
Ganges (river)Third Indian Expedition - Journey to Places Related to Buddha

(93) Varanasi, early morning on the Ganges River - Like an impressionist painting! The Ganges at sunrise from the boat


Sarnath BuddhaThird Indian Expedition - Journey to Places Related to Buddha

(92) Enjoy the Saharnath Museum's supreme treasure, the Ashoka Lion Pillar Head, and the "First Turning Wheel," the greatest masterpiece of Indian Buddhist sculpture!

The Sarnath Museum houses India's greatest treasure, the Ashoka Lion Pillar Head, and the statue of the First Turning, known as the Sarnath Buddha.
The shock of the amazing sculptures I encountered here continued long after I left the museum and returned to my lodgings, and I remained enthralled by these perfect sculptures.
And then a mysterious phenomenon also occurred to me.

gayaThird Indian Expedition - Journey to Places Related to Buddha

(87) Experience the fervor of Hinduism at the Vishnu Temple in Gaya, a major sacred site for ancestral offerings!

The name Bodh Gaya is well known to the Japanese, but the name Gaya is probably not well known to most Japanese. Even in "Chikyu no Arukikata", there is no page that introduces Gaya, although there is a page for Bodh Gaya.
But this is one of the most important Hindu holy places for Indians. This article will tell you about our experience in such a holy place.

Sujata Temple.Third Indian Expedition - Journey to Places Related to Buddha

(86) To the place associated with Sujata and the Neelanjara River - The place of the milk porridge offering that saved the dying Buddha

The Sujata temple introduced here was built to commemorate the Buddha's offering of Sujata's milk porridge.

It is not known where Sujata actually offered milk porridge to Buddha. However, this temple was built to commemorate that legend. This temple was built by the Buddhist Order of Myanmar.

Mt. Mae ShokakuThird Indian Expedition - Journey to Places Related to Buddha

(85) To Mt. Maejojokaku, the place of Buddha's ascetic practice: Cave temple near Uluweraa, where Buddha spent his ascetic period

We are going to visit Maejogakusan, a cave temple where legend has it that Buddha practiced asceticism. Before introducing Bodh Gaya, the land of enlightenment, we will start here.

This Maejogakusan is not mentioned in the sutras, but it is said to have become known after Genjo Sanzo wrote a legend about the mountain.

Nalander UniversityThird Indian Expedition - Journey to Places Related to Buddha

(84) To Nalanda University, where that Buddhist monk Genjo Sanzo studied - the most impressive Buddhist site I saw in India!

University of Nalander...

Have you ever heard of this Buddhist site?

It is clearly a minor site compared to Lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha, Bodh Gaya, the site of enlightenment, and Sarnath (Kanoen), the site of the first turning of the wheel of Dharma.

However, this site turned out to be one of the most impressive Buddhist monuments I saw in India.