Osamu Dazai's "One Hundred Views of Mt. Fuji" Synopsis and Impressions - A famous short story famous for the famous quote "Fuji is well suited for moonflowers".

Run, Meros! Yukio Mishima and Japanese Literature

Osamu Dazai's "One Hundred Views of Mt. Fuji" Synopsis and Impressions - A famous short story famous for the famous quote "Fuji is well suited for moonflowers".


Let's take a quick look at the book.

Fugaku hyakkei (One hundred views of Mt. Fuji)" was published in the second and third issues of "Buntai" in 1939. It depicts a period in which he desperately tried to rebuild himself by staying at a teahouse on the Misaka Pass in Koshu, relying on Ibushi Masuji. This is his first work after his marriage to his wife, and it is filled with the spirit of a fresh start. The brief, dry style of the first sentence, "The angle at the top of Mt. Fuji is 85 degrees in Hiroshige's Fuji," is pleasing, and the author depicts a mental landscape of the severe confrontation between nature and man, creating holes of shame amid the tension. Fuji" is a rare masterpiece in Japanese literature, and a line from the text, "Fuji is well suited to moonflowers," is inscribed on a literary monument at Misaka Pass.

Shinchosha, Osamu Dazai, Running Meros, p. 290-291
Osamu Dazai (1909-1948)Wikipedia.

So far in this blog, we have introduced Yukio Mishima's works, and now we are finally entering Osamu Dazai's works.


I don't like Dazai's literature.

In one of the commentaries on Mishima's works, Osamu Dazai was described as being the literary opposite of Yukio Mishima.

For me, as I want to learn more about Yukio Mishima, it is a wonderful opportunity to learn even more about Mishima by getting to know his opposite. This is similar to learning about Tolstoy and Turgenev in learning about Dostoevsky.

So I finally decided to give Osamu Dazai's works a try.

Speaking of Osamu Dazai, I remember reading "Running Meros" in class, probably in a junior high school textbook. In other words, I have not read Dazai since then.













せっかくですので三島の文章と比べてみましょう。引用するのは1956年に発表された彼の代表作Kinkakuji Templeです。この小説は私が読んだ初めての三島作品でした。その中でも特に印象に残っている三島の言葉を紹介します。

Maizuru Bay was located one and a half ri to the west of Shiraku Village, but the sea was blocked by mountains. However, there was always a sense of the sea in the air. When the sea was stormy, many ogres would escape from the village and land in the rice paddies.

Shinchosha, Yukio Mishima, The Temple of the Golden Pavilion, p. 6

But there has always been something of a sea premonition hovering over this land."



It just so happened that the institutional school uniforms had been taken off and hung over the white penkipainted fence. Pants and a shirt of white underwear. They were ...... right next to the flowers, giving off the smell of sweaty young skin. The bees had mistakenly rested their wings on the flowers of these white, glowing shirts. His cap, decorated with gold braid, hung on one of the fences, just as it had on his head, correctly and conspicuously. He was challenged by his juniors to the back ring,rikishisumo wrestlerThe first time I went to the

The shedding of these things gave the impression of a cemetery of honor. The abundance of flowers in May reinforced this impression. In particular, the cap, with its jet-black eaves, and the leather belt and dagger that hung on its side, were detached from his body, and instead radiated a lyrical beauty, as complete and ...... ...... as the memories themselves, which seemed to be the relics of a young hero. It was a relic of a young hero.

Shinchosha, Yukio Mishima, The Temple of the Golden Pavilion, p. 11-12






Therefore, this story does not tell of the catastrophic events that are synonymous with Dazai. However, Dazai's delicate confession and will to recover are clearly conveyed in this story.

They called me "sir. I took it seriously. I had nothing to be proud of. I had no education. No talent. My body is dirty and my heart is bad. But I have gone through enough suffering to accept the young men who called me "teacher. That is all. I am proud of myself as if I were a piece of straw. But I want to keep this pride. How many of you have known my behind-the-scenes suffering, which I have been called like a selfish spoiled child?

Shinchosha, Osamu Dazai, Running Meros, p. 62-63

This confession must have been exactly what Dazai was feeling at the time.

This film beautifully depicts a man trying to rise from such ruin and the beautiful Mt.

I had never heard of this work until I picked up this book, but I think it was a very good first encounter with Dazai's work. I could vividly feel the difference between Dazai's and Mishima's writing styles.

It is also very easy to read, with only about 30 pages.

As an introduction to Dazai, this work may be an apt one.

This is a good short story that I would highly recommend.


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