24 novels recommended by book-loving monks - a quick look at recommended works at each level from introductory to advanced!

Reading Prague Other Recommended Books

24 novels recommended by book-loving monks - a quick look at recommended works at each level from introductory to advanced!

Previous ArticleThe book-loving monk seriously recommends 10 books to students - for learning to be a human being! Reading will always help!"In the following section, we have introduced "10 books we recommend to students.

In this article, we would like to introduce novels that we highly recommend for all levels of readers, from beginners to advanced readers. Some may argue that it is unwise to place levels or gradations on reading, but these are only guidelines. There are actually some guidelines in terms of ease of reading, number of pages, and amount of basic knowledge required.

In addition, basically all of the books introduced here are great books that I am confident in recommending. Please take a look at the linked pages for books that interest you, regardless of whether they are categorized as introductory or advanced. The linked pages provide more detailed explanations of each book, as well as related books. We have created this site so that you can connect to more books through these books, and we hope that you will make use of it.

Let's start with the four introductory books. Even though they are introductory books, they are rich in content. We hope you will find them useful.

Recommended Novels 4

When you are ready to start reading, you don't know what to read. Even if you do, it's too difficult and you fall asleep. This is a common problem for beginning readers, isn't it?

Even if you are one of those people, I would like to introduce to you here a novel that you can enjoy first, and which I have carefully selected with confidence as a masterpiece. Books are interesting. And above all, they are food for your thinking ability. I feel that the wonderful thing about books is that they nurture your ability to think while you enjoy them.

Let's get started. We will discuss the book in more detail at each of the links, so please refer to them as well.

1 Conan DoyleThe Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.

Recently, I have been asked more and more often, "I don't usually read books, but are there any interesting novels that are easy to read even for me?

This is the first short story in the Sherlock Holmes series and its quality is unmistakable. I think this is the best of the many short stories that will be published in the future, and it is so interesting.

My favorite case among them is still "The Ugly of Bohemia". First of all, the title is ridiculously stylish. I take my hat off to the translator's sense of word choice.

And in this case, the famous Irene Adler makes an appearance. She is a brilliant, brilliant, and immensely beautiful woman that even Sherlock Holmes, who has no interest in women at all, takes a shine to. Not in a romantic sense, of course, but she is a character with an amazing wit that outwits Holmes.

Also, the conversation between Holmes and Watson discussed in this case is very interesting. The very basis of the Sherlock Holmes series is discussed here. I would like to introduce the conversation.

Whenever I hear the reasoning behind it, it's so ridiculously simple that even I feel like I could do it. But in reality, I don't know what's going on until I hear the explanation, which is pathetic. I don't think my eyes are any worse than yours.

That's true," Holmes said, lighting a rolled cigarette and slumping into an armchair. You see with your eyes, but you don't observe. There is a big difference between looking and observing. For example, you see a lot of the stairs on the way up from the front door to this room, don't you?

I've seen a lot."

How long?"

Hundreds of times.

How many steps are there?"

How many steps? I don't know.

I know you do. That's because you don't see with your heart. If I could only see with my eyes, I would have seen a lot. I know that there are 17 steps. That's because I see it with my eyes, and I see it with my heart.

Shinchosha, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Conan Doyle, translated by Ken Nobuhara, 2018, 130th printing edition, p. 12-13.

There is a definite difference between "seeing" and "observing."

It is a very interesting word, isn't it? Holmes' keenness was due to such "powers of observation. I can't help but admire him.

While "The Abomination of Bohemia" is a very interesting story in itself, it is also my favorite short story in that I get to hear this exchange between Holmes and Watson.

This short story collection also includes well-known short stories such as "The Red-Haired Guild," "The Man with the Twisted Lip," "The Blue Garnet," and "The String of Sticky Ties. In particular, "The Strand" is one of my favorite cases.

Each short story is less than 50 pages, so it is a quick and easy read. It's a very easygoing book!

You can read the book at a leisurely pace, one a day, or read it all at once, and enjoy it in different ways.

I can confidently recommend this collection of great short stories to beginning readers.

2 Shinichi HoshiBokko-chan."

This book is a collection of short stories by Shinichi Hoshi, a leading figure in Japanese science fiction.

I first became aware of the works of Hoshi Shinichi when a friend of mine who likes science fiction recommended them to me.

And when I started reading it, I was surprised by the impact of the work.

The first book, "The Devil," is only five pages long, but within those five pages, the story unfolds in an astonishing manner! From the very first page, you will be fascinated by what is going to happen, and at the end, you will be surprised by the unexpected ending.

Oh," he said, "this is Shinichi Hoshi! So this is Shinichi Hoshi!"

I couldn't help but think so, it was a unique view of the world. This is amazing! I was completely fascinated by its ability to realize surprising developments in such a short number of pages.

And, of course, it was interesting, but I also felt that it was fashionable.

The book is strangely titled "Bokko-chan," which even sounds cute, but no, its work is extremely cool. It is fashionable. Stylish.

Since they are called "short shorts," each piece is extremely compact, so it is easy to read at any time. This work is also recommended for beginners. Of course, even the experts will be impressed by these incredible masterpieces. Why not pick up a copy?

3 AndersenAndersen's Masterpieces: The Match Girl/The Little Mermaid

Speaking of Andersen's fairy tales, everyone has been familiar with them through picture books and cartoons when they were children. I am one of them. The fairy tale-like yet somehow sad stories leave an unforgettable impression once you read them.

The first thing we meet in this book is "Thumbelina". This work is also very famous. I remember reading it too.

And when I finally read it, I was immediately surprised.

