"Civil Engineering Technology of the Ancient Roman Army: Illustrations of the Building Techniques of Streets, Waterways, Canals, etc." - Recommended to learn about the amazing building techniques of the Roman Empire!

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

『古代ローマ軍の土木技術 街道・水道・運河などの建築技術をイラストで再現』概要と感想~ローマ帝国の驚異の建築術を知るのにおすすめ!

今回ご紹介するのはジェラール・クーロン、ジャン=クロード・ゴルヴァン著、大清水裕訳の『『古代ローマ軍の土木技術 街道・水道・運河などの建築技術をイラストで再現』です。

Let's take a quick look at the book.


AmazonProducts Page.

This work provides an insight into the marvelous architectural techniques of the ancient Roman period. As the title suggests, there are many illustrations in this work, making it easy to visualize and understand.

When you think of ancient Roman architecture, you may think of the Colosseum, the Pantheon, aqueducts, and many other things.

ローマのパンテオン Wikipedia.

It is truly a wonder how such a huge building could have been built almost 2,000 years ago. This book is a great way to get to the bottom of this mystery.

One of the most surprising things to me was the presence of cranes. I was amazed to see that huge, though human-powered, cranes were set up to lift stones high and use them as hammers with weights attached. I can't publish it in this article, but you will be amazed by the illustrations in this book. The crane was set up on a scaffold as high as the top of the building, and the stone was carried up by the crane. We can only marvel at the fact that such a huge work was already done 2,000 years ago.

Also, the mechanism of bridge construction and other aspects of the bridge construction are also a source of "What? That's how they built it? I was astonished at the high level of technology of the Romans. The high level of technology of the Romans was nothing short of astonishing.




この傭兵システムについて、私は最近菊池良生著Two Thousand Years of Mercenaries."という本を読みました。





It is recommended to learn how the marvelous buildings of Rome were created and the human system that was responsible for them. Why not pick up a copy?

以上、「『古代ローマ軍の土木技術 街道・水道・運河などの建築技術をイラストで再現』~ローマ帝国の驚異の建築術を知るのにおすすめ!」でした。

Click here to read the previous article.

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