Dialogue with Pope John Paul II on Life, Society, and Religion" - Pope's passionate message to young people

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

Summary and Impressions of "Dialogue with Pope John Paul II on Life, Society, and Religious Issues" - Pope's Message to Young People

Bill Clinton.President of the United States of Americaand (1993)Wikipedia.

The book introduced here is "Dialogue with Pope John Paul II on Life, Society, and Religious Issues," co-authored by D. Arimenti and A. Michelini and translated by Toshio Ikeda, published in 1982 by Chuo Publishing House.

John Paul II was a man who greatly valued dialogue with young people. Even before he became Pope, he valued his interaction with students and had a strong bond with them.

This book is a work in which John Paul II's message to the young people is told.

The world has become more and more material-centered, with a growing shift away from religion. John Paul II speaks to modern people who have lost their sense of what to rely on and how to live.

The translator's afterword describes the book as follows

The book conveys Pope John Paul II's love for young people, his hopes for them, and his prayerful desire to see them build a better world and Church for the future. The Pope's words are not only addressed to young people, but to the general public as well, calling on men and women, young and old, to give meaning to their lives with the energy of dreams, hopes, progress, tireless efforts, and renewal of self, others, and society, which are the signs of youthfulness. This book is not limited to young people and believers, but is also suitable for the general public, as it is a call to move forward on the path of life with youthful spirit and vigor, no matter how old one may be. Moreover, the Pope's words in this book cover a wide range of areas besides the problems of youth, including labor, economy, society, politics, family, religious life, prayer, peace, violence, war, and human rights, and they provide appropriate guidelines on how to live life well.

Central Publishing House, D. Arimenti and A. Michelini, "Dialogue with Pope John Paul II on Life, Society, and Religious Issues," p. 323, translated by Toshio Ikeda.

Finally, it is important to point out that "the Pope's words cover a wide range of areas besides the concerns of young people, including labor, economy, society, politics, family, religious life, prayer, peace, violence, war, and human rights, and they are an appropriate guide for how to live life well. (p. 3).

In this book he gives us a Christian perspective on how we should live in our actual personal lives. Instead of simply talking about theological matters, the Pope speaks plainly about things that are closely related to our lives.

And the Pope trusts the youth and stresses that they are his hope.

I was impressed by the following passage spoken in the book

Before entering, John Paul II said to the countless youth who had gathered in the square to honor the Pope. The future of the world rests on your shoulders. You are the hope of the Church, my hope. (Omitted)

In a general audience at the Vatican Cathedral on Wednesday, November 8, he addressed 11,000 young people, saying, "The Pope desires the well-being of all, but especially of young people. The Pope desires the well-being of all, but especially of young people. He desires the well-being of all, but especially of the young, for they are the ones who are in the will of Christ. Christ was pleased to be with children, and He was especially close to the young. The Lord's call was especially to the youth, and John, the youngest, was especially favored by the Lord. John Paul II continued, "When I think of you, I am thinking of you. John Paul II continued, "When I think of you, of what will happen in your lives, of the role you will have to play in the world, I shrink a little, but my trust remains. I would like to leave you with the following three thoughts as a guide for your lives.

To seek for Jesus.
Love Jesús.
To be a witness for Jesus.

Central Publishing House, D. Arimenti and A. Michelini, "Dialogue with Pope John Paul II on Life, Society, and Religious Issues," p. 20-21, translated by Toshio Ikeda.

John Paul II entrusts hope to young people. His sincerity certainly reached the youth, and young people around the world adored John Paul II and welcomed him with loud cheers.

These interactions with young people were mentioned many times in the biography of John Paul II introduced in the previous issue, and the enthusiasm shown on the DVD was surprising to us as well.

The charisma of John Paul II could be felt as his enthusiasm and message of hope were conveyed so well to the young people.

I was one of those who were fascinated by John Paul II after reading his biography, books, and watching his DVDs.

This book contains plenty of messages for young people. It is a message of hope that is not only for the youth, but for everyone. In this book, John Paul II tells us how we should live in a world that is difficult to live in.

I highly recommend this book. It is a must read for anyone interested in John Paul II.

The above is "Dialogue with Pope John Paul II on Life, Society, and Religious Issues," a passionate message from the Pope to young people.

*Addition on July 24, 2023 Visiting the tomb of John Paul II

Tomb of John Paul II in St. Peter's Basilica

I was able to visit the Vatican in 2022 and visit the tomb of John Paul II, which I had longed to do.

The following article describes that experience(37) "Cathedra Petri" in St. Peter's Basilica: The culmination of Bernini's art! An astonishing masterpiece that incorporates the space itself into the work!"Please refer to the story in the following section.

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