Travels to Buddhist sites in India and Sri Lanka

Haridwar.First Expedition to India - Visit to the Holy Land of the Ganges River

(3) Experiencing the Haridwar Prayer Ritual Pooja - The enthusiasm of the pilgrims and the entertaining rituals were astonishing.

Although I was in a state of shock after having only made a round of the city during the day, this is the main part of Haridwar. Here, a prayer ceremony, or puja, is held every night in the main ghats. I was looking forward to seeing it.

And I was to be overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the Indian people that night.

First Expedition to India - Visit to the Holy Land of the Ganges River

(2) To Haridwar, the holy land of the upper Ganges - The holy land of Hindu pilgrimage was a deeper world than I had imagined.

Upon arrival at Delhi airport, I headed north to Haridwar, a Hindu holy site on the upper reaches of the Ganges River. Varanasi is the most famous holy place in the Ganges, but it is not the only holy place. In fact, it is not the only holy place in Ganges. In fact, some say that Haridwar is more beautiful and more popular in recent years. However, the reality was not so sweet.