Mizuho Okita, "Introduction to the Mahabharata: An Introduction to Indian Mythology" - A commentary recommended to grasp the whole picture of the great epic, the source of Indian culture.

Mahabharata Indian thought, culture and history

沖田瑞穂『マハーバーラタ入門 インド神話入門』概要と感想~インド文化の源流たる大叙事詩の全体像を掴むのにおすすめの解説書

今回ご紹介するのは2019年に勉誠出版より発行された沖田瑞穂著『マハーバーラタ入門 インド神話入門』です。

Let's take a quick look at the book.

What exists here exists elsewhere. But what does not exist here does not exist anywhere else.
The Mahabharata, an ancient Indian epic poem interwoven with myth, doctrine, and philosophy.
A groundbreaking introduction to the Hindu scriptures in one volume, consisting of 18 volumes and 100,000 verses! !
Arjuna, the hero; Karna, the arch-enemy; Krishna, the incarnation of Vishnu; Draupadi, the most beautiful woman in the world.... The "Mahabharata," with its gods and heroes, is now available in a single volume!

What is the "Mahabharata"?
The Mahabharata is an ancient Indian epic poem written in Sanskrit, consisting of 18 volumes and approximately 100,000 verses. The Mahabharata means "the story of the Mahas (great) Bharatas" = "the story of the Bharatas.
It is a vast book with a war story between cousins as its main plot, with many myths, doctrines, and philosophies woven in between. Since hundreds of millions of people die in the war and only ten survive, the story is sometimes referred to as the Shanta Rasa.

[Features of this book
◎The lengthy story is divided into four chapters, each divided into a "main plot" and an "episode," and explained in an easy-to-understand manner.
◎Numerous columns for deeper enjoyment of the "Mahabharata," including a reading of mythological motifs, similarities and differences with myths from other regions, trivia about the characters, and more.
◎An extensive appendix includes a genealogy of the heroes, a list of characters, and an index.

AmazonProducts Page.

This book is a recommended introduction to the Mahabharata, the great Indian epic poem that provides an overview of the Mahabharata.







勉誠出版、沖田瑞穂『マハーバーラタ入門 インド神話入門』P⑶-⑷


King Arthurindicates such things as location of person or thing, location of short-term action, etc.エクスカリバーを渡す「湖の乙女」Wikipedia.



そして『マハーバーラタ』といえばインド思想の最高峰The Bhagavad Gita.がこの大叙事詩の中で説かれていることでも有名です。


Arjuna and his best friend Krishna (the blue figure) in the carriageWikipedia.


The dialogue will of course begin against the background of the storyline of the Mahabharata. Although it is possible to read the Bhagavad Gita on its own, it is essential to know the main plot of the Mahabharata in order to appreciate it more deeply.



以上、「沖田瑞穂『マハーバーラタ入門 インド神話入門』~インド文化の源流たる大叙事詩の全体像を掴むのにおすすめの解説書」でした。

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