The language itself is easy to understand, and the story is a fairy tale in which toads, moles, and swallows speak to each other like humans. However, the story has an indescribable depth to it. If you think it is for children, you will be surprised. I have been reading a lot of books over the past few years, and I felt that this book is not at all inferior to those books, or rather, I felt that the depth of the story is felt more because it is told as a fairy tale.

The narration and the story are easy. However, the human heart as told through the thumbprint princess and the animals has an indescribable flavor. This is a must-read. There is a delicacy to the story that only adults can understand. The taste of Andersen's fairy tales comes to us only when we have grown up, experienced many things, and have various thoughts about life.

I would highly recommend this one. I started reading and was quickly drawn in and didn't stop there. I also appreciate that each piece is short and can be read at a quick pace.

Andersen's fairy tales are far more profound than you might imagine. This is also an exquisite experience that can only be enjoyed by adults.

I would highly, highly recommend this! Why not pick it up? I am sure it will be an amazing experience. Please enjoy this sadness and delicate sensitivity. It is really interesting.

4 Hinomiya MadokaSmetana - Music is the Life of the Czechs!

Smetana is known for "Moldau"! This song is a classic that everyone knows.


I love this song too.

When I visited Prague in 2019, I remember listening to this song and looking at the Moldau (Vltava River) and crying involuntarily.

Vltava and Charles Bridge, Prague Castle

This song has brought me to tears many times. I listened to this song at every milestone in my journey, and every time I listened to it, my emotions were shaken and I cried. I feel like I would cry even if I listened to it now.

I knew the piece itself, but I knew nothing about Smetana himself. I knew the song itself, but I didn't know anything about its background. (The amazing thing about this song is that it still made me cry.)

We have been updating our blog about Czech literature on our blog. In the process, my desire to learn more about the Czech Republic has grown stronger and stronger. I picked up this book because I felt that Prague is the place where "Moldau" and Smetana are most famous.

The result is already a jackpot! I came across a wonderful biography! Smetana - Music is the Life of the Czechs! This is a great book! This is a great book!

I was immediately drawn into reading this book. The author, Madoka Hino, is a wonderful storyteller. The dramatic life of Smetana is told at a fast pace as if you were watching a movie.

Although this series was written as a children's book, I believe it will resonate with people of all ages.

Conversely, how great an experience it is to be able to read books in childhood that move even adults.

As you will see when you read the books, this series is not written in a child-friendly manner. The language is such that it really speaks to "one person". We do not treat them as children just because they are children's books.

The biography includesThe way a person lives and dies in a certain time and society.will be depicted realistically.

I am convinced that there is much more to learn through the lives and deaths of great people than we can imagine.

The circumstances in which the great men were placed were full of difficulties and tumultuous events followed one after another.

Sometimes they are geniuses and thus go on to their own destruction, and other times, they persevere and work hard in the face of adversity, and through hardship, they find success.

And then you run into sudden illness or the death of a loved one.

What we notice when we read biographies from the 18th and 19th century is that there is a lot of illness and death anyway. We are also faced with the suffering of composers who lost many of their precious children.

To be able to learn about the lives of great people of such an extraordinary scale, witnessing both their glory and their suffering.

In addition, by learning about the background and history of the times in which they lived, we can think about what the modern world we live in is like.

I think this is the great thing about biographies.

I even feel that there is no better introduction to reading than this series. Although this series is not exactly a "novel," I have included it here because of its focus on reading good stories. This series is a great way to learn about Smetana and various other musical greats.

Please refer to the article above for a more detailed explanation of this series.

I would most recommend this series for an introduction to reading. It is extremely interesting and easy to read. I am sure you will be surprised if you read it. I would highly recommend you to pick up a copy.

Summary of Recommended Novels (Introductory)

First, we introduced four books as "Recommended Novels .

These four books have been carefully selected from a huge number of books. These are the works that we recommend with confidence.

The introductory volume was selected for its ease of reading and compact size, but the contents are also mellow. We have selected works that are not only easy to read, but are also well-known as famous books.

If you are going to go to the trouble of reading a book, I hope you will read a work that is called a masterpiece. This is also my wish. There are many books out there, but the truth is that it is very difficult to find a true masterpiece. Those who fail in reading may have chosen difficult books from the beginning, or they may have chosen books that are incompatible with each other, or they may have chosen books that are not good enough to begin with.

No one can read difficult books from the beginning. Everyone starts with picture books when they are young, and from there they gradually grow up to be able to read books little by little.

Being able to "read a book" and "being able to read the written word" are two very different things. Reading is not something that anyone can do immediately just because they can read.

Just as you cannot suddenly hit a home run off of Shohei Ohtani's pitch, it would be tough for someone unfamiliar with books to suddenly read Dostoevsky's great book "The Brothers Karamazov". Everything should be done in order. There is no need to force yourself. Take your time and enjoy reading the books.

The four books presented here are the best entry point for this. You will enjoy reading them and gain strength at the same time. The best way to improve your reading skills is to read good stories. We hope that these books will be the start of your reading journey.

Now, let's move up a bit to the intermediate level and introduce some of the masterpieces.

Recommended Novels 10!

This section is for people who are not afraid of reading books. If you can't handle a very difficult long novel, but can read an interesting book, or if you want to read an interesting book first, I highly recommend this book.

Let's get started.

1 Orwell, Animal Farm.

The first book in the Intermediate Recommended Works section is George Orwell's Animal Farm. First, let's look at the book's synopsis.

The animals on the farm, who are being treated well by the humans, revolt. The animals, led by an old pig, expel the humans and build an ideal society where "all animals are equal. However, the pigs who became leaders want power, and the animals suffer a life worse than before. ...... This 20th century Aesop's Tale satirizes the Russian Revolution and takes a hard-hitting look at socialist fascism.

