(11) Visiting the too beautiful Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore - Rome's oldest existing basilica style and the cult of the Virgin.

Travels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

Travel in Rome] (11) Close to Termini Station! Visiting the too-beautiful Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore - Rome's oldest existing basilica style and the cult of the Virgin.

This article will introduce the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, a cathedral located near Roma Termini station.

As shown on the map, this cathedral is a church easily accessible on foot from Termini station.

Basilica di Santa Maria MaggioreWikipedia.

Let's look at Masumi Ishinabe's commentary again.

During the year from last year to this year (1988), various events were held as "Anno Mariano" (Holy Year of the Virgin), and many pilgrims visited Rome. Anno Santo" was an event to celebrate a milestone year, such as 1500 or 1950, and in the past, those who made a pilgrimage to Rome in that year were given indulgences. The tradition was established by the famous Pope Bonifacius VIII, who first issued the Declaration of the Holy Year in 1300, attracting many pilgrims to Rome. Historians have emphasized in recent years that the people of the Middle Ages and Renaissance traveled more than we think, and the institution of the Holy Year contributed greatly to this movement of people. When considering European history, the Holy Year should be kept somewhere in the forefront of our minds. The success or failure of the Holy Year was a mirror of the state of Rome and the papacy at that time, as well as of the political situation in Europe. (The success or failure of the Holy Year was a mirror of the state of Rome and the papacy and of the political situation in Europe.)

There is a good reason why the main event of the "Holy Year of the Virgin" was held in the ancient Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore near Termini Station. The reason is that the Cathedral of Santa Maria Maggiore was built to commemorate the victory of the Council of Ephesus in 432, which declared the Virgin to be the "Mother of God" and recognized the cult of the Virgin, and it can be said that this cathedral is the head of the countless cathedrals of the Virgin in the Christian world.

Masumi Ishinabe, Yoshikawa KobunkanAs Long as St. Peter's Stands: My Guide to Rome.p180-181

The Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore was built to commemorate the victory and dedicated to the Virgin, the head of the countless cathedrals of the Virgin in the Christian world."

It is true that there are countless churches of the Virgin Mary in the world. Some of them are not only innumerable, but also of an extraordinary scale. The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Krakow is probably the best example.

Krakow, PolandThe Church of the Virgin Mary Photo taken by the blog author in 2019

I was surprised to find that the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore was the most prominent of these numerous churches.

Masumi Ishinabe then continues.

In the previous section, I wrote that San Giovanni in Laterano was the first cathedral in the Christian world. It was not until the 12th century that it was rededicated to San Giovanni, or St. John the Baptist and Evangelist. Thus, the four great basilicas of Rome were the first dedicated to Christ the Savior, the second to St. Peter, the third to St. Saul, and the fourth to the Virgin (for the record, the names of these basilicas are: San Giovanni in Laterano Basilica, (For the record, the names of these basilicas are: Basilica San Giovanni in Laterano, Basilica San Pietro in Vaticano, Basilica San Paolo Foli le Mura, and Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore).

Of these four great basilicas in Rome, the Basilica of San Paolo le Mura, which remained intact, had to be rebuilt after a fire on the night of July 15, 1823, so the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore is the one that best preserves the original appearance of the basilica. Moreover, unlike the other three basilicas built by the emperor, this is the first basilica to be officially built by the pope, some one century later. In this respect, it is a cathedral of great historical significance and must be visited not only by Catholics, but also by pilgrims to the history and art of Rome.

Masumi Ishinabe, Yoshikawa KobunkanAs Long as St. Peter's Stands: My Guide to Rome.p181

previous(9) Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano - Visit the huge church that was once the political center of Christian Rome.Starting with the Laterano Cathedral, which was introduced in the article "The Four Basilicas of Rome," there are four other cathedrals: Basilica di San Pietro, Basilica di San Paolo Foli le Mura, and Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, which are considered the four major basilicas in Rome.

And Masumi Ishinabe...It was the first basilica to be publicly built by a pope. It is a cathedral of great historical significance in that respect, and a must-visit not only for Catholics, but also for pilgrims to Rome's history and art."It is noteworthy that he stated. I did not know about this cathedral until I studied Rome before embarking on this trip. There is so much to see in Rome. It would take a lot of time to cover everything. I had no idea that there was such an amazing cathedral near Termini station. It is a great city, Rome.

Now let's take a look at the interior of this cathedral.

Once inside through the portico, one is confronted with a wonderful space that is both solemn and elegant, as if it were a "Roman basilica". First, a slender Ionic colonnade supports an architrave that stretches straight up to the apse, and the ceiling over it is not very high. The ceiling over it is not very high, but the nave is wide, so the space is spacious and has an indescribable elegance. The "classicism" of this spatial composition has often been pointed out. For example, Emile Marr wrote: "Santa Maria Maggiore is the most beautiful of all the buildings. Entering the nave of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, visitors feel as if they have been transported into the ancient world. Is it a Christian cathedral, or is it an Athenian cloister where philosophers expounded their wisdom? The beautiful Ionic colonnades that support its architrave, its great horizon, its spaciousness, express purity and peace.

