Learn from Lenin" article about Lenin, the Soviet revolutionary

History of the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

Table of Contents

Learn about the life of revolutionary Lenin and the history of the Soviet Union - "Reading 'Lenin: Power and Love'" Articles

Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924)Wikipedia.

I will now introduce you toLenin, Power and Love.provides a detailed look not only at Lenin himself, but also at the historical background of the time. Above all, it reveals what kind of world we live in.

The collapse of the Soviet Union brought about the triumph of capitalism, and although capitalism seemed to be the right answer, strains have begun to appear in this system. The author says that this situation is reminiscent of the time when Lenin was trying to start a revolution. This is why it is important to study Lenin now in order to prevent a repetition of the bloody history.

We discuss each of these in more detail in their respective articles, so please refer to them if you are interested.

Why Study Lenin - Lenin as Wisdom for Living Today - Reading "Lenin: Power and Love" (1)

  • Reading Victor Seveschen's "Lenin: Power and Love" (1) Table of Contents
    • 1.1 Introduction
      1.2 Putin and Lenin still living today
      1.3 Lenin's Significance Today
      1.4 Lenin's political methods
      1.5 Lenin's Personality

Lenin's political methods are still relevant today. This book will tell the story of Lenin's fearsome political skills. It is a book that I hope you will read, as I will show you in the articles that follow. I believe that this is the wisdom we need today to protect ourselves from the politics of fear by politicians like Lenin.

Why Study Lenin - Lenin as Wisdom for Living Today - Reading "Lenin: Power and Love" (1)

Lenin's origins - his father, his wealthy family background, and his brother's execution - read "Lenin: Power and Love" (2)

  • Reading "Lenin: Power and Love" (2) Table of Contents
    • 1.1 Lenin's Origins - His Father and Wealthy Family Environment
      1.2 Execution of his brother Sasha for plotting to assassinate the emperor
      1.3 Aftermath of the execution of his brother Sasha - how Lenin became a revolutionary

Lenin (Vladimir) grew up in a wealthy, warm family and received a liberal education. This is said to have been the reason why all the children of the Ulyanovs, including Lenin, excelled in their grades.

This article will look at why a revolutionary named Lenin was born from this seemingly unrelated house to the revolution.

Lenin was often thought of as a ruthless dictator who determined the direction of the subsequent Soviet Union. However, Lenin was an ordinary man who grew up in a wealthy, warm family. His life changed drastically when his brother was executed and he was ostracized in the town. This background is what led Lenin to become a revolutionary, and it gave me a slightly different impression of Lenin from the ruthless and cruel dictator he had been.

Lenin's origins - his father, his wealthy family background, and his brother's execution - read "Lenin: Power and Love" (2)

A History of Russian Revolutionaries and Terrorists - Reading "Lenin: Power and Love" (3)

  • 1 Reading Victor Seveschen's "Lenin: Power and Love" (3) Table of Contents
    • 1.1 The end of the Russian Czarist regime, the era of assassinations
      1.2 "Peaceful means were taken from me."
      1.3 History of Revolutionary Groups (1) - "Into the People (Vu Narod)" Movement
      1.4 History of Revolutionary Groups (2) - Charismatic Leader Nechayev's Violent Revolution
      1.5 History of Revolutionary Groups (3) - Marxist Revolutionaries

In this article I will discuss the political situation in Russia at the end of the 19th century. The situation in Russia during this period was very tense with rampant terrorism. Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and Chekhov also lived during this period. Knowing the political situation of this period will be a great help in understanding Russian literature.

Of course, Lenin was born against this historical background. We will look at the background of Lenin's birth in this article.

A History of Russian Revolutionaries and Terrorists - Reading "Lenin: Power and Love" (3)

Lenin's path to a revolutionary - Lenin yearning for Chernyshevsky's "What is to be done?" - Reading "Lenin: Power and Love" ⑷.