Kadokawa Shoten, George Orwell, translated by Fumio Takahata, Animal Farm, back cover

Like Orwell's masterpiece "1984," I first read this work about 10 years ago when I was a student. I still remember the shock I felt at that time.

I was particularly shocked by the scene in the final part of the story where the pigs march on two legs, and I still vividly remember my surprise at that moment.

Reading the book again after studying the history of the Soviet Union over time, I realized what an excellent work it is: the skill with which it so well describes and satirizes the movements of the Soviet Union from the Russian Revolution of 1917 to the Lenin and Stalin regimes is nothing short of astonishing.

As I read this "Animal Farm," I realized that we must be careful of sweet words and words that incite hatred. What I also notice is the strength of the pigs' storytelling. Their eloquence makes the farm animals feel that something is "wrong" with them, but they are easily seduced. And by the time they realize it, they are dominated by violence. And despite this, they still continue to be deceived by their clever tricks of disguise.

We should beware of those who create enemies, incite hatred and discontent, and thereby promote the defeat of our enemies. What happens after the enemy is defeated, "Animal Farm" tells us, is what happens after the enemy is defeated.

Animal Farm" is a short work of about 150 pages. The writing style is easy to read and you can read it in one sitting. It is such an easy-to-read work, yet it contains a surprisingly concentrated essence.

It is true that "1984" is a large work, and it is also true that it is difficult to read in terms of content. Many of you may have been frustrated. For those people, I would highly recommend this "Animal Farm". Of course, it is best to read it in combination with "1984," but I can assure you that this one book alone will be a shocking read.

2 Ordaz HuxleyThe Wonderful New World

Speaking of dystopian novels, Orwell's1984."I was surprised that this work was written in 1932.

And while "1984" depicts a dark world completed by the construction of a thoroughly controlled society, Huxley's "A Wonderful New World" has no such darkness. In Huxley's "The Wonderful New World," there is no such darkness. The people who live there are "happy" and do not even need the thorough surveillance of "1984. This is a big difference, but the eerie "happiness" and the way it is constructed can leave us, the readers, feeling fearful and uncomfortable.

It is the original dystopian novel and one that I recommend to all, not just science fiction fans. While "1984" is quite painful to read, this work is not as grim (although it does make you think a lot). (Although it does make you think a lot...)

The work is easy to read, even for those who were frustrated by "1984.

What is happiness? What is utopia? What would happen if there was a magic potion called soma that would allow us to forget suffering? I wonder if I would be able to use it. In "1984," which is also a work that makes your mind work extremely hard, this work will make your mind work at full speed, but in this work you will have to work at a different kind of full speed.

3 Ray BradburyFahrenheit 451 Degrees.

This is another gem that I would highly recommend, although the SF ones are still in the works.

Before I go any further, let me say that this book is amazing...! The first half of the book was difficult to read because it was hard to get into the worldview, but from the middle part of the book, I was pulled in at once. From that point on, I was so absorbed in the book that when I finished reading it, I was in a state of lethargy. I was so absorbed in reading the book that I was in a state of lethargy at the moment I finished reading it. It had been a long time since I had such a great feeling after reading a book. That's exactly what it was, pure white. I felt as if I was completely possessed by this work.

What is the information we consume every day? What do books bring us? While technology has made it easy to access information, what are its downsides?

These are clearly stated. I was deeply horrified when I read it... I shudder to think that this work, published in 1955, so accurately describes our times. This is a warning to those of us living today. You should definitely know about it.

The feeling after reading this piece was extraordinary. It may have been a long time since I have felt so blank.

However, to be honest, the first half of this piece is not very interesting. I dare to be harsh because I like this work. It would be fine if it was just that the worldview peculiar to SF was difficult to understand, but in addition to that, the story was redundant and the language was not suitable for me. This is my personal feeling, and I am sure there are many people who have other impressions. However, I think that many people may have been frustrated by the first half of this work. I myself have thought about stopping reading it many times...

However, the story starts to get interesting from about the middle of the book. Once that happens, there is no stopping. I was surprisingly immersed in this work. If you manage to get through the first half of the story, the rest of the story is terrific fun. So, please don't give up and read the first half of the book in a skimming manner, but go on to the middle part of the book anyway. If you do so, you will surely get a sense of how interesting this book is. To be honest, it changed my impression of the book so drastically that I thought it might have been written by someone else.

This work is a masterpiece of science fiction dystopian fiction along with "1984" and "A Wonderful New World". I highly recommend you pick up a copy. I highly recommend it!

4 BalzacOld Gorio."

Now we are finally entering French literature. French literature may sound difficult, but don't worry. Don't worry. The title of "Grandpa Goriot" may sound too blunt and heavy, but it is, on the contrary, an incredibly interesting work. It is easy to see why Somerset Maugham chose it as one of the world's ten great novels.

Rastignac, the protagonist of this work, has come to Tokyo to become a lawyer in the glamorous city of Paris.

But even if you study steadily there, you will find that you are stuck in the doldrums.

What could he do to succeed more quickly? These thoughts soon began to occupy his mind.

From here, French literature scholar Shigeru KashimaFrench literature is useful!"We will refer to the following.

Rastignac, taking advantage of the unique trend during the restoration of the monarchy that even a penniless young man could rise in politics if he had the backing of a powerful socialite, tried to enter the world of society by relying on the connections of his relative, the Baroness Beauséant. He is also a very good friend of the Vicomte de Beaucaire. He is humiliated when a servant of Countess Lesteau makes fun of his mud-stained shoes.

