(50) A brief overview of the process of writing Marx's Capital!

Learn about the life and thought background of Marx Engels

A brief overview of the writing process of Marx's Capitalism! Learn about the life and ideological background of Marx and Engels (50)

In the above article, we have provided a brief chronological overview of the lives of Marx and Engels, but in this series, "Learning from the Life and Thought Background of Marx and Engels," we will look at the lives and thought of Marx and Engels in more detail.

I will now refer to the book by Tristram Hunt.Engels, The Man Marx Called General.This is a biography of Engels called.

What makes this book excellent is that it explains in an easy-to-understand manner which ideas influenced Engels and how his writings were produced from them.

It is very easy to understand the flow of history because you can learn along with the historical background of the time and the ideas that were popular at the time. It is easy to understand how the ideas of Engels and Marx were developed. The book also gives me a road map of what to read next to learn more about Marx and Engels. I appreciated this.

And this book made me realize how much Engels had influenced Marx's writings. It is quite amazing.

Although this book is a biography of Engels, it also goes into great detail about Marx. It was such a great biography that I thought I could learn more about Marx by reading this book than by reading a biography or commentary on Marx.

We may use other Marx biographies to supplement some of Marx's life and interesting episodes, but basically we will focus on this book and take a closer look at the lives of Marx and Engels.

For other reference books, see the following articles"List of 12 recommended Marx biographies--to learn more about the life and thought of Marx Engels."Please refer to this page for a summary.

So let's get started.


今回の記事ではこれまで参考にしてきたトリストラム・ハント『エンゲルス マルクスに将軍と呼ばれた男』ではなく、ジョナサン・スパーバーMarx: The Life of a Nineteenth-Century Man.下巻を参考にしていきます。






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白水社、ジョナサン・スパーバー、小原淳訳『マルクス ある十九世紀人の生涯』下巻P163-164



Rather than creating a new theory on his own, Marx may be said to have created a new one by successfully synthesizing existing ones.




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白水社、ジョナサン・スパーバー、小原淳訳『マルクス ある十九世紀人の生涯』下巻P164

ここでいうThe Odyssey.has been previously featured on this blog.









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白水社、ジョナサン・スパーバー、小原淳訳『マルクス ある十九世紀人の生涯』下巻P164-165



Marx wrote vigorously on economics in the early 1860s, producing an entire draft of his work in 1861-62 that was more tightly structured than before.

The section on the history of economic thought contained therein, which cannot be found in later manuscripts, was eventually published separately as the History of the Doctrine of Surplus Value.

The third and most well-developed and most lucid work was written in 1864-65.

It was too large a volume to publish at once, so Marx extracted the first 40% of it and revised it extensively for publication. This became the first volume of Capital, which was published in Hamburg in 1867.

In the 1870s, Marx made numerous changes and corrections to the work for the second German edition in 1873 and the French edition two years later [the second German edition was published between 1872-73 and the French edition between 1872-75]. Despite his efforts to obtain a translator and publisher, the English version was not published until after his death in 1887.

Despite these publications, most of Marx's planned works remained unpublished.

Marx had hoped to complete the work shortly after the first volume was published, and he was to continue this work until the year he passed away. After 1867, however, the results remained scattered.

After Marx's death, Engels, who collected, organized and cleaned up his writings, had to refer to multiple drafts since the 1860s.

Volumes II and III of Capital, edited by Engels, were published in 1885 and 1894, respectively, although most of Volume I was actually written after Volumes II and III [were written in manuscript], and it contains Marx's final thoughts and formulations on many important issues.
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Hakusuisha, Jonathan Sperber, translated by Jun Obara, Marx: The Life of a Nineteenth Century Man, vol. 2, p. 165-166.

It is surprising that the second and third volumes of Capitalism were already written before the first volume was published.

The first 40% of the first half of the large volume of "Capitalism" had already been completed, and the first volume of "Capitalism" was the first volume that was cleaned up and published....

One often hears that, "Because of the many points of contradiction and problems pointed out in the first volume of Capital, Marx struggled to write the second and third volumes in order to answer them, but his life ended.

It is true that this is one aspect of the book, but in reality, the second and later volumes had already been written. Marx thought it was too incomplete to be published, so he kept trying to find a way to make it work, but he was never able to produce anything satisfactory, and it was probably closest to being put away as it was.

I read the above passage and thought, "Marx left many manuscripts, in which he had clear ideas and answers, which are still valid today."


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