  • 1 Read Victor Sebeschen's Lenin, Power and Love⑷ Table of Contents
    • 1.1 The Studying Period of Lenin the Revolutionary
      1.2 What is to be done by Lenin's bybruchelnyshevsky?
      1.3 Lenin yearning for "What is to be done?
      1.4 Lenin's bourgeois taste
      1.5 Encounter with Marxism
      1.6 Failure to manage farmland and obtain a license to practice law

Chernyshevsky's "What is to be Done" is a very famous work in Dostoevsky circles.

Dostoevsky's "Memoirs in the Basement" contains a refutation of Chernyshevsky's "What is to be done?" Rational intelligence dehumanizes us, Dostoevsky exclaims.

The book "What to Do" is indeed famous, and I picked it up once, but it is a long novel. I gave up on it because I thought it would be too hard to read, and I had no idea what the book actually said.

I was very glad to learn about the contents of Lenin's biography, even if it is only a rough sketch. This article introduces the contents of the book.

Lenin later wrote a book of the same name as Chernyshevsky's work, entitled "What to Do," which became the bible of the Bolshevik Party. This book was the bible of the Bolshevik Party. It shows how much Lenin was attached to this work.

Lenin's path to a revolutionary - Lenin yearning for Chernyshevsky's "What is to be done?" - Reading "Lenin: Power and Love" ⑷.

Why the Strong-Mouthed Can't Win - Read "Lenin: Power and Love," Lenin's style of oratory with venom and vitriol⑸.

  • 1 Read Victor Sebeschen's Lenin, Power and Love⑸ Table of Contents
    • 1.1 The Great Famine of 1891 and Lenin - The Sprouting of a Ruthless Gaze
      1.2 The revolutionary Lenin (Ulyanov)
      1.3 Lenin's Eloquence in Defeating the Enemy: A Unique Argumentative Technique Using a Lot of Tongue and Rhetoric
      1.4 The Effects of Poetic Tongue and Outspokenness - Why We Lose to Strong-Mouthed People
      1.5 Lenin's speech from Gorky's point of view

Lenin showed unusual strength in debate. The secret to this was his tongue and rhetoric.

To seize power, he had to overwhelmingly defeat his opponents. He could speak with reasoned logic, but most effective of all was his tongue and rhetoric, which would make his opponents squirm.

What was also amazing about him was that he had the intellectual capacity to do this and still have the audience believe that he was right.

This article looks at the secrets of Lenin's charismatic oratory.

Why the Strong-Mouthed Can't Win - Read "Lenin: Power and Love," Lenin's style of oratory with venom and vitriol⑸.

Generous Siberian Exile Differences from the Dostoevsky Exile Era Read "Lenin: Power and Love" ⑹

  • 1 Read Victor Sebeschen's Lenin, Power and Love⑹.
    • 1.1 Lenin's first experience abroad
      1.2 Lenin's arrest
      1.3 A criminal system that is more lenient than it once was and much more lenient than it was in the later Soviet era
      1.4 Generous Siberian Exile: Differences from the Dostoevsky Exile Period

Lenin, who had been working as a revolutionary, was finally arrested. He was then exiled to Siberia, but his treatment was far better than we can imagine.

It is a far cry from the harsh life of exile in Dostoevsky's time. This article will introduce the looseness of the situation.

It was the experience of this time that led Lenin to create the unimaginably harsh penal system when he later came to power. Under Lenin's regime, he created a series of harsh concentration camps that led to immediate execution without trial and death, and mass arrests. In order to maintain his power, he showed no mercy to dangerous elements. This attitude may have been based largely on his own experiences.

Generous Siberian Exile Differences from the Dostoevsky Exile Era Read "Lenin: Power and Love" ⑹

Is Lenin Marxism a religion? Read "Lenin, Power and Love" for Lenin's greatest skill as a politician⑺.

