Finally, the journey begins! Departure from Japan to Tanzania, Tanzania Part 3

Tanzania Tanzania and Turkey

Finally, the journey begins! Departure from Japan to Tanzania: The Journey of a Buddhist Priest, Takahiro Ueda, Around the World - Tanzania (3)

Hello everyone.

Right now I am in a town called Arusha, Tanzania.

This town is about an hour's drive west of Kilimanjaro Airport and is the base camp for Ngorongoro.

After taking off from Narita, it took almost a full day to finally arrive in Tanzania.

Kilimanjaro Airport

It is hot. The highest temperature is 32 degrees!

Sunlight is strong!

This temperature difference is quite difficult for Hokkaidō residents.

One hour from Kilimanjaro Airport to Arusha.

The view from the car window.

The reddish-brown earth far below that I had seen from the plane seemed to loom before my eyes.

By the way, this is the view around Mt. Kilimanjaro from the plane.

However, after 30 minutes of driving, the scenery changes again, and bright greenery becomes more prominent.

I heard that here in Arusha, the land is rich in water and there are many fields and rice paddies. We were to experience a completely different landscape in just one hour.

Now, as I was admiring these views, it occurred to me.

I want to share this view, what I'm about to experience, hopefully in my own words."

Pictures are nice, but words will do."

I wanted to write an article about this trip as concisely as possible, with photos as the main focus during this trip.

However, when I arrived at the site, I felt the desire to convey the message in words welling up inside me.

And so on!

Future articles will be written in a more travelogue style!

The style of writing will suddenly and drastically change from the next article, so please bear with me (laughs).

We hope you will keep a warm eye on us.

Finally, we are leaving for Ngorongoro tomorrow.

Thank you for staying with us today until the end.

Yours truly

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