
MontserratSpain (ed.)

Pilgrimage to Montserrat and Santa Cova - Walking in the mountains that inspired Gaudi⑳⑳

The most cherished presence at the Montserrat Monastery is the black statue of Mary.

Today, it is enshrined in the cathedral, where many pilgrims line up daily to pay their respects. The grotto where the Black Mary was found is Santa Cova. A chapel has been built in the grotto, which is now a cherished place of meditation where people can quiet their minds and offer prayers.

So I strolled through the strange rocky mountains of Montserrat to get to that chapel.

Along the way, there were works by Gaudi, and one could sense that he was inspired by this mountain.

Spain (ed.)

Visiting the Montserrat Monastery on the Oddly Rocky Mountain - Day trip from Barcelona and stay at the famous holy place! Spain Edition (19⑲)

This article introduces the Montserrat Monastery, a well-known day trip destination from Barcelona.

The monastery, which stands on a strange rocky mountain, is particularly famous for its black statue of Mary and its choir, and has long been considered a sacred place in Catalonia.

Although Montserrat is crowded with tourists from Barcelona during the day, I stayed here for three nights and enjoyed Montserrat in the mornings and evenings when it was almost empty of people. In this article, I would like to introduce you to the quiet Montserrat. Most people visit Montserrat as a day trip, but that is a waste of time! To be honest, I could have stayed another week. I highly recommend this place.

Spain (ed.)

Introducing the charm of Sagrada Familia! Impressed by the interior light and unique columns! Amazing architectural design of the genius Gaudi, Spain ⑱.

Barcelona, Spain is known for Gaudi's Sagrada Familia!

This article will consider the experience of visiting the famous Sagrada Familia and the secrets of Gaudi's architectural design.

The Sagrada Familia is famous for its gigantic shape and elaborate design on the exterior, but its interior is also wonderful! I will discuss its charms in this article, which I felt only because I visited the site.

Spain (ed.)

A spectacular view of Cape Finisterre on the west coast of Spain! View of the Atlantic Ocean from the western edge of Europe, Spain⑰.

Finisterre is the end of the European continent.

The name "Finisterre" is also derived from the Latin word finisterrae, meaning "end of land. From its promontory, you can enjoy a panoramic view of the Atlantic Ocean.

And this is another final stop on the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.

Its origins are not clear, but it is famous for being the last place pilgrims come to after completing their pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.

Spain (ed.)

Pilgrimage and Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela - Considering the Pilgrimage in Spain⑯.

The power of the sacred actually acts on the human body and mind and has moved history.

And even today, many people continue their pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.

Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela and 88 pilgrimage sites in Shikoku...

Although the countries and cultures are different, they still have something in common in terms of "pilgrimage.

Shikoku's 88 temples are about 1,400 kilometers long, a journey that would take 50 days on foot.

This article will consider such a pilgrimage.

Spain (ed.)

Reflections on the Meaning of the Holy Land in Santiago de Compostela, Spain (15)

In a previous article, "Arriving in Santiago de Compostela, Holy Land of the Catholic Pilgrimage to Spain⑭," I told you that Santiago de Compostela became a holy place because of the discovery of the remains of St. James in the early 9th century.

And here in Santiago de Compostela is a holy place of great importance as one of the three major Catholic pilgrimage sites along with Jerusalem and the Vatican.

In this article, I will talk about this holy city of Santiago de Compostela and the power of the sacred in terms of the power of the sacred.

Spain (ed.)

Arrival in Santiago de Compostela, the Holy City of the Catholic Pilgrimage to Spain ⑭

Santiago de Compostela is a city near the Atlantic coast in northwestern Spain.

It is a famous Catholic pilgrimage site and is known as a venerable holy place, one of the three Catholic holy places, including the Vatican and Jerusalem.

Walking through the center of the old town, you will hear traditional music with a trumpet-like tone.

The city has a festive atmosphere.

This article will explore such a sacred place.

Don QuixoteSpain (ed.)

Why "Don Quixote" is a Masterpiece - Explanation of Points to Enjoy "Don Quixote" More ⑫

In this article, we will discuss why the world famous "Don Quixote" was loved by some of the world's most famous personalities.

One might have the impression that the classics are meant to be read with a wrinkled brow, but in "Don Quixote" the opposite is true.

I read "Don Quixote" when I need to cheer up or feel cheerful.

He rushes forward with burning ideals, and even in the face of hardship, he continues to move forward cheerfully and undaunted. Reading "Don Quixote" is a magical experience that gives me strength.

If you understand why it is called a masterpiece, I am sure you will want to read this work. Please read it.