  • 1 Read Victor Sebeschen's Lenin, Power and Love⑺ Table of Contents
    • 1.1 Is Lenin Marxism a religion? What is Lenin's greatest skill as a politician?
      1.2 The Russian Revolution Brought on by an Incompetent Czar

The section presented in this article is one of the most serious issues in the book. It goes into quite a bit of detail on the question, "What is religion?" Of course, we cannot absolutely say that what is stated here = religion, but it seems to pinpoint the process by which religion is spread.

This is a problem that I, as a monk, cannot ignore. The communist Soviet Union that Lenin gave birth to could be based on religion. It depends on how you define religion, but I think this is a major theme that we need to consider after this.

Is Lenin Marxism a religion? Read "Lenin, Power and Love" for Lenin's greatest skill as a politician⑺.

Lenin's Black Sources of Funds. The Dark Side of Young Stalin, Lenin, Power and Love ⑻

  • 1 Read Victor Sebeschen's Lenin, Power and Love⑻ Table of Contents
    • 1.1 Surprising Sources of Funding for Lenin's Bolshevik Party
      1.2 Robbery in the name of "deprivation" - Lenin's black money source. The Dark Side of Young Gangster Stalin
      1.3 "The robber is robbed" - Lenin also justifies robbery
      1.4 Lenin and Stalin's most dramatic "forced seizure" - the Chiflis cash robbery
      1.5 Obtaining funds through marriage fraud

The sections in this article were also quite shocking to me.

The political group led by Lenin had its subordinates commit crimes with impunity and used them as a source of funds.

The fact that a group that so brazenly commits robbery and uses it as a source of funds is in the public eye as a political group.

And then there was Stalin, the future Soviet dictator, who was a shadowy gangster from this time on.

This was a fact that I would have been unaware of had I not studied Soviet history, especially Lenin and Stalin.

This article is also quite shocking. We hope you will read this article.

Lenin's Black Sources of Funds. The Dark Side of Young Stalin, Lenin, Power and Love ⑻

World War I, Lenin's Support of Germany, and the Seizure of the Newspaper Media, Lenin: Power and Love ⑼

  • 1 Read Victor Sebeschen's Lenin, Power and Love⑼.
    • 1.1 Outbreak of the Russian February Revolution of 1917
      1.2 Lenin's returning German sealing train
      1.3 Lenin's political activity - populist speeches. False promises.
      1.4 Signs of Civil War in Rural Areas
      1.5 Lenin's Expansion of Power: His Seizure of the Newspaper Media
      1.6 Huge secret aid payments by Germany

The Russian Revolution of 1917 was a revolution that took place during World War I, which broke out in 1914. Without this war, there might not have been a Russian Revolution.

In this article, I will discuss the events of the Russian Revolution and Lenin's attempt to use it to seize power.

World War I, Lenin's Support of Germany, and the Seizure of the Newspaper Media, Lenin: Power and Love ⑼

The Russian October Revolution and Lenin's Seizure of Power, read Lenin, Power and Love⑽.

  • Read Victor Sebeschen's Lenin, Power and Love⑽ Table of Contents
    • 1.1 The Russian October Revolution and Lenin's Seizure of Power
      1.2 Lenin's Obsession
      1.3 What was "power" for Lenin?
      1.4 No one expected the Bolsheviks to survive.
      1.5 Creation of the "Chekar," a key element of the later KGB - the national police force, of which President Putin was a member.

With the fall of the Romanov dynasty in the Russian February Revolution of February 1917, the national government was led by a provisional government. The Bolshevik Party led by Lenin was only one of the opposition parties and was not yet in power.

However, the temporary government did not operate well, and public dissatisfaction built up. In the meantime, as I mentioned in a previous article, Lenin, with the help of overwhelming funds from Germany, gained control of the newspaper network and gained the support of the people.

Finally, in October of the same year, Lenin made his move. With the military on their side, the Bolsheviks staged a coup d'etat. After a constitutional assembly, Lenin finally seized power.

Once Lenin seized power, he immediately created the secret police to protect it. This organization was modeled after the Oblana, the secret police under the direct control of the Russian tsar, and its purpose was to detect and arrest resistance elements as quickly as possible. Later, however, the Chekaa became far more brutal than the Oblana.

