M. Wickramasinghe's "The Lotus Path" Synopsis and Impressions - A delicate, too delicate masterpiece of Sri Lankan literature.

lotus-shaped path Buddhism in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Southeast Asia



Let's take a quick look at the book.



AmazonProducts Page.
Martin Wickramasinghe (1890-1976)Wikipedia.

Martin Wickramasinghe, the author of this work, is not well known in Japan, but he is known as a world-class writer representing Sri Lanka. I myself became aware of his existence while studying Sri Lanka.


1890年生まれ。1900年近郊の都市ゴールのボナウィスター学校に入学。1902年ボナウィスター学校を中退。1903年小冊子『バーローパデェーシャヤ』出版。1914年『リーラー』(最初の小説)出版。1946年ディナミナ新聞の編集ポストなどを辞め、職業作家として本格的な文学活動を開始。1957年小説『ウィラーガヤ』ドン・ペードゥリック賞を受賞。1960年ウィッデョーダヤ大学より文学博士号授与。1965年インド映画祭で『変わりゆく村』黄金孔雀賞など三部門で賞を獲得。ウィッディヤーランカーラ大学より文学博士号授与。1970年セイロン大学(コロンボ・キャンパス)より文学博士号授与。1974年スリランカ大統領賞受賞。1976年7月23日、コロンボ近郊ナーワラの自宅で死歿。86歳(本データはこの書籍が刊行された当時に掲載されていたものです)AmazonProducts Page.

Wickrama Sinha'sThe Changing Village., ,The Age of Transformation."、『時の終焉』の三部作は当ブログでもこれまで紹介してきました。


The above trilogy was a novel that also had a journalistic aspect, as it depicted Sri Lankan society in the first half of the 20th century.

In contrast, "The Lotus Path" dives deeper and deeper into the inner life of a single person. There are no major incidents in this novel. However, the protagonist's sensitive and complex inner life is skillfully portrayed.

What came to me as I read this piece was, "Oh...! Literature! I thought to myself, "This is literature.

It's literature, THE literature.

I guess it depends on what one considers literature to be literature, but I felt it in this too sensitive and timid protagonist who did not fit in with the world.

Well - that's a bit of a bummer! Why don't you just take a step forward? I want to blast him, but that's a promise. The protagonist is stuck and continues to be troubled.

You are too sensitive and have values that are too far removed from the world, but you cannot abandon the world either. He understands this about himself, and yet, somewhere along the way, he still has a little bit of hope for the world. He is very sensitive. He is a very naïve protagonist.

私はそんな主人公にカミュのThe Gentiles.的なものを感じてしまったほどでした。ただ、『異邦人』ほど世捨て人といいますか、世間ずれしているというわけではなく、リアルなレベルでのナイーブさといったところでしょう。このリアルさがこの小説の絶妙な文学感を醸し出しているのかもしれません。

This work has been called a milestone in Sri Lankan literature. Well, this is a profound work.




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