Shohei Touyama, "Henry VIII: Tyrant or Charismatic" - Recommended biography to learn about the King's divorce issues and the process of founding the Church of England.

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

陶山昇平『ヘンリー八世 暴君かカリスマか』概要と感想~イギリス国教会の始まりと当時のヨーロッパ事情も知れるおすすめ伝記

今回ご紹介するのは2021年に晶文社より発行された陶山昇平著『ヘンリー八世 暴君かカリスマか』です。

Let's take a quick look at the book.



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Henry VIII was known as an extraordinarily charismatic and tyrannical ruler, and is famous for having established the Church of England after a divorce dispute that brought him into conflict with Roman Catholics. From there, the anti-Catholic trend in England was born, and a bloody political struggle with a lot of intrigue continued. The bloody Mary and Queen Elizabeth emerged from this process. It is interesting to note that both of them were sons of Henry VIII.

さて、私がこの本を手に取ったのは一見ヘンリー八世とは関係のない1527年のサッコ・ディ・ローマ(ローマ劫掠)事件がきっかけでした。私がこの事件を知ったのは前回の記事で紹介したRome of the Popes.Thanks to the

This was a horrific event in 1527, when Rome was attacked, massacred, and plundered to the point of extermination.

Copper plate painting depicting the Roman plunderWikipedia.


Karl V (1500-1558)Wikipedia.

Carl V was the emperor of two nations, Spain and the Holy Roman Empire. In other words, he was the head of a fervently Catholic nation. The fact that the leader of this Catholic kingdom had so thoroughly destroyed and plundered the Holy See, the Vatican, made my head spin.

That said, I have always understood that after the discovery of the Americas, Spain used its gold to spend vast sums of money and effort to promote Catholic prosperity and counter the Reformation.

It is true, but can you imagine the Holy Roman Empire of Spain looting and destroying the Vatican, the headquarters of Catholicism?

I cannot tell you why this happened because it would take too long, but for me, the event was so shocking. I am sure that you have probably seen the Sacco di Roma event before in your study of Christian history, but I was not aware of the gravity and seriousness of this event. However, I had never realized the gravity and seriousness of this event. It was only after reading this book that I understood its significance. In that sense, too.Rome of the Popes.has been a work that has overturned my previous view of Christianity.

And while reading this book, something occurred to me.

'Hey, speaking of 1527, wasn't it around here that Henry VIII was trying to create the Church of England...maybe Henry VIII was able to do something this bold because the Vatican was weakened by the Sacco di Roma?'

I had read biographies of Shakespeare, and I had some idea of the history of England. And this was the moment when that history and the history of Italy and Rome connected with each other. I want to check this out right now! I wonder what kind of situation that Henry VIII was in at this time! I couldn't stand still and picked up this book.

Then I read it and was surprised. It seems that the Sacco di Roma incident still had a major impact. Well, to be precise, the fact that the Sacco di Roma incident occurred in the first place itself indicates the weakening of Roman Catholicism and the complicated political situation in Europe. It was very interesting to read this biography to know how King Henry VIII was moving in such an international situation.














晶文社、陶山昇平『ヘンリー八世 暴君かカリスマか』P9-12


In fact, the book is tremendously interesting. The author's narration is excellent, and the flow of history is easy to follow. We are witness to the amazing life of the overwhelmingly charismatic Henry VIII.

I highly recommend this book to Shakespeare fans. The daughter of this king was the future Queen Elizabeth, and Shakespeare was active in her reign. If you know the historical background in which he lived, you can enjoy Shakespeare's works more. No art is apart from its historical background. I have appreciated this biography very much.


以上、「陶山昇平『ヘンリー八世 暴君かカリスマか』~王の離婚問題とイギリス国教会創設の流れを知れるおすすめ伝記」でした。

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