Security Information for Bosnia and Sarajevo (as of May 2019), Bosnia (⑲)

Bosnia Bosnia and Croatia

Security Information of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Sarajevo (Bosnia: The Most Beautiful Country in the World by Takahiro Ueda, Monk)

Finally, the last article in the Bosnia section.

In this issue, I would like to talk about the security situation in Bosnia, which is a matter of concern.

Bosnia was a country in conflict from 1992-95.

The conflict has devastated the country, worsened the economy, and shattered people's lives.

If this were to happen, security would naturally deteriorate, and sightseeing trips would be impossible.

This is why Bosnia has not been a tourist destination of choice for many days.

However, about five years ago, the situation began to change rapidly.

As reconstruction progressed, infrastructure facilities and tourist facilities began to improve, and the area began to be ready to receive tourists.

And with the spread of smartphones making it easier to spread information, word began to spread around the world that Bosnia was an attractive tourist destination.

Thus, Bosnia is now beginning to establish itself as a tourist destination, although the situation is not yet satisfactory.

In fact, when I decided on my round-the-world route, Bosnia was the first thing people around me worried about.

After all, it is a land of conflict, and the image of danger is quite deep-rooted.

I myself had some misgivings about Bosnia.

And actually I amTakahiro Ueda, robbed in Sarajevo, Bosnia ⑨.As I mentioned in my article in the "The Robbery" section, I ended up being robbed.

So what is the actual situation in Bosnia today?

As I was writing the Bosnia section of the article, I had been in touch with Mr. Matsui of BEMI TOUR many times to edit the article, and in the process, I received a call from Mr. Matsui asking me to give him a heads-up.

I would like to quote Matsui's words as follows.

In fact, we have one favor to ask of you.

Recently, there has been a series of robberies in the city of Sarajevo.

It is really and truly fortunate that Mr. Ueda's case was only an attempt.

In past years, pickpocketing has been common during the busy season, but this is the first time there have been this many robberies.

This is because, although the Bosnian immigration issue is detailed below,

There are many illegal cross-border brokers from Bosnia to Croatia, and as a result of stricter regulations, migrants caught on the Croatian side have all their property confiscated, their cell phones destroyed on the spot, and they are deported back to Bosnia and then back to Sarajevo, so the number of penniless migrants continues to rise in Sarajevo.

In order to prevent further damage, could you please alert us on your blog, Ueda-san?

I don't want Sarajevo to look bad, but I think it is best that travelers who read this blog learn about the current situation in Sarajevo and act with caution."

These are Matsui's words.

Well... I was robbed by this young immigrant...

Still, I was surprised to see that the immigration issues I had seen on the news were affecting reality in this way.

If you are in Japan, the news of immigrants does not really hit you, but the world is still connected.

Migrants risk their lives to cross to Europe and are eventually sent back to Bosnia penniless.

How can I blame them if they commit crimes in order to survive?

However, it is still a matter of avoiding getting involved in crimes as much as possible.

I don't want to go through that again either.

As Matsui-san said, I was very lucky to have escaped unharmed and without anything being stolen.

Now, once again, the security situation in Bosnia, especially in Sarajevo, is certainly not perfect.

But it is not limited to Bosnia.

Nowadays, terrorism is occurring all over the world, and every country is unstable due to immigration issues and political conflicts.

Whether in France, Italy, or Spain, there is no end to the number of Japanese victims of crime.

After all, you have to protect yourself.

I know this because I myself have been in a lot of pain, but I still think that Japanese people are not careful enough.

Japan is too safe.

Mirza-san also said that there is no other country where he feels as safe walking as in Japan.

If you go abroad with that feeling, you are probably in danger no matter where you go.

From the Japanese point of view, it is not enough to be overly cautious overseas.

We need to keep in mind that there are always people who will come after us if we show an opening.

-If that's the case, you're too scared to go abroad.

One could be forgiven for thinking so.

But if you think about it, the locals live there, and tourists enjoy walking around the city.

It does not mean that you will always be afraid if you go there.

The important thing is, as Matsui said,

It's best that travelers know what's going on in Sarajevo and act with caution."

That's what I mean.

Do not carelessly go into back alleys or walk alone in the suburbs, and minimize personal belongings.

Hotels should be in safe places with good security, and try not to go out at night.

As soon as you suspect something, distance yourself.

What you need to do is surprisingly simple, such as creating an atmosphere of familiarity with foreign countries.

Nothing special is needed.

If you are prepared to protect yourself well, you will have a good time in Sarajevo.

I myself was enjoying the city of Sarajevo until I was robbed.

It is definitely not such a bleak and dangerous city.

But I stayed at a suburban inn and was not careful, which is why I ended up in this situation.

This is a picture of an alley in the new part of Mostar, and although not shown here, there were several beggars on this street.

Women with babies in their arms sit on the side of the road begging, and girls who look like they are not yet ten years old approach me for money.

When you run into these people, you should be more vigilant that this area is dangerous. Many of them are poor, which is a sign that the area is not very safe.

The girls are very persistent. If you are preoccupied with them, it is quite possible that your wallet will be stolen before you know it.

You should be prepared for that kind of thing basically anywhere you go abroad.

So what I came up with in Mostar was the idea of walking around as a pickpocket.

As I walk around town, I try to think about whether this person would be easy to target or that person would be impossible.

Then you gradually begin to understand the pattern of people who are likely to be skimmed.

This would change my behavior so that I would have to be careful not to do the same.

Well, I think it is somewhat effective, although I might end up in a dumb situation where I am getting myself slipping while thinking about such a thing.

In fact, if you are really targeted by a professional pickpocket, you have no choice but to give up.

The skills of professionals are not something we can do anything about.

The same is true when it comes to robberies.

What's important,To avoid being targeted in the first place.It is.

If you take action after you have been targeted, it is too late.

Nowadays, crime prevention measures when traveling abroad are introduced on various websites, so study there thoroughly before departure before going abroad.

And be vigilant and on your guard throughout the trip.

This would greatly reduce the probability of damage.

Protect yourself.

With that mindset, I think we will be able to enjoy ourselves wherever we go abroad, including Bosnia.

Bosnia is truly a fascinating country.

There may be some concern about security, but there is no need to be overly fearful.

Although it is not yet a major tourist destination in Japan, I would highly recommend this country.

Well, this concludes the long and drawn-out Bosnian section.

Next stop is Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Let me introduce you to the beautiful town, which was even used as a model for the Witch's Delivery Service.

be unbroken

Next Article.

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