In a time when the level of desire was skyrocketing, Vautrin, an escaped convict, was waiting in the wings to take advantage of those who were driven by greed. When Vautrin sees that Rastignac is "suddenly" burning with the desire to get ahead in life, he makes a clever pass at him and tries to win him over to his side. The argument that Vautrin uses to persuade Rastignac is, in essence, a recommendation for a short-cut life, and the emergence of a large number of young people who are willing to take the short cut is the greatest product of the Great Revolution.

If you want to get ahead quickly, you must already be rich, or at least look like it. If you want to be rich, you have to take a big gamble here in Paris, or you'll end up a miser for the rest of your life. Yes, thank you.

Rastignac almost succumbs to Vautrin's seduction and asks, "What do you want from me? but, as chance would have it, he escapes Vautrin's clutches just in the nick of time. (omitted).

This is a monumental work that addresses the modern theme of how a young man with only himself to rely on can fight against society without selling his soul to the devil, in a world where the existing social system has collapsed due to the Great Revolution and "money is everything. Rastignac is the prototype of the modern young man who "wants to do what he wants to do, suddenly become famous and rich, but hates tedious effort," and Flaubert, Maupassant, and Zola have all since been trying to create their own Rastignac.

Shigeru Kashima, French Literature is Useful, NHK Publishing, P71-73

Rastignac tries to get ahead as quickly as possible. However, this means entering a world of deceit and treachery. He even uses love to get ahead.

Vautrin's words are truly demonic. He approaches us with a tremendous force, "What is good, what is evil, and what is the reality of this world? He says, "Abandon the virtues. Despise human beings. Look for loopholes in the law. You are going to cheat and commit crimes. At most you will shed blood or not. That's murder, too.

And Rastignac tries desperately to resist it. What will happen to him? This is the subject of "Grandpa Goriot.

How about it? It sounds kind of interesting, doesn't it? Balzac exposes the black nature of mankind and the workings of society. The words of Vautrin, the evil advisor, are truly horrifying. What is a human being? I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to know the depths of human psychology.

It is even more enjoyable when read in conjunction with a commentary on French culture by French literature scholar Shigeru Kashima.

Please refer to the article above for a summary of those books.

5 ChekhovWard VI.

The famous middle novel "Ward No. 6" by the great Russian writer Chekhov. This is also amazing..!

First of all, I would like to tell you all something.

that isThis work is too horrible, too shocking."That is to say.

This work may be said to be one of the best, or perhaps the most gruesome, stories in Chekhov's oeuvre.

Just reading the synopsis of the film, in which the director is somehow made a psychopath, fired from the hospital, and even thrown into a psych ward to die there, gives you a glimpse of the horror of the film, but if you read the film, you will understand the horror even more. It is probably scarier than watching any horror movie.

However, this fear is not "horror-movie fear," but the fear of being confronted with human nature and one's own falsehood.

When you read this piece, you may ask yourself, "What? What am I then? What's the difference between this director and a psychotic? What is the difference between sanity and insanity? Is the only way for me to be used by those who live cunningly? Is everything meaningless in the face of ...... violence?" Various questions will come to mind, such as.

This work made one of the strongest impressions on me, not only of Chekhov, but of any book I have read recently. I hope this work will spread more and more in Japan.

Chekhov is just so interesting! If someone were to ask me, "What would you recommend in Russian literature? I would immediately answer, "Chekhov! The human drama that unfolds in this short work is nothing short of astonishing. I highly recommend this work.

6 Karel Chapek Robot (R-U-R)"

When you think of Czech writers, you probably associate them with Franz Kafka, famous for "The Metamorphosis.

But there was another genius in the Czech Republic. That person is Karel Čapek, who is introduced here.

Karel Chapek.(1890-1938)

What's your favorite book?" and I answer, "Chapek's 'Robot'! that alone would have a tremendous impact. At least, I would say, "Oh, who is this guy? Who is this person? I would take one look at him and say, "Who is this guy? Chapek, like Kafka, is a humorous satire on the world.

The synopsis of "Robot" presented here is as follows

The word "robot" was born in this play and spread around the world. It takes place in a factory that is solely responsible for the manufacture and sale of humanoids. The robots, who have been taking over human labor, unite in rebellion and begin to exterminate the human race. This is a prophetic work by Chapek (1890-1938), who wonders whether the development of mechanical civilization will bring happiness to human beings.

AmazonProducts Page.

I was surprised to learn that a science fiction novel with a robot theme already existed in 1920. I was also surprised that the word "robot" itself was invented by this work and spread throughout the world.

I like Kafka's work as well, but I have to admit that I was turned off by this Chapek. Robots" is a work that deserves to be better known. It's a different genre.Transformation.I think it is such a wonderful work that it is not at all inferior to

Well - I found a good book.

I would highly recommend this work. You will not regret it. It is that interesting. Why don't you pick it up?

7 ShakespeareOthello."

Many people may think of Shakespeare as difficult or stiff.

However, at the time of Shakespeare's death, the upper and lower classes gathered together in one theater to enjoy his plays and have a good laugh. In other words, it was exactly the same way we enjoy theater and comedy today. Shakespeare's works were enjoyed in the same way that we go to see our favorite plays or comedy shows.

When you think about it, doesn't that seem to lower the threshold?

In fact, Shakespeare's works are extremely interesting. The names of foreign works may be difficult to remember, but the storylines and psychological descriptions are first-rate. It is very interesting!

Othello, in particular, presented here, is outstanding in its dramatics and readability.

The protagonist of this work is an African general named Othello.

He rose to the rank of general by demonstrating exceptional valor in battle. He is also a well-liked general with a noble and upright character.

The general took as his wife the beautiful Desdemona, a daughter of a noble family. Desdemona and Othello were joined in a relationship that was almost an elopement. But the two were torn apart by the schemes of Iago, a close associate of Othello's, who was supposed to have brought them together.

