Pushkin's "Drinking in a Plague Epidemic" Synopsis and Impressions - A masterpiece that asks, in Pushkin's style, what Russians think in the extreme conditions of a plague epidemic.

stone guardian lion-dogs at Shinto shrine The great Russian writer Pushkin Gogol

Pushkin's "Drinking in a Plague Epidemic" Synopsis - A masterpiece that asks, in Pushkin's style, what Russians think in the extremes of a plague.

Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837)Wikipedia.

The Drinking Bowl at the Time of the Plague" is a work of minor tragedy written by Pushkin in 1830.

私が読んだのは河出書房新社、北垣信行、栗原成郎訳『プーシキン全集3 民話詩・劇詩』所収の『ペスト流行時の酒もり』です。


この作品はイギリスの詩人ジョン・ウィルソン John Wilson(一七八五―一八一六)の劇詩 The City of the Plague『ぺストの市』(一八一六)の一場面の翻案であるが、娼婦メリーの歌と宴会の司会者ワルシンガムの歌はプーシキン自身の創作である。ウィルソンの戯曲は、一六六五年のペストに冒されたロンドンの街と、迫りくる疫病の魔手におじまどう人びとを描き、全部で三幕十二場から成る。バイロンはこの劇詩を賞讃したと伝えられるが、まもなく評判がうすれ、いまやイギリス本国でこの作品を読む人は少ないらしい。その第一幕第四場がプーシキンの天才によって翻案され、芸術的に高められて、ロシヤ文学の古典として残っているということは興味ぶかい事柄である。

Kawade Shobo Shinsha, translated by Nobuyuki Kitagaki and Shigeo Kurihara, Pushkin Complete Works 3: Folk Tales and Dramatic Poems, p621

The work was originally based on English author John Wilson's "The City of Plague" and adapted in part by Pushkin.



河出書房新社、北垣信行、栗原成郎訳『プーシキン全集3 民話詩・劇詩』P622


Pushkin's subject is a group of young men and women who, in the extreme conditions of a plague epidemic in which countless people are dying, are throwing frenzied revels to escape the horrors of death.







Some line breaks have been made.

河出書房新社、北垣信行、栗原成郎訳『プーシキン全集3 民話詩・劇詩』P621-622

Again, Pushkin has created a tragedy of his own.

ひとつ前の記事で紹介しましたThe Guest of Stoneでもそうでしたが、この作品でもプーシキンは従来の作品とは異なる視点でこの物語を書き換えます。


Pushkin sets forth in this work an attitude of fatal love that accepts suffering as suffering, not blind obedience to God or oblivion through drink or love.

This is easier said than done, but when one considers it from one's own perspective, it is an unusual problem.

What would I do when I was in real pain, when I was in uncontrollable despair?

When a loved one passes away, when our immediate happiness is suddenly taken away from us, what exactly do we do...

Do they try to hang on to something, or do they try to forget their suffering by getting drunk on something...honestly, I don't know that either.

But in this work, Pushkin describes a way of life that accepts suffering as suffering.

The attitude of not turning away from suffering and living with it...

The subject matter of this compact work of less than 20 pages is so fundamental that Pushkin has condensed it into a masterful work of art in less than 20 pages. Pushkin has condensed it into a masterful work of art in less than 20 pages.

A normal writer would write a long story full of words on this subject.

Pushkin, however, was different in more ways than one.

'A concise style, trimmed to the extreme, lays bare the essence of life.'

This is Pushkin's most important feature.

I felt that the good thing about this work is that this can be seen in an easy-to-understand way.

The piece was short but left a strong impact. It was a work that made me think about suffering, despair, and how I would face death.



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