
Spain (ed.)

Visit the Dulcinea Museum and the Cervantes Museum in the village of El Toboso, a place associated with Don Quixote, Spain Part 10

After enjoying the windmills of Campo de Cryptana, we will head to the village of El Toboso, a place associated with Don Quixote.

El Toboso is the village where Dulcinea, Princess of Don Quixote's desire, lived.

Don Quixote followed the code of chivalry, "A knight must have a princess to fall in love with," and created a love interest in his mind. That is Dulcinea.

In this article, I will discuss my experience visiting the Museo Dulcinea and the Museo Cervantes in El Toboso.

Spain (ed.)

Windmills at sunset in Campo de Cryptana, Spain (9)

After enjoying the magnificent view at Windmill Hill, we returned to the inn and waited.

The reason I chose to stay in Campo de Cryptana this time was to see the windmills illuminated by the setting sun.

The windmill hill of Campo de Cryptana is not just famous for its sunsets....

However, even before I began my trip, I was eager to see the view of the pure white windmills turning bright red in the setting sun.

And as expected, the windmill hill near sunset was unspeakably beautiful.

The setting sun sinking into the horizon and the land turning red.

It was like a dream as the colors of the world changed moment by moment with the passage of time.

Spain (ed.)

Walking around Campo de Cryptana, the town of windmills - Walking in the setting of Don Quixote! Spain Part 8

Campo de Cryptana is a town in the La Mancha region, which, like Cuenca, is famous for Don Quixote.

The town's most famous feature is the view of the windmills perched atop the hill.

And it is said that the windmill was the model for the famous scene in which Don Quixote mistook it for a giant and rushed toward it.

As a lover of "Don Quixote," this is a sacred place among sacred places for me. In this article, I will share my experience of visiting such a sacred place.

Spain (ed.)

Must-see! Cuenca and Itoyoji at night - Enjoying the holy land of Wednesday's visit to Spain (7)

Some of you may be wondering, "Why is Wednesday in the title of this article?" I am sure some of you may be wondering "Why is it in the title?

However, for fans of Wednesday, the city of Cuenca is a sacred place among sacred places.

Just hearing the word "Cuenca" makes my cheeks loose, as if I were Pavlov's dog, and I have a special feeling for this place.

In this article we will talk about Cuenca at night.

Spain (ed.)

Visit the World Heritage City of Cuenca, famous for its suspended houses - Stroll through the enchanted city. Also enjoy the spectacular view of the strange rocky mountains! Spain Part 6

After our stay in Madrid, our next stop was the city of Cuenca.

Cuenca is located east of Madrid in the La Mancha region, famous for Don Quixote, and is famous for its "Houses in the Air," houses that jut out of the cliffs.

And its unique landscape has been registered as a World Heritage Site and called "the enchanted city.

This article describes such a walk in Cuenca.

Spain (ed.)

Explore Toledo, the "city where time stands still! Recommended Day Trips from Madrid: Toledo and Rediscovering Knowledge Spain Part 4

After enjoying the Prado Museum in Madrid, I decided to take a local optional tour to Toledo.

It takes about an hour to get there from Madrid by tour bus.

Toledo has been praised as "the city where time stands still" and is so beautiful that people say, "If you have only one day in Spain, do not hesitate to see Toledo.

It is as if we have gone back in time.

This article will discuss Toledo.

Spain (ed.)

Explaining Hieronymus Bosch's The Garden of Pleasures! Why Boss painted strange hells and paintings in Spain (3)

In my previous article, "Hieronymus Bosch's 'The Garden of Pleasures' - The Origin of Humanity, Good and Evil, Spain Part 2," I discussed Hieronymus Bosch's "The Garden of Pleasures" and the origin of good and evil in humanity.

The "pleasure garden" was prominently featured in the book "The Origins of Morality: What the Bonobos Can Teach Us," which also inspired my trip.

In this article, we will leave the unique perspective of primatologist France de Waal and reintroduce "The Garden of Pleasures" based on a basic interpretation of this painting.