Iago may remind many people of the parrot character in "Aladdin". It is this Iago from "Othello" that inspired the name Iago.

Iago in this work is a very good talker and is amazingly skillful at deceiving people. His ability to deceive people is so good that it is frightening to read about it.

Although Othello is the main character in this work, Iago actually appears more often and is portrayed more vividly. His struggles and the vividness of his schemes are depicted so well that Iago might as well be the title of the film.

Iago's villainy is also a major highlight of this film. Like Iago in "Aladdin," Iago is a deceitful villain, but somehow he has a mysterious charm that is hard to hate. Please enjoy Iago's antics as well.

Personally, I love this work. You can feel as if you are looking into the madness and chaos of human beings. It is one of the best Shakespeare's works.

8 DanteThe Divine Comedy: The Inferno

Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)Wikipedia.

The Divine Comedy is known as one of the greatest Italian classics. Although it is not exactly a novel, I highly recommend this work.

The description of hell as preached in this work is just so interesting!

In the Divine Comedy, hell is depicted in a hierarchical manner. The lower the hierarchy, the more serious the sins, and the more hellish the torment, as shown in the list above.

From the illustrations in this book

Basically, the pattern of hell's torment is to inflict physical pain on the body by physical means. Being roasted by fire also appears a lot in "The Inferno".

But what is surprising about this work is that there are punishments that are sometimes humorous.

From the illustrations in this book

This is the eighthcirquevalleyThe third of thetrenchchiselled featuresThe picture is a "Pentecostal" scene, but here sinners are being punished for the sale of sacramental goods. They are buried upside down in a hole, and their feet are burned by the flames.

It is true that being buried upside down in a hole and having one's legs burned endlessly would be an unimaginably painful ordeal. However, there is something about this story that does not evoke a sense of fear. The illustrations may be a major factor, but there is also a sense of humor or irony in the text. Perhaps Dante was trying to express his anger and ridicule toward the sinners who have violated the priesthood.

Other strange torments are recounted in "The Divine Comedy," but what struck me most about this work was its depiction of the lowest levels of hell.

From the illustrations in this book

This is the lowest level of this hell where the Great Demon King is waiting for you, but what a surprise! This place is an icy world!

From our image of hell, we have an image of burning flames, don't we?

But in "The Divine Comedy" it is different. This is a world of ice, and sinners are suffering from being frozen all over.

I first read "The Divine Comedy" when I was a junior in college. That was more than 10 years ago. But I still cannot forget the shock I felt when I first saw the icy world of the lowest level of this hell.

The bottom of Christianity's hell is a world of ice! It's the exact opposite of Buddhism!" I was astonished.

It is extremely interesting to read it while comparing it to the Japanese hell, an imaginative work that is hard to believe it was written in the early 14th century. The translation is easy to read. If you have some knowledge of the historical background and Christianity, you will enjoy it more, but even without that, it is more than interesting enough. It is so easy to read that it can be introduced in the "Intermediate level" category, so I highly recommend this book.

Incidentally, there are two sequels, "Purgatory Arc" and "Heaven Arc," to this "Divine Comedy," but the further you go, the less interesting it becomes, which is unfortunate. The "Hell Arc" alone is sufficient, so please feel free to enjoy it.

9 Somerset MaughamThen and now."

I read this work by Takashina ShujiThe Fate of Early Renaissance Art in Florence.The book was inspired by a book called

The book gave me an insight into the political situation in Florence at the height of the Renaissance in the 15th century, as well as the historical background of Italy as a whole.

I was surprised to learn that the prosperity of Renaissance art was greatly influenced by the unique political situation in Italy, and that Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were used precisely as tools for political gamesmanship between countries.

And it was Machiavelli, famous for his "The Theory of the Monarch," who lived at that very same time.

Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527)Wikipedia.

The Monarchist.is so famous that the word Machiavellianism is used to describe it, but the book itself is quite difficult to read and is a tough work. I tried to read this book before, but I failed in the first half of the book and left it behind.

But when I read "The Monarchy" again after reading this "The Fate of Florentine Early Renaissance Art," it showed a completely different face! It's just so interesting! After understanding the background of the period, Machiavelli's words came to make sense to me.

This made me curious about Cesare Borgia, the man who also served as the model for "The Monarchist," and I couldn't help but become curious. He must have been a huge man, since he was the model for "The Theory of Monarchs," a book that has swept the world. I was eager to learn more about him, and as a result of my search for a book, I came across this book, "Then and Now.

Before I go any further, let me say that I enjoyed this book immensely! It is a superb historical novel! This is a great book I found!

Two geniuses, Machiavelli and Cesare Borgia, weave an intense human drama! You can also learn about the historical background of Italy in which they lived. In the dramatic storyline, there are quotes reminiscent of "The Theory of Monarchs," and we also get to know the human side of Machiavelli.

Italy and Europe in the 1500s were in the midst of a warlike period similar to the Warring States Period in Japan. For us Japanese, historical novels and historical dramas of the Warring States period are very exciting, and this novel is a European version of them. For those who love historical novels, this work is sure to be a hot one. This is a masterpiece that I highly recommend.

*Please visit this category page for recommended books to learn about Rome and Italy.
The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism."
The Italian Renaissance and the Revolution in Knowledge."

10 Anna DostoevskayaDostoevsky in Recollection."

Dostoevsky, the great Russian writer, is well known in the reading community as a rascally figure in works such as "Crime and Punishment" and "The Brothers Karamazov.