The Russian October Revolution and Lenin's Seizure of Power, read Lenin, Power and Love⑽.

All is forgiven to us - a world where the ends justify the means ⑾ Read "Lenin: Power and Love" ⑾

  • 1 Read Victor Sebeschen's Lenin, Power and Love⑾ Table of Contents
    • 1.1 Lenin's encouragement of violence. Russia in turmoil
      1.2 Rampant and justified assault and looting
      1.3 Disregard for Law. Judgment is permitted in the name of revolution.
      1.4 The Revolutionary Tribunal: Everything is Allowed to Us

After the Russian October Revolution, public order had become so destabilized that indiscriminate violence was rampant. But this was what Lenin had repeatedly told the masses. It was he himself who encouraged violence.

The upper middle class and above were considered easy targets for the masses, and violence against them was encouraged with the Bolsheviks' blessing. The masses, who had been frustrated until then, took advantage of this opportunity to take revenge by committing violence. Lenin spread social change based on hatred.

All is forgiven to us - a world where the ends justify the means ⑾ Read "Lenin: Power and Love" ⑾

Relocation of the Capital from St. Petersburg to Moscow and the Food Crisis, Reading "Lenin: Power and Love" (12)

  • 1 Reading Victor Seveschen's "Lenin: Power and Love" (12) Table of Contents
    • 1.1 Transfer of the capital from St. Petersburg to Moscow
      1.2 The Food Crisis of 1918
      1.3 Lenin's Answer to the Food Crisis: Forced Commandeering and Terrorism
      1.4 The Reality of the "Fight for Grain" - Harsh Grain Collection

In March 1918, World War I was still raging and the Germans were closing in on the capital, St. Petersburg (Petrograd).

Lenin therefore decides to move the capital to Moscow.

It was only with the relocation of the capital that Moscow has remained the capital of Russia to this day. As the former capital, Moscow once again reigned as the center of Russia.

The food situation in Russia was already dangerous due to the devastation of rural areas and the collapse of the transportation system caused by World War I and the Revolution. A bad harvest was also threatening the country's food supply.

Lenin uses his best tactics to defuse the crisis.

It is a method of "creating enemies, inciting hatred among the masses, and using violence."

Grain requisitioning was extremely harsh. This article does not go into the details, but the following book, previously mentioned, describes the Soviet Union during this period in considerable detail.

The deprivation at this time resulted in a huge number of starvation deaths.

And Soviet food policy was carried over into the subsequent Stalin era, leading to a catastrophe in the 1930s in which millions starved to death.

Relocation of the Capital from St. Petersburg to Moscow and the Food Crisis, Reading "Lenin: Power and Love" (12)

Lenin Worship, the Beginning of Deification and Corruption of the Party Bureaucracy, Reading "Lenin: Power and Love" (13)

  • 1 Reading Victor Seveschen's "Lenin: Power and Love" (13) Table of Contents
    • 1.1 Lenin's Assassination Attempt and Cheker's Repression
      1.2 Beginning of Lenin worship and deification
      1.3 Lenin continued to lead a simple life after seizing power
      1.4 Lenin's Villa and Its Surprising Relationship with President Vladimir Putin, the Cook
      1.5 Corruption of Bolshevik executives

On August 30, 1918, Lenin was shot after finishing his speech.

Three bullets struck him, nearly injuring his aorta and killing him. Fortunately, his life was not in danger, but he later suffered from the aftereffects of this wound.

The shock that Lenin was nearly assassinated and may have lost his life sparked a trend toward deifying him.

This trend eventually accelerated more after his death, so much so that Lenin himself would have been surprised to see him. Thus, Lenin was deified, became a legend, and was worshipped by the people.

I will also discuss corruption in the party bureaucracy later in this article.

