(11) "Everything is permitted to us" - a world of Soviet violence where every means was justified for the sake of the end.

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

Read Victor Sebeschen's Lenin, Power and Love⑾.

Continued by Victor SebeschenLenin, Power and Love.The following are some of the memorable passages from the

Lenin's encouragement of violence. Russia in turmoil.

Lenin, who came to power through the Russian October Revolution, repeatedly made statements encouraging violence. This plunged Russia into chaos.

The spread of crime waves and anarchy in Petrograd and other large cities was a dilemma for Lenin. He had witnessed some of it himself on New Year's Day, just after returning from his Christmas vacation in Naja and Finland. In the early afternoon, while driving back to Smolinny from a speaking engagement, his car was hit by indiscriminate gunfire.

Fritz Platten, a Swiss socialist who had helped prepare the passage through Germany by "sealed train," was on a short visit and was in this car with Lenin. When he heard the gunfire, he covered the Bolshevik leader to protect him. He sustained a minor bullet wound to his hand. Lenin was not injured. However, there were several bullet holes on one side of the car. No one knew that Lenin was in this car, so it was not an assassination attempt, but random violence. But it showed how lawless Russia had become over the past year. This state of chaos must be reined in.

On the other hand, Lenin encouraged much of such violence for political reasons - as popular retribution against the bourgeoisie for "centuries of great injustice" and as "revolutionary judgment against the exploiters.

Initially, his rhetoric was quite appealing. Was not this, the abolition of privilege, the goal of the revolution? The settling of debts with the bourgeoisie, as Gerzhinsky's favorite cliché goes, had begun even before Chequer took the terror in his stride.
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Lenin: Power and Love, translated by Victor Sebeschen, Motohiro Miura, and Tsukasa Yokoyama, HakusuishaVol. 2, p. 179

Events were taking place in Russia that nearly resulted in Lenin being hit by a bullet. The security situation had become so unstable that indiscriminate violence was rampant. But this was what Lenin had repeatedly told the masses. It was he himself who encouraged violence.

Rampant and justified assault and looting

Rich people's apartments were looted and ransacked. They were attacked in the streets and routinely assaulted. The people took retaliation into their own hands, and Lenin spurned them.

In mid-December 1917, he declared that those who "hoarded" food or wealth were "enemies of the people" and, in his typically boisterous language, called for a "war of extermination against the rich, the idle, and the parasites ......."

"[Citizens] must remove all pests, bastard fleas, and bedbugs from Russian soil. ...... In one place, they can imprison a dozen rich people and a dozen bastards, a few workers who neglect their work. In another place, they will go to work cleaning temporary open-air toilets....... In a third place, after serving their sentences, they are given yellow tickets [like prostitutes] so that everyone can see and monitor them as harmful. In the fourth place, one person is shot for every 10 slackers. The more varied the better, because only ...... practice can devise the best methods of struggle."

Soon Bolshevik agitators roused the motley crowd to action. 'Squeezed out of the masses, cleverly, silk underwear, furs, carpets,money (written before an amount)gold (medal, cup)Take from the bourgeoisie the vast sums of money converted into furniture, paintings, ...... we will take it away and give it to the proletariat, who will then put the bourgeoisie to work for their own sustenance."

One party official in Yekachelinburg agitated in December 1917. The rich were branded "old people," food rations were much smaller, and they were put at the end of the line for bread. Some descendants of the great aristocratic families starved to death.

Middle-class families were forced to share housing with the poor, often in smaller rooms in larger apartment complexes - a "revolution in domestic life, a new world where servant and master were literally swapped.

The idea of retaliation was justified by Trotsky in a ruthless but decisive manner. Our fathers for centuries have cleaned the dust and dirt of the ruling class, now let them clean the dust of us. We must make their lives so unpleasant that they lose the desire to remain bourgeois."
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Lenin: Power and Love, translated by Victor Sebeschen, Motohiro Miura, and Tsukasa Yokoyama, HakusuishaVol. 2, 180-181.

