Hinomadoka "Verdi - "Aria of the Sun" - Recommended biography of Verdi, composer of Aida!

Europe through Classical and Western Art

Hinomadoka's "Verdi - 'Aria of the Sun'" Synopsis and Comments - Recommended biography of Verdi, composer of Aida!

I would like to introduce to you "Verdi - 'Aria of the Sun'" by Madoka Hino, published by Librio Publishing in 1989. I read the 4th printing edition in 1999.

This work is one of the "Composers' Stories" series, and I first encountered this series when I picked it up to learn about the life of the great Czech composer Smetana, by Madoka HinoSmetana."was the catalyst.

I was not familiar with classical music, but I found this biography so interesting that I decided to pick up the "Composers' Stories" series, thinking that if I could read such an interesting biography, I would like to read more of this series to learn about the historical background of the time.

The narrative series of this composition is described at the end of the volume as follows

First children's book to have full on-site coverage by a musician

This book makes you want to touch live music while reading it. It conveys a weight that could only have been written by someone who had interviewed the musicians in the field. I think that for a while, there will be no more biographies of musicians than this one. It is outstanding among recent biography publications for children, etc. ...... It has received the highest acclaim in various fields as an introductory book that can be shared with children and adults.

LIBRIO Publications, Hino Madoka, Verdi - "Aria of the Sun", 1999, 4th printing edition.

Although this book is said to be written as a children's book, this is an excellent and inspiring read for adults as well. As stated in the commentary above, "This book has received the highest acclaim in various fields as an introductory book that can be shared by children and adults.

This is a wonderful series that allows even those with little knowledge to learn about the life of the composer and the historical background of the time. It is truly an excellent introduction to the works of the best composers.

Now, the Verdi I would like to introduce this time is, after all, "Aida".

Verdi is one of the world's greatest opera composers, representing Italy.

Verdi (1813-1901)Wikipedia.

What surprised me when I read this biography was Verdi's solid life, the way he lived and the way he died.

I have seen the lives of various composers in this biography series, and almost all of them have had unusual and tumultuous lives. They were all geniuses, all mavericks, and all insane.

Verdi, however, loves a quiet life, frugally and successfully accumulates assets, and finally tries to use the money for charitable purposes.

I was surprised to learn that while most composers had miserable later years and difficult lives, Verdi was a man who lived a remarkably full life.

Of course, Verdi has its share of hardships.

But compared to other geniuses, his life has a completely different flavor.

I have been reading this series of biographies for some time now, and my senses may have become deranged, but when things are going along smoothly, I start to feel uneasy. When I read this biography of Verdi, I was always wondering, "Will Verdi be all right...will something terrible happen to him after this?

However, this was not the case, and he continued to love music and compose with undiminished creative zeal until the end of his life. He also devoted himself to philanthropic activities and ended his life with the respect and admiration of people all over the world.

As we have seen, many of the great musicians had unrewarding lives during their lifetime, as they suffered from unreasonable circumstances or destroyed their own lives due to their own unprecedented circumstances. I have seen such a pattern in the past, and Verdi was a surprise to me.

This biography was a new discovery for me, "There is such a form."

Finally, here is a section of the work where the author provides a clear summary of Verdi's characteristics.

What kind of voice do you think Verdi had in Opella?"

It is dark, deep, and lustrous, like bronze. Verdi's operas are often about human suffering, so a beautiful, loud voice is not enough. Of course, his orchestras are big and resonant, so it is absolutely necessary to have the power to carry them."

What are the charms and characteristics of this Verdi opera?"

Verdi is always new to me. For example, I have sung the Radames from "Aida" hundreds of times, and there is always something new to discover. At the same time, from the moment the first note of the orchestra sounds, you are plunged into the world of Verdi. The same is true for the listener. There is nothing more familiar, easy to learn, and engaging than Verdi's music. This is the greatest charm of Verdi." (Omitted)

After the interview, I sat in a bar in Piazza Verdi and reflected on Verdi's journey in the breeze of the Busseto.

When the composer I am interviewing lives a happy life, I myself am filled with a sense of happiness as I follow in his or her footsteps.

And a composer like Verdi, who lived a life so fulfilling that he left no unfinished business in music, private life, or social activities, leaves a very refreshing impression on those who follow him.

When you come to Italy, you realize how much he is loved and respected. He is truly a symbol of Italy. He was a bit simple and quarrelsome, but that is why he was not confined to the mold of a "saint," but was loved by people of later generations.

The seated statue of Verdi in the center of Piazza Verdi, with the Verdi Opera in the background, stares far into the heavens.

As if to say, "Walk as I do in the sun.

LIBRIO Publishing, Hino Madoka, Verdi - "Aria of the Sun", 1999, 4th printing edition p266-269

The tumultuous and insane lives of these great geniuses, their hardships.

But this Verdi was a different kind of personality, and it was his life.

This biography is also a good one. As the quote above said, you will be filled with a refreshing feeling after reading it. Well, it was an interesting book. I would definitely recommend this work as well.

The above is a recommended biography of Verdi, composer of Aida, "Verdi - 'Aria of the Sun'" by Madoka Hino! The above is a recommended biography of Verdi, the composer of Aida!

Click here for a list of 20 works in the Hinomadoka "Composer Biography Series"! Read this and you will love classical music! It is shockingly interesting!

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