Sogensha's "Mesopotamian Civilization" - A commentary book recommended to get an overall picture of Mesopotamian civilization. Amazing flow to deciphering cuneiform script.

Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Sogensha's "Mesopotamian Civilization" Overview and Comments ~~ A recommended commentary book to get an overall picture of the Mesopotamian civilization. Surprised at the flow to deciphering cuneiform script.

The book introduced here is "Mesopotamian Civilization: Rediscovering Knowledge," Sohu 43, written by Jean Bottero and Marie-Joseph Stève, translated by Masaru Takano, and supervised by Fumio Yajima, and published by Sogensha in 1994.

Let's take a quick look at the book.

Mesopotamian cuneiform script was deciphered in the late 19th century after its decline in BC AD and long being forgotten in the mud. The thrill of the steady excavation and deciphering work, as well as the magnificent history and stories revealed by these works, will be explained.

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This work is a recommended introduction to Mesopotamian civilization to get an overall picture.

Many of you may remember the Mesopotamian civilization only by name since you learned about it in junior high school history. I was one of them. I remember only the name, but honestly speaking, I can hardly remember what this civilization actually was.

This book is a very exciting work that gives us a new insight into what the Mesopotamian civilization is all about. These things can be very interesting when you learn about them again as an adult, can't they? When I was a student, I did it just to memorize things, but when I started to look into it with curiosity, I found it very interesting!

I wondered if what I had once vaguely heard was actually so dramatic and interesting.

I was particularly interested in the excavation of the ruins and the accompanying process of deciphering the cuneiform script.

The book contains many photos so you can see the excavated sites and various clay tablets. The book is full of photos, so you can see excavated ruins and various clay tablets. And the persistence of the researchers who tried to decipher them!

The Mesopotamian civilization used cuneiform writing.

This is all there is to it once it is told in textbook terms.

Clay tablet with a portion of the Epic of Gilgamesh inscribed in cuneiform script. AkkadianWikipedia.

But the mysterious letters that actually appeared before my eyes when the ruins were excavated.

Naturally, at first there was no way to decipher them at all. How did researchers decipher the mysterious letters? This was extremely interesting.

I can only marvel at the persistence of the researchers, or rather, their brains. How they were able to decipher the ancient script was a surprisingly blind spot for me. I had never really thought about it. But when I thought about it, I realized that this is a tremendous feat. How did they decipher ancient letters without any clues? It is a great mystery, isn't it?

The book looks at how researchers deciphered the cuneiform script with many illustrations. This was very helpful because it tells the story in a way that even a beginning student can easily understand. It was like watching an interesting documentary program.

I highly recommend this book as an introduction to how the Mesopotamian civilization was discovered and the overall picture of this civilization. Why not pick up a copy?

The above is "Sogensha's "Mesopotamian Civilization" - A recommended commentary book to get an overall picture of Mesopotamian civilization. The flow to the decipherment of cuneiform script is astonishing".

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