Paris-Georgia Travelogue] (31) Postscript - After the Paris-Georgia Trip

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

Paris-Georgia Travelogue] (31) Postscript - After the Paris-Georgia Trip

After my shocking experience in Juta Valley, all I had to do was to wait for the time to return home, and I immediately started to read Dostoevsky'sThe Record of the House of Death."read.

From the inn's café, I had a frontal view of the Kafkaes mountains. I devoured "The House of Death" while gazing at the mountains of the Kafkaes. It had been a long time since I had read a book so voraciously. I had found this book in the Juta Valley and was eager to see what it had to offer.

I have come this far with the hypothesis that "Tolstoy's origin may have been in Kafkaes."

And I was left to ponder the landscape and the mountain people that Tolstoy would have actually seen.

This resulted in a connection with Dostoevsky.

Dostoevsky is the exact opposite of Tolstoy. So if you learn one, you learn the other."

That's exactly what happened.

I will never forget the time I spent relaxing by the creek near the inn.

I fell ill in Armenia and thought it would be impossible to continue the trip. However, I managed to make it here.

Because of that bitterness, each of my experiences at Kafkaes felt like a blessing. I was able to spend each day in this way, even though I should not have been able to even experience it. I tried to take in the Kafkaes with all of my senses, as much as I could.

That is how I discovered Dostoevsky's "The House of Death". How could I not be happy? I was so happy I wanted to cry. The last time I spent at Kafkaes was a time to reflect on these feelings.

On the morning of the last day of Kafkers, Mount Qazbeki turned bright red, as if to reward me.

Fortunately, the medication prescribed locally had taken effect, and by this time I was feeling much better. Once that happened, it was human nature to feel a sense of "Oh, I wish I could have stayed a little longer.

But I have no regrets. I did what I could do. I saw what I needed to see.

Now it is time to return home and write about this trip.

I had already moved on.

And a month and a half after completing this trip, I had a second European expedition coming up. In fact, this one is my main focus. It was the culmination of three and a half years of my life. This trip was also a prelude to that.

I have no time left. If I don't move now, I will never be able to go.

That is how I have spent the past three and a half years. This is the end of one of those journeys.

Paris is one of the benchmarks for thinking about Europe. Dostoevsky also had Paris and London in mind when he thought of Russia versus Europe. Paris was one of the criteria for Dostoevsky as well. In this sense, the fact that I was able to take a closer look at Paris will provide me with a great benchmark for the future.

And seeing Vermeer in Holland was also significant. Girl with a Pearl Earring" blew away my ideas about painting in a positive way, and it became an unforgettable experience for me. Walking through the Netherlands, thinking about the connection between Löwenhoek, the discoverer of microorganisms, and Vermeer, the painter of light, was an exhilarating experience.

And then there is Armenia. I will say nothing more here. I have already said enough in the text. But I am truly glad that I went there.

The days I spent in Georgia were truly precious. I want to thank Tolstoy for leading me here.

Although titled "Summer Impressions in Autumn," this manuscript was not completed until early January. Much of this manuscript was written during the second European expedition that began in November. It was a strange feeling to be traveling and writing about the previous trip. I hope to make the most of this experience and move on. I will be moving on soon.Dostoevsky and His Wife's Fateful Journey: Travels in Western Europe in Madness and Love.I will begin work on the following. For me, this travelogue will be the culmination of three and a half years of travel.

I would like to thank everyone who has read this far. Some of the contents are a bit maniacal, but I have simply expressed what I think. I hope that you will continue to read along with me.

Let me put down my pen here. This is the end of my "Impressions of Summer as Written in Autumn". Thank you all very much!

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