
Indian thought, culture and history

Schumacher, "Small is Beautiful" - Advocates Buddhist economics! A work that sounds a warning about the modern state of supremacy of economic growth.




Marx Engels Writings and Related Works

Plato's "Socrates' Dialectic Kriton" Synopsis and Impressions - Surprised at the similarities between Master and Disciple Socrates Plato and Master and Disciple Honen and Shinran...

Plato wrote "The State" in reaction to the unjust execution of his respected teacher Socrates.

The work "Socrates' Defense" is about why Socrates had to be executed.

Shinran himself, like Plato, experienced firsthand how his respected teacher had to be unreasonably punished.

In part, Shinran wrote his main work "Kyogyoshinsho" in order to refute such irrationality.

The similarity of the "regret" experienced by Plato and Shinran was a thrill for me.

Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Tolstoy's "Theory of Life (Theory of Life)" Synopsis and Comments - How does one lead a happy life? And its connection to Buddhism.

My impression of this work is that there is quite a bit of Buddhist essence to it.

Tolstoy was at one time devoted to Schopenhauer, and because of this, he also studied Buddhism and the philosophy of Lao Tzu.

When we think about "what is death," "what is life," and "what is life? I felt that Tolstoy must have felt a great deal from Buddhism when reading this work.

This work is only about 250 pages in paperback, but it is a very sturdy piece of work.


Shinran Shonin Shinran Shonin Shinran Shonin's New Year Memorial Service at Nishikiori-ji Temple, the head temple of the Shinshu Kibe sect of Shin Buddhism

On June 16, 2022, I gave a talk at the Shinshu Kibe sect head temple Nishikiori-ji in Yasu City, Shiga Prefecture, for the Shinran Shonin Shinran Shonin New Year Memorial Service.

It was my first visit to the head temple in two years. Moreover, this time I was very nervous to visit the temple because I was a missionary.

We will continue to devote ourselves to this project and look forward to working with you in the future.

Learning from the Philosopher Schopenhauer

List of 4 recommended Schopenhauer works and commentary articles - The German pessimist master who was also influenced by Buddhism.

In this article, we will recommend four of Schopenhauer's recommended works and, as an extra, six explanatory and reference articles.

It was quite a demanding time reading his book, thinking about it, and writing the article. I felt several times more fatigued and depressed than usual.

But that is also why I felt that we must overcome Schopenhauer's pessimism. I felt again that Dostoevsky, Chekhov, and Zola were the great predecessors of Schopenhauer. I felt as if I understood a little why the great writers of that era were so earnest in their contemplation of "life.

Buddhist Columns & Dharma Talks

Kenichi Yoshida, "The Forensic Scientist's Mission: To Keep Human Death Alive" - Sudden death was surprisingly close to us.

In this book, we learn that we are exactly the ones who do not know when we will die, and that many people actually die from sudden death every year. I believe that this book plays a significant role in the coronary disaster. In this article, I would like to introduce the book and share my thoughts about death in our daily lives.

Buddhist Columns & Dharma Talks

The Dead and Spirituality: Reconsidering Modernity, edited by Fumibishi Sueki, How to Face Death Today in the Wake of the Corona Disaster

This book is very important because of the current moment in the Corona Disaster. How should we think about illness and death? How should we deal with invisible beings? Are we so blindly trusting in science and rationality that we have lost sight of what is important? This is a book that makes us think about such things.

Now our view of life and death is being questioned.

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

Nietzsche's "The Antichrist (Antichrist)" Synopsis and Comments - on Dostoevsky's "The Grand Inquisitor's Chapters" and its connection to Buddhism

The Antichrist, as Kanji Nishio states, seems to me to be one of the best of Nietzsche's works. Above all, it is easy to read! And the intensity of its ideas! This book is my favorite of all Nietzsche's works. I recommend this book especially to those who like Dostoevsky.

Another interesting aspect of this work that I personally found interesting was its connection to Buddhism. In this work, Nietzsche unleashes a merciless attack on Christianity, but is quite favorable to Buddhism. In this work, we can learn why Nietzsche was so favorable to Buddhism.

Nietzsche and Dostoevsky

Chizuko Hashimoto, "Nihilism and Nothingness - Intercultural Clarification of Schopenhauer/Nietzsche and Indian Thought" - recommended for learning the connection between nihilism and Buddhist thought.

Chizuko Hashimoto, "Nihilism and Nothingness - Schopenhauer/Nietzsche and the Intercultural Elucidation of Indian Thought" Summary and Comments - Recommended for studying the connections between the nihilism of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche and Buddhist thought! Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)...