The upper middle class and above were considered easy targets for the masses, and violence against them was encouraged with the Bolsheviks' blessing. The masses, who had been frustrated until then, took advantage of this opportunity to take revenge by committing violence. Lenin spread social change based on hatred.

Disregard for the law. Allowed to be judged in the name of revolution.

One of Lenin's edicts codified the Bolshevik philosophy of "revolutionary adjudication." He abolished the existing legal system in one fell swoop. He did, however, maintain the imperialist principle that there would be a judicial system for ordinary crimes against property and a separate legal system for crimes against the state.

For common crimes, he set up "people's tribunals" - essentially improvised trials, where twelve "elected" judges, many of whom could barely read or write, would judge using, in Lenin's words, "revolutionary conscience" rather than on the facts of the case. Lenin's hatred of the law and jurists was uncharacteristic throughout the proclamation. The court proceedings were not evidentiary, but were made up as they progressed.
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Lenin: Power and Love, translated by Victor Sebeschen, Motohiro Miura, and Tsukasa Yokoyama, HakusuishaVol. 181, no.

It is quite a horror story here. The trial is no longer disembodied.

A person who can barely read or write is to be tried without evidence and by using a "revolutionary conscience". In effect, this must be an emotional verdict based on mere impression. And this can lead to a deliberately malicious verdict, depending on the relationship with the defendant. This has resulted in a state of lawlessness under the banner of "revolution.

Revolutionary Court - We are Allowed to Do Everything

Another of Lenin's creations, borrowed from the French Revolution, was the Revolutionary Tribunal. This dealt with crimes against the state and was well received for a year or so, but disappeared with time. The public trial was conducted by the Chequers' manipulating party members, "thethree-person teamtroikaThe interview was replaced by a closed-door, 10-minute interview by the "Mere Old Man".

Lenin had a very simple, straightforward, and not least honest argument in favor of this system of so-called justice. He said that his system was far superior, both practically and morally, because it worked for the benefit of the exploited class - this justified everything.

The old system of ethics and humanity, devised by the bourgeoisie to oppress and exploit the "lower classes," does not and cannot exist for us. Our ethics are new, our humanity is absolute.

We are not to be afraid of the world, because it is based on the principle of destroying all oppression and coercion. Everything is permissible for us.

Because for the first time in the world, we are not trying to subjugate or oppress anyone, but toyokeyokeBecause it takes a sword to free you from the ....... Blood? Let blood be spilled, if only it can turn the gray-white-black banner of the piratical Old World into crimson. For only the complete and final destruction of that old world will save us from the resurrection of the old scumbags."

When discussing head-on the horror of the bloodshed he had unleashed, Lenin made no excuses.

When American journalist Lincoln Steffens asked, "Will the red terror and killings continue?" Laneenin replied when asked the question.

Are you going to tell me that these people, who have just plotted to kill 17 million people in a futile war, are concerned about the thousands who died in our revolution? The revolution has a conscious purpose: to prevent the inevitability of future wars. But don't worry, ...... I don't deny terrorism, and I don't underestimate the calamity of revolution. It will happen. It has to be factored in."
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Lenin: Power and Love, translated by Victor Sebeschen, Motohiro Miura, and Tsukasa Yokoyama, HakusuishaVolume 2 181-182

In this passage, Lenin's view of the revolution is straightforward.

We, the exploited, are allowed to do whatever we want to the bourgeoisie.

Because for the first time in the world, we are not trying to subjugate or oppress anyone, but to subjugate everyone.yokeyokeBecause it takes a sword to free you from the ....... Blood? Let blood be spilled, if only it can turn the gray-white-black banner of the piratical Old World into crimson."

However, it is true that Lenin's rise to power eventually led to corruption in the party leadership, starvation among the people to the extent that many people died of starvation despite his claims to equality, and the strengthening of inequality and oppression. And during the Stalin era, the system of oppression was further strengthened.

He said to the masses, "All existing regimes are evil. Take it away. Take it away, destroy it, spill blood. Once he is in power, he will oppress and deprivate the people even more severely than in the past. The people do as they are encouraged, are taken advantage of, and end up in a worse situation than before.

I think this is something we need to consider carefully.

be unbroken

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