I love Dostoevsky. However, to be honest, I would not recommend Dostoevsky's works to everyone. His works are quite habitual, and the volume of his works is incredibly large. Although I will finally introduce them in the "Advanced Edition," I will only recommend them "on condition. It is such a troublesome existence.

However, Dostoevsky himself was a man of tremendous scale, living up to the maxim that "reality is stranger than fiction. His life itself is far more interesting than that of ordinary novels.

The person who supported Dostoevsky closest to him was his wife, Mrs. Anna. She wrote "Dostoevsky in Recollection" as a recollection of her married life with Dostoevsky.

Technically, this piece is not a novel, but it reads like a biographical novel written in the first person by Mrs. Anna. Well, this is interesting! To be honest, I would overwhelmingly recommend it over Dostoevsky's work itself.

I fell in love with Dostoevsky from the bottom of my heart because I read this piece by Madame Anna.

Dostoevsky, a hopeless man who kept making his wife cry because of his gambling addiction.

Dostoevsky, a loving wife.

Dostoevsky with his children.

Dostoevsky overcame his gambling addiction by getting the best partner.

Dostoevsky, who is good at coffee and grinding it.

You will see a variety of Dostoevsky in this work.

I love, love, love the dramatic marriage of Dostoevsky and his wife Anna.

And I can only think that their meeting was fate. As for this.(14) I can only assume that Dostoevsky's marriage to Madame Anna was predestined - why did she love him and try to protect him?"As I mentioned in the article "The first time they met, it was fate that brought them together.

I am also always struck by their suffering and resurrection from such a fateful encounter. Dostoevsky is truly a lucky man. Without his companion, Anna, his life would have been a disaster.

Dostoevsky is a huge human being. He lived his life on an extraordinary scale, which is not possible for an ordinary human being. He was a person who had to go to extremes in everything he did. His life opens our eyes to the "size of the world.

The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Dostoevsky is truly equivalent to a work of art told on a gigantic scale.

I found great drama in this journey of life. What could be more dramatic and inspiring?

I like Dostoevsky. But most of all, I like "Dostoevsky with Mrs. Anna".

I was so inspired that I traveled all over Europe in 2022 to visit the places associated with the two men.

I know many of you step back and say "ugh" when I say Dostoevsky, but wouldn't you feel like you could read a top-notch story written not about his works, but about his life? Frankly, it is far more interesting than the average novel. If you were not interested in Dostoevsky, you should definitely read this work. What? He was like this? You will definitely be surprised. I highly recommend this work as a work of fiction.

Summary of Recommended Novels (Intermediate level)

Although it may seem that the level of the works has been raised compared to the "Introduction," I do not think that any of the works are that difficult in terms of ease of reading.

By reading these works, we can also learn about the historical background of the time and the thoughts and lives of the people. We are grateful for books that allow us to learn about a world that is completely different from the one we live in while we are here.

It would be my greatest pleasure if the books introduced here led you to various other books.

Recommended Novels 10

This is the advanced section. From this point onward, the works are extremely large in volume and require basic knowledge, a certain degree of reading comprehension, and the ability to think.

However, none of the works is a series of extremely difficult texts like those of Kant, Hegel, or Marx. However, none of the works are extremely difficult to read like Kant, Hegel, or Marx. If you enjoyed the books introduced in the "Intermediate level" section, you may be able to enjoy these books as well.

So, let's get started.

1 CervantesDon Quixote."

Don Quixote" is a novel that started in the La Mancha region of Spain.

However, even if you have heard of "Don Quixote," you may be surprised to learn what kind of novel it actually is and what makes it so great.

Although the episode of Don Quixote's assault on the windmill in the film is well-known, the reason for the event becomes even more of a mystery when asked.

Don Quixote" may be a well-known, but actually enigmatic, novel.

This is a major work written by Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes.

Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616)Wikipedia.

There have been several translations by different authors, but I prefer the translation by Nobuaki Ushijima from the Iwanami Bunko collection.

Nobuaki Ushijima's translation is easy to read anyway. The language is modern, and we can read it without any discomfort. I think the Nobuaki Ushijima translation from the Iwanami Bunko is the best if you want to enjoy reading in a familiar style.

In addition, the illustrations inserted at key points are also wonderful.

The illustrations make it easier to imagine Don Quixote's situation more vividly and get into the story.

In a word, we can say with certainty that it is hard to find a classic that is so easy to read.

One might have the impression that the classics are meant to be read with a wrinkled brow, but in "Don Quixote" the opposite is true.

I read "Don Quixote" when I need to cheer up or feel cheerful.

In reading "Don Quixote," we are filled with a sense of strength as he rushes forward with his ideals, undaunted by the hardships he faces, and continues to move forward with cheerfulness.

I had "Don Quixote" on my Kindle to accompany me on my trip around the world in 2019.

And what gave me strength when I was having a hard time after the robbery in Bosnia was "Don Quixote". (For more information about one of the robberies, please seeTakahiro Ueda was robbed in Sarajevo. The "I never thought it would happen to me" thing can happen. The Day I Learned the Fear of Sudden Violence in Bosnia (9)"Please refer to the article on

Don Quixote is having such a hard time. If that's the case, it's only natural for me to have a hard time too! If you go on a journey and try something, it is natural that you will have a hard time. That's what's important in itinerant chivalry! I can still do it! I must imitate Don Quixote and continue my journey with a positive attitude! I vividly remember that I was encouraged by his words.

This was the moment when "Don Quixote" became a definitive book in my mind.

However, even if you read this work out of the blue, it is difficult to get more than the impression of a crazy old man who causes trouble everywhere he goes and gets hurt badly.

The same was true when Watasusu first read "Don Quixote.

Yes, the first book is funny and makes you giggle, but there are not many scenes like that after that.