Masumi Ishinabe, Yoshikawa KobunkanAs Long as St. Peter's Stands: My Guide to Rome.p184-185

After listening to Masumi Ishinabe's commentary, I shall finally take a look at this cathedral.

This is the front of the cathedral. At a quick glance, it did not look so different from the surrounding buildings that one might wonder if this was really a church.

Incidentally, Termini station is at the end of the street in front. The church is located at the end of the street in front of the station. I felt it was much closer than I expected.

And this is the interior of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. When I stepped inside, I was so surprised that I stopped breathing for a moment. I had never imagined such a beautiful place. The neatness of the columns, the simple structure of the cathedral, and even the square decorations on the ceiling and pillars are beautiful.

Entering the nave of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, the visitor feels transported into an ancient world. Is it a Christian cathedral or an Athenian cloister, where philosophers expounded their wisdom? The beautiful Ionic colonnades that support its architrave, its great horizon, its spaciousness, express purity and peace.The space was the very embodiment of the word

Indeed, it is something different from other cathedrals. How exquisite the expression "Athenian cloister" is. I could certainly feel the philosophical and orderly atmosphere.

I couldn't help but think of Bernini's Baldacchino in St. Peter's Basilica when I saw the central altar here.

It's more than a resemblance. They look exactly alike.

Upon further research, I found that the Baldacchino in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore seems to be a later work than Bernini's, and was clearly influenced by it. I had no idea that I would even see these things.

And the cathedral also preserves numerous other valuable mosaics, making it a place of great cultural importance.

And not only these cultural assets, the cathedral is still cherished as a place of faith. Let's take a look at Masumi Ishinabe's explanation.

Although the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore is highly esteemed for its architectural and artistic heritage, it should not be forgotten that it also plays an important role in the religious life of Rome. Compared to cathedrals such as St. Peter's and San Giovanni, where many papal ceremonies are held, the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore seems to be a place where more substantial religious activities are carried out. On several occasions, I have seen masses held in this cathedral for wheelchair-bound patients brought from hospitals in Rome and its suburbs, and in the evenings, the chairs in the cathedral are often completely filled with ordinary people and pilgrims from various countries who attend mass. In the Chapel of the Paolina, there is a statue of the Virgin and Child, the most devotional image in Rome, said to have been handwritten by St. Luke, and under the main altar, the "Kaiba Tub," in which the newborn baby Jesus was laid in a beautifully designed silver case by Valadier, and there are always people laying their hands on it. The "Kaiba Tub," in which the newborn baby Jesus was laid, is housed in a beautiful silver case designed by Vladier.

The religious life of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore is well expressed in the Mass celebrated on August 5, the feast day of Our Lady of the Snows. According to tradition, during the reign of Pope Liberius, the Virgin appeared to the pope and a devout couple who donated land in a dream and told them to build the cathedral as shown by the snow. As the Virgin had predicted, it snowed on August 5, 348, and the cathedral was built according to the shape of the snow. Today, the Liberius cathedral is thought to have been built in a different location than it is today. However, the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore is still called "Basilica Liberina" or "Santa Maria della Neve" (Santa Maria of the Snows), and on the feast day of Our Lady of the Snows, a spectacle is staged to recreate this legend. The "Santa Maria della Neve" or "Santa Maria della Neve" (Santa Maria in the Snow) is also a church holiday.

Near the end of the Mass, the fourth ceiling grate, counting from the apse, opens and white petals fall from it like snow. It was such a wonderful spectacle that the people in attendance unexpectedly burst into applause. The snow continued to fall one after another, and the area around the altar gradually became completely white with petals. After the Mass, the ushers collect the petals in baskets and distribute them little by little to the congregants who crowd around the altar. The faithful call them "Madonnina" (little Madonna) and take them home with them. If you are in Rome on August 5, I suggest you attend this Mass.
*some line breaks.

Masumi Ishinabe, Yoshikawa KobunkanAs Long as St. Peter's Stands: My Guide to Rome.p190-191

The Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore is not merely an ancient historical building, but is still cherished as a place of living faith.

In Rome, such cathedrals are still everywhere. You may be overwhelmed by the beauty of a church you stumble into, or be bowled over by the atmosphere of a place of faith, and everywhere you go you will be filled with surprises. No matter how much time you have, it will never be enough if you want to see everything in detail. Rome is a city to be feared.

As I have said many times, this cathedral is quite close to Termini station. It is easy to get to if you decide to come, so I highly recommend a visit if you are in Rome. It is definitely a very nice cathedral.

*The list of articles in the "Rome Travel Journal" can be found atCategory page hereindicates direction or goal (e.g. "to")

*Please visit this category page for recommended books to learn about Rome and Italy.
The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism."
The Italian Renaissance and the Revolution in Knowledge."

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