Dante's "The Divine Comedy in Hell" Synopsis and Comments - The best classic of Italian literature with interesting comparisons to Buddhist hell.

The Italian Renaissance and the Revolution of Knowledge

Dante's "The Divine Comedy in Hell" Synopsis and Comments - The best classic of Italian literature with interesting comparisons to Buddhist hell.

今回ご紹介するのは14世紀初頭にダンテ・アリギエーリによって書かれた『神曲 地獄篇』です。私が読んだのは2008年に河出書房新社より発行された平川祐弘訳の『神曲 地獄篇』です。

Let's take a quick look at the book.


AmazonProducts Page.
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)Wikipedia.

The Divine Comedy is a classic that everyone knows the name of. However, it is surprisingly difficult to know when this work was written and what kind of person Dante was when he wrote it.

So before we get down to business, here is a brief profile of Dante.

Born in Florence, Tuscany in 1265. Italian poet. He was deeply involved in political activities, but in 1302, he was involved in a political upheaval and was permanently exiled from his homeland. He spent the rest of his life as a wanderer. Died in 1321.

Kawade Shobo Shinsha, Dante, translated by Yukihiro Hirakawa, from "The Divine Comedy in Hell

Dante would be of a generation slightly before Petrarch (1304-1374) and Boccaccio (1313-1375), the leading figures of Italian Renaissance literature.

We were first surprised to learn that he was born in Florence, but we were also surprised to learn that he was exiled because he was involved in a political dispute. The "Divine Comedy," which I will introduce here, was written out of his various feelings about this exile. The work looks different when you consider that his feelings for his homeland, power struggles, and resentment toward injustice were the driving forces behind this work.

さて、この『神曲』ですが、主人公はダンテ本人。そのダンテが地獄、煉獄、天国を巡っていくというのが大きな筋となりますが、『神曲 天国篇』の解説では『地獄篇』について次のように解説されています。




河出書房新社、ダンテ、平川祐弘訳『神曲 天国篇』P509-510



From the illustrations in this book

ウェルギリウスといえばヨーロッパ文化の源泉とも言える偉大な詩人です。彼の代表作Aeneis.", ,『牧歌』は当ブログでも紹介しました。


From the illustrations in this book


河出書房新社、ダンテ、平川祐弘訳『神曲 天国篇』P510-511
ボッティチェッリ(at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion 地獄の図 c. 1490年 Wikipedia.

In the Divine Comedy, hell is depicted in a hierarchical manner. The lower the hierarchy, the more serious the sins, and the more hellish the torment, as shown in the list above.

From the illustrations in this book

Basically, the pattern of hell's torment is to inflict physical pain on the body by physical means. Being roasted by fire also appears a lot in "The Inferno".

But what is surprising about this work is that there are punishments that are sometimes humorous.

From the illustrations in this book

This is the eighthcirquevalleyThe third of thetrenchchiselled featuresThe picture is a "Pentecostal" scene, but here sinners are being punished for the sale of sacramental goods. They are buried upside down in a hole, and their feet are burned by the flames.

It is true that being buried upside down in a hole and having one's legs burned endlessly would be an unimaginably painful ordeal. However, there is something about this story that does not evoke a sense of fear. The illustrations may be a major factor, but there is also a sense of humor or irony in the text. Perhaps Dante was trying to express his anger and ridicule toward the sinners who have violated the priesthood.

Other strange torments are recounted in "The Divine Comedy," but what struck me most about this work was its depiction of the lowest levels of hell.

From the illustrations in this book

This is the lowest level of this hell where the Great Demon King is waiting for you, but what a surprise! This place is an icy world!

From our image of hell, we have an image of burning flames, don't we?

But in "The Divine Comedy" it is different. This is a world of ice, and sinners are suffering from being frozen all over.

I first read "The Divine Comedy" when I was a junior in college. That was more than 10 years ago. But I still cannot forget the shock I felt when I first saw the icy world of the lowest level of this hell.

The bottom of Christianity's hell is a world of ice! It's the exact opposite of Buddhism!" I was astonished.

The lowest level of hell in Buddhism is called Muma Jigoku (Abhidharma Hell), which, as the name implies, brings "suffering without pause. It is a place of unimaginable scorching heat that burns for what seems like an eternity. This is Muma-Jigoku.

Buddhist hell of uninterrupted sufferingWikipedia.

In Buddhism, there are eight major hells, where one is subjected to increasingly severe torture depending on the severity of one's sins. The scorching fire from the first of these hells is one of the greatest torments, and the lower you go down the hell, the more tremendous the fire power becomes.

So when I first started reading "The Divine Comedy," I thought the first half was similar to Buddhism. But at the end of the book, I was surprised to see a cold, extremely cold world.












以上、「ダンテ『神曲 地獄篇』あらすじと感想~仏教の地獄との比較も面白いイタリア文学最高の古典」でした。

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