It just goes on and on, with Don Quixote causing trouble and the angry people beating Don Quixote and his friends to a pulp.

I honestly remember that right after I finished reading all of them, I had no idea why this novel was called the best literature in the world.

But that's just as well, because Cervández has a way of infusing his seemingly strange and amusing adventures with an underlying message.

In other words, if you cannot read the hidden message behind the novel, you will simply read endlessly about the troubled adventures of the madman Don Quixote.

So it is not surprising that I have no idea what is so great about this novel.

This makes it very hard to read.

That said, we recommend that you read the commentary beforehand when reading "Don Quixote".

Among them, I especially recommend Nobuaki Ushijima's book published by Chuko ShinshoThe Journey of Don Quixote, Itinerant Knight Against the Gods.The book is called. I highly recommend reading this book and the set. If you have this book, you will be a hundred percent satisfied. Once you understand the fun of "Don Quixote," you will be hooked. You will understand why this book is hailed as one of the best novels in the world. I hope you enjoy it.

2 Victor HugoLes Miserables.

This work is an undisputed masterpiece published by Victor Hugo in 1862.

Victor Hugo (1802-1885)Wikipedia.

The novel has also been adapted into numerous stage and film productions, and is perhaps the more impressive of the two.

By the way, I am also a big fan of the musical. I cry every time I see it, and I still listen to the soundtrack often.


There is salvation in this story. I feel better after reading it.

Indeed, this production, as the title of "Les Miserables" suggests, depicts many "miserable people". Fancine is the best example.

But in this world that produces such miserable people, people like Jean Valjean continue to fight. There are noble and good people like Bishop Miriel. And their power of goodness will be passed on to the next generation.

These sublime good human powers and ideals are depicted in this work.

Although "Les Miserables" is a large work and the original is rarely read, it is not a difficult read, and the good guys and the bad guys are so clearly defined that it is easy to understand, yet the story itself is very interesting.

And it's not just "too funny. This work is filled with everything Hugo had to offer. In other words, it is a very deep work. The more I learned about this work, the more I was astonished at its depth.

The original is great and the musical is great. It is a definite work first of all. Even if you are not able to read the original work, please try to see the musical movie first. It is the best of the best! The overwhelming music, songs, and storyline will definitely get you hooked.

3 Emile Zola, The Lugon-Macquart Series.

The "Lugon McCall Series" is simply put,French Second Empire(The Paris World's Fair that Eiichi Shibusawa visits in the 2021 historical drama "Blue Sky" is set in this period. The Parisian culture he witnessed was later brought to Japan and is connected to us today.

It was during this period that department stores, which have become commonplace today, were born, and it was also during this period that the commercial style of stimulating desire and intentionally creating the feeling of "want" in people was established. (*For more information, seeDepartment stores began here! France's Second Empire and the "Bon Marché(See article on)

The Second Imperial Period is a very important period that is directly related to our lives. It is precisely here that our modern lifestyle has its origins.

Zola's "Lugon Makkar Series" is the best historical picture book to understand the historical background and human psychology of that time.

But Zola's work was never simply about a past era. He sought to get to the essence of human nature. The people he depicts are no different from those we live with today.

Zola's work is the best textbook for understanding how the world works.

How does this society work? Why do people fight? Why can't people resist their desires? What kind of methods do people use to take advantage of other people's desires?

Zola shows us the harsh reality of the world. In this work, human beings' sordid and blackened emotions and troubles fly about as much as possible without any pretense of purity.

It is as if he were saying, "To know the world, you have to eat poison. If you live in a sterile room, you will never make it across the world.

Zola's compilation is the "Lugon Makkar Series," which includes Zola's masterpieces "The Tavern" and "Nana. Each of these works can be read as a stand-alone work, although they are connected to each other. The first Zola work I read was "Izakaya," and I found it to be very interesting! I was shocked at how interesting it was. (For more information about that shock, please refer to the following page.The Impact of "The Izakaya! On the French author Emile Zola being too funny."(See article in)

The rule of "10 novels to use as your business card" is that you are supposed to pick one novel, but I have chosen the Lugon-MacCarl series because I love the entirety of this book. I have selected my favorite novels from the Lugon-MacCarl series because I love them as a whole. Please take a look at this page as well.

4 Thomas MannThe Devil's Mountain

This novel is very important to me. If I had to choose my "Ten Greatest Novels," "The Devil's Mountain" would certainly be a big part of it. It is so powerful and has such a strong impact. It is a work of great scale!

I first read this book when I was a graduate student. I had been wanting to read a profound novel about life issues, and this was the one I suddenly came across. I was originally interested in Thomas Mann, having read "Death in Venice" as a student and having heard his name mentioned in connection with Goethe.

Well - it's just huge! The scale of this novel is out of the ordinary. The setting of the novel itself is the "Devil's Mountain," a closed space, but in this book, you will experience the magic that exists because it is a different world that blows away our everyday life.

And the following passage from the novel left the greatest impression on me.

What is life? No one knew. No one knows the natural base from which life springs, from which life burns."

Compared to the distance between the simplest forms of life and natural objects that are so inorganic that they do not even deserve to be called dead, the distance between a vertebrate and a pseudopod amoeba was not a problem."

What is the difference between living and inanimate matter? What is life ...

I still remember the shock I felt when I read this passage. If you read this passage alone, it may seem like a trivial question. It is a question that I am sure everyone has asked at least once. However, when we have walked up to this point with Hans Castorp in the other world of "The Devil's Mountain," this question appears before us with an incredible weight.

I could not help but ask myself. What is the difference between myself and a pebble? What is the ultimate step that separates a pebble from a living being? If it is life, then what is life? What is the difference between the dead and the living?