Lenin Worship, the Beginning of Deification and Corruption of the Party Bureaucracy, Reading "Lenin: Power and Love" (13)

Lenin's View of LiteratureHow he viewed Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and othersReading "Lenin: Power and Love" (14)

  • 1 Reading Victor Seveschen's "Lenin: Power and Love" (14) Table of Contents
    • 1.1 Lenin's View of Literature
      1.2 Lenin and Turgenev-Tolstoy
      1.3 Lenin's Critique of Dostoevsky

In this article we will discuss Lenin's view of literature.

It was very interesting to learn what Lenin thought about Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, the giants of Russian literature.

Lenin's View of LiteratureHow he viewed Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and othersReading "Lenin: Power and Love" (14)

Lenin and the Russian Orthodox Church: The Soviet Government's Suppression of the Church, Reading "Lenin: Power and Love" (15)

  • 1 Victor Sebeschen, Reading "Lenin, Power and Love" (15)
    • 1.1 Lenin and the Russian Orthodox Church
      1.2 The Beginning of Lenin's Attack on the Orthodox Church
      1.3 Beginning of Full-Scale Repression - Looting in the Wake of Famine
      1.4 Lenin's Violent Suppression of the Church - Convincing Use of Famine

In Soviet ideology, the religious powers were the undisputed enemies of the Soviet Union.

Lenin, however, did not act immediately, but was vigilantly watching for an opportunity to attack the church.

Strike when the adversary is least able to resist. That is Lenin's way.

He makes his move after World War I, when the discontent of starving farmers was at its maximum.

Taking advantage of the discontent of the starving peasants, they finally moved to repress them.

It was a policy typical of Lenin's thoroughgoing strategy for seizing power.

Thus, the Russian Orthodox Church was thoroughly suppressed and suffered a harsh fate during the long years of Soviet power.

Lenin and the Russian Orthodox Church: The Soviet Government's Suppression of the Church, Reading "Lenin: Power and Love" (15)

Lenin's Death and Reading Lenin's Mausoleum "Lenin, Power and Love" as a Temple that Still Lives (16)

  • 1 Reading Victor Seveschen's "Lenin: Power and Love" (16) Table of Contents
    • 1.1 Lenin's Last Years - Lenin's Biggest Mistake
      1.2 Lenin's Testament
      1.3 The Debate over Lenin's Body
      1.4 Lenin's embalming and Lenin worship
      1.5 Lenin Mausoleum and Lenin Still Alive

Lenin ended his life on January 21, 1924, at the age of 53.

In his last will and testament, Lenin wrote that "Stalin was not a suitable successor. However, as it turned out, Stalin's clever trickery prevented this will from being called into question, and Stalin went on to lead the Soviet Union as Lenin's successor.

Lenin himself may not have imagined that after his death, his body would be embalmed, preserved semi-permanently, and venerated. Lenin's family also wanted him to be buried in a tomb after his death.

But his body was crucial to the Soviet Union's leadership. The people who took notice of this, overcoming the opposition of his family, would make Lenin into the very immortal god that he was.

Lenin's Death and Reading Lenin's Mausoleum "Lenin, Power and Love" as a Temple that Still Lives (16)

At the End - Reading "Lenin: Power and Love"

We have read "Lenin: Power and Love" 16 times.

I myself was so taken aback by this book that I read it in one sitting, so engrossed in it that I couldn't help but shout out. Such an exciting book is hard to find.

Above all, Lenin is a rather minor figure in Japan, even though his name is well known. I knew very little about him until I studied Soviet history.

But after reading this book, I realized that learning about Lenin is directly related to learning about the present day.

Lenin's political methods are still relevant today. In this book we have seen such fearful political skills of Lenin. We must also learn to protect ourselves from the politics of fear by politicians like him.

You may think that Lenin is a man of world history, a special person, and that this is an issue that has nothing to do with us. However, it seems to me that Lenin raises a very serious question when we consider what is the essence of human nature. Leninism" can happen anywhere in the world. I would like to keep that in mind.

The above is a list of "Who was Lenin, the Soviet revolutionary?

Next Article.

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