Setsuko Otaka, "I am a Czech lover: A Travel Guide for Adults" - If you are going to Prague, I highly recommend this book!

Kafka's City of Prague and Czech Literature

チェコ旅行にぜひおすすめ!大鷹節子『私はチェコびいき 大人のための旅案内』概要と感想

今回ご紹介するのは2002年に朝日新聞社より発行された大鷹節子著『私はチェコびいき 大人のための旅案内』です。

Let's take a quick look at the book.


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朝日新聞社、大鷹節子『私はチェコびいき 大人のための旅案内』巻末より

The author, Setsuko Otaka, lived all over the world as a diplomat's wife. This book will introduce the charm of Prague as told through her real-life experiences.





朝日新聞社、大鷹節子『私はチェコびいき 大人のための旅案内』




『私はチェコびいき 大人のための旅案内』はそんなプラハの魅力をわかりやすく、そして引き込まれるような文章で私達に伝えてくれます。

And you can learn about the "real Prague" as only the author, who actually stayed there for a long period of time, knows it.

Prague during the Cold War had a completely different atmosphere than today. We will learn about the vivid episodes of that time, how the city has changed from then to now, and how Prague was established and its culture was nurtured through its history.

The title of the book, "Travel Guide for Adults," comes from the very fact that it explains these aspects.

Simply say "Prague is beautiful! or "Prague is beautiful! but also the history and culture behind it, and the real lives of the people. This is the wonderful thing about this book.

I would highly recommend this book!

以上、「大鷹節子『私はチェコびいき 大人のための旅案内』ープラハに行くならぜひおすすめしたい1冊!」でした。

Click here to read the previous article.
Laurent Binet's "HHhH" Synopsis and Comments - A masterful novel about a high-level Nazi assassination mission in Nazi-occupied Prague!

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