is a very stimulating and interesting program, so please watch it.

The above is "Recommendation! Naoto Saisu & Yoko Ueda, "Does Dostoevsky Support War? 〜Traveling in Russia in ~2022," # Shiras".

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