Tolstoy's "How Much Land Is There for a Man" Synopsis and Comments - Tolstoy's masterful folk tale about the endlessness and emptiness of human desire.

Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Tolstoy's "How Much Land Is There for a Man" Synopsis and Comments - Tolstoy's masterful folk tale about the endlessness and emptiness of human desire.

今回ご紹介するのは1886年にトルストイによって発表された『人にはどれほどの土地がいるか』です。私が読んだのは岩波書店、中村白葉訳の『トルストイ民話集 イワンのばか 他八篇』所収版です。

Let's take a quick look at the book.


岩波書店、トルストイ、中村白葉訳『イワンのばか 他八編』P211


上の解説でも述べられていました『人はなんで生きるか』, ,Ivan the Fool.もこれまで当ブログでも紹介しました。




岩波書店、トルストイ、中村白葉訳『イワンのばか 他八編』P211



あのWar and Peace."はギリシャを代表するホメロスの叙事詩The Iliad.に強い影響を受けていたと言われています。



The plot of this work is fairly simple: a peasant in a village takes advantage of the lucrative offer of a larger piece of land and increases his desires one after another, until finally he dies from his desires.

But then there is Tolstoy, the greatest artist of all time. In his hands, such a simple story becomes incredibly dramatic and profound.

The point of this story is that it is the most exquisite depiction of the gradual and gradual expansion of human desire, with no turning back. It started out as a small profit. It is not as if you can suddenly make a tremendous profit. But the "gradual expansion" is really troublesome, and we can understand how it can ruin a person's life.

Tolstoy tells such a "gradual and gradual" tragedy of desire that cannot be turned back in a folk tale.

The title, "How Much Land Does a Person Need?" is truly an exquisite name.

More, more!" and the hero, a peasant, walks around in search of a bigger piece of land. He walks around desperate for a deal that will give him as much land as he walks on. But the end result is...

It's really quite brilliant. I could understand why this story is still loved as Tolstoy's masterpiece in the world.

If you ask me which of Tolstoy's folktales is my favorite, I would choose this one.

I would highly recommend this work.


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