Buddhist Books Database

Form of the SacredIndian thought, culture and history

Musashi Tachikawa and Jigo Omura, "The 'Shape' of the Sacred: Travels through Eurasian Civilizations" - Asking "What is Religion?" from People's Lives






Gautama BhuttaBuddhism in India

Gen Nakamura, "Gautama Buddha" - A biography that reveals the "human Buddha" using original sources. What is the unmythologized Buddha?


Frankly speaking, you may be surprised to learn that it contains some things that are different from the Buddhist tradition and philosophy we are usually familiar with. And it cannot be said that there are no inconvenient points from the Japanese Buddhist priests' point of view. However, if we hide or cover up such inconvenient points, the development of thought and the Buddhist Way may be closed. It is precisely because we are now able to verify history that it is important for us to face these facts and question our own way of being.

Hindu PilgrimageIndian thought, culture and history

Musashi Tachikawa, "Hindu Pilgrimage" - A tour of India's holy places and a deep religious world


Mystical Thought of Ancient IndiaIndian thought, culture and history

Masaaki Hattori, "The Mystical Thought of Ancient India: The World of the Early Upanishads" - A masterpiece that also shows the connection between Schopenhauer and Indian thought.

This book is a treatise on the Upanishadic philosophy, which is the deepest branch of ancient Indian thought.

And as I mentioned in the title of this article, the connection between ancient Indian thought and Schopenhauer is also discussed early in the book.

We have looked at Schopenhauer on this blog in the past, but it was very interesting to learn more about his connection to ancient India and the impact it had on European society.


Encyclopedia of Indian Mythology StoriesIndian thought, culture and history

M. J. Dougherty, "Encyclopedia of Indian Mythological Tales" - A recommended commentary on the general framework and historical background of Hinduism!


I realized once again that the very idea of Buddhism and the terms and concepts used in it came from the world of Hinduism. There are things that can be seen by going back to Buddhism and learning about Indian history and culture. This reading convinced me of that. This is interesting. I think it is a wonderful work that gives us a new perspective on Buddhism.

HinduismIndian thought, culture and history

Tatsuo Morimoto, "Hinduism - Sacred and Secular in India" - Recommended for an introduction to India! A great book that makes you think about what religion is all about!

India is a country of mystery. This book is a fun way to learn about India, a country that even seems otherworldly, even though it is part of the same Asian region. The author's narrative is very easy to understand, and you will discover the fascinating world of India, which is complex and mysterious. It is interesting to know "why India is so unique" along with the historical background.

This was an interesting book. I feel myself getting more and more addicted to the Indian swamp.

I would highly recommend this book.

Words and Spell PowerIndian thought, culture and history

Yuto Kawamura, "Words and Spell Power: Unraveling Vedic Mythology" - What is the power of "words" that is surprisingly familiar to us? Full of discoveries that are connected to our daily lives!



I think this book is a wonderful opportunity to rethink language. It is also an enjoyable way to learn about the history and culture of ancient India, which we don't usually come into contact with.

Indus (valley) civilization (civilisation)Indian thought, culture and history

Akinori Uesugi, "Indus Civilization: Exploring the Dynamism of Civilized Society" - A reference book to learn about the complexity of the mysterious ancient India.

When we say "Buddhism was born in India," we tend to think of it as something new and independent.

In fact, however, this is not the case, and Buddhism was born in close association with the Indus civilization, or even more specifically, with the history of the world.

Until I learned about the Indus civilization in this way, I was hardly aware of the connection between Buddhism and the Indus civilization.

But after reading this book, I once again felt the grandeur and dynamism of human history. India is still interesting!


Indus (valley)Indian thought, culture and history

NHK Special: The Four Great Civilizations of Indus" - Many rare photos and illustrations! Recommended as an introductory book!

This book is based on an NHK Special report and is a recommended introduction to the Indus civilization.


Indian thought, culture and history

Satish Kumar, "You Are, Therefore I Am" - A Jain Perspective on the Philosophy of Coexistence and Symbiosis in Life

