Tolstoy's "The Blizzard" Synopsis and Impressions - A masterpiece born from his own experience of nearly freezing to death on the road from the Kafkers! Turgenev also praised it highly!

Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Tolstoy's "The Blizzard" Synopsis and Impressions - A masterpiece born from his own experience of nearly freezing to death on the road from the Kafkers! Turgenev also praised it highly!

今回ご紹介するのは1856年にトルストイによって発表された『吹雪』です。私が読んだのは河出書房新社より発行された中村白葉訳『トルストイ全集2 初期作品集(上)』1982年第4刷版所収の『吹雪』です。(全集では翻訳の関係で『吹雪』が『雪あらし』という題になっています。)

Let's take a quick look at the book.





Some line breaks have been made.

河出書房新社、中村白葉訳『トルストイ全集3 初期作品集(下)』1980年第3刷版所収、巻末解説P43






Some line breaks have been made.

Daisan Bunmeisha, Tolstoy, by Takashi Fujinuma, p.209-210

The Blizzard" was a work that was highly praised by that Turgenev. Turgenev was 10 years older than Tolstoy, and by this time Turgenev was already at the top of the Russian literary world.

Tolstoy is not an ordinary man to be so highly praised by Turgenev. It is amazing that Tolstoy could display such expressive power in just a few years after his debut as a writer.


We have discussed in previous articles that the Kafkaesque experience was a major experience for Tolstoy that would last throughout his life.

This work, which sublimates the Kafkaesque experience into an "idea" by depicting it as a "disaster caused by a blizzard," has a strong message.

コーカサス(カフカース)山脈 Wikipedia.

The overwhelming grandeur of the Kafkers, the lives of the people who live there, and the view of humanity that he learned through his military service.

And this majestic world came to take Tolstoy's life through a natural phenomenon called "snowstorm.

The overwhelming nature that almost takes our hearts with it can also easily take away our lives.

Longing and fear of the overwhelming.

Emotions that human beings have in the face of the gigantic nature.

One wonders how much of Tolstoy's life was influenced by his days at Kafkaes.

It is a well-known story that many European writers have gone through the "Alpine Experience". The German poet Goethe is one of them.

It is very interesting to me how the Alps were such a great inspiration to Europeans.

Similarly, this Kafkaesque experience had a great impact on Tolstoy.

I felt that this was a point that could not be overlooked when learning about Tolstoy.


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