This leads to an endless series of questions, and the fundamental issues that we rarely pay attention to in our daily lives emerge. I realized then that this is what it means to read a great long novel carefully. The same passage, told within the context of a larger story, carries an overwhelming weight. You will understand this if you read the novel. I hope you will read this novel and experience it for yourself.

It has been nearly 10 years since I first read this novel, and yet the impact of this novel remains strong.

This work is also highly recommended for students. It will be a very valuable experience for students to meet the strong characters of "The Devil's Mountain" along with the main character Hans Kastrup during their sensitive period as students. You can also meet people by reading books. The best thing about books is that you can meet people from all over the world, from here to there. Please come and meet Mr. Settembrini and Mr. Pepelkorn, who are people of extraordinary scale. You will be astonished. This is a masterpiece that I highly recommend.

5 Orwell1984."

The year 1984" is the undisputed best dystopian novel of all time.

I first read this work about 10 years ago when I was a student. I was only about 20 years old and didn't know much about the world at the time, but I remember being strongly impressed by the horror of this book.

It has been a long time since I re-read "1984" this time, and this time I felt a very different kind of fear than the last time I read "1984.

I say this because I recently studied the history of the Soviet Union, the Nazis, and the Russo-German War, and felt the horror of totalitarianism as much as I do.

(*Please refer to the following category pages for a summary of the articles)
.A History of the Soviet Union in the Lenin-Stalin Era."
."The Russo-German War: The Soviet Union and the Nazis' War of Extermination."
.Stalin and Hitler's Genocide/Holocaust."
.Learning from the History, Thought, and Literature of the Cold War World."
.Modern Russia and the Russo-Ukrainian War."
.Learning from the Bosnian Conflict and the Tragedy of the Rwandan Genocide: International Conflicts in the Post-Cold War Era."
.Is Marx a religious phenomenon?"

This work was not simply written to imagine a dystopia of the future. It describes what was actually done in the Soviet Union and Nazi totalitarianism.

But let's think about it carefully. Is this work a vision of the future for us or the past?

I felt that this work could also be our present.

This is also something I felt strongly about when I was studying the history of the Soviet Union.

How to induce the spirit of the people and move it in a way that suits the power. Totalitarian regimes try to control it by any means possible.

It infiltrates us gradually and progressively at a level that we can only notice if we look carefully.

In the world of "1984," Big Brother was not in control of everything from the beginning. However, the people have voluntarily pledged their allegiance to Big Brother, and they have come to watch each other. Once that happened, any individual with a question could easily be captured, vaporized, or converted, just like Vinston.

In every era, "1984" is a work that asks the question of "now.

What kind of world are we living in "now"?

This work is a powerful reminder of that. It is a masterpiece that is a must-read for all readers.

6 William GoldingLord of the Flies

Now, "Lord of the Flies," which I will introduce here, is another tremendous work of art.

I will never forget the shock I felt when I first read this piece.

At first, the children were supposed to be living happily together alone, but before long, that disintegrates. And the process of the rational and good children succumbing to the barbaric and violent forces is very painful to read. It is truly a traumatic book.

Human beings are human beings, even if they are children. A beast lives inside of us. There is no distinction between adults and children. Every human being can be a beast. This work confronts us with this fact.

The reason why I was so struck by this work is because the world it depicts is so familiar.

It is not a distant world like the science fiction world of "1984". I feel as if this is a direct reflection of the world we are living in now.

I am sure that you have all seen in your childhood, the strong grouping together and controlling their society (class). Some of you may have actually been victimized by those "strong ones" or vice versa. Or vice versa...

This work evokes for us not only such childhood memories, but also something horrifying even now that we have grown up.

I honestly don't know how to tell you any more than I already have.

But this work is just too close to home....too loud.

When I read this book, it really makes me feel sick to my chest. It really makes me angry as to why good children have to suffer so much from violent children. Let me be clear. This book is hard to read. It is not a work to be laughed at and enjoyed.

But there is no doubt that it is a work that has an unparalleled impact on our consideration of human nature.

Man can be anything. Rational or bestial.

How did children who were supposed to be good friends at first end up committing murder? This work exposes the mechanism of the crime with the utmost precision.

To be honest, there are so many things I think about this work that I don't know what to write about it anymore.

The allegory of Golding is so effective that I no longer know where to begin or what to say. I am in a state of panic.

That is how intense this work is.

I hope you will read this piece and experience its impact. I highly recommend this work.

7 GoetheFaust."

Goethe's "Faust" is an undisputed masterpiece of world literature.

However, I suspect that the number of people who actually read this is quite small. This phenomenon isDon Quixote."andLes Miserables.It may be similar to masterpieces such as

Faust," a famous but little-read book.

And the trouble with this work is that it is difficult to understand anyway. It has a different atmosphere from "Don Quixote," which is easy to read when you get around to it.

As I said, I too have suffered from "Faust" many times.

I first read this work when I was a college student. At that time, I read it but had no idea what it was about and just finished reading it. I tried again when I was a graduate student, but even then I had no idea what was so interesting about it.

Faust" is indeed difficult. However, this is not because it is difficult to understand, but rather because it is difficult for those of us living in the modern age to understand "how it should be read" and "the background in which it was written. Once you understand this, you will be able to enjoy the work immensely.

If you think about it, when "Faust" was published, the people of that time were really fascinated with this work. It is not that people of that time were overwhelmingly smarter than they are now, but rather that the work contained content that resonated with the people of that time. (Of course, it is also the world's greatest work of literary perfection and artistic sublimity.)

Until now, "Faust" has been at the top of my list of works I have had difficulty with.

But now it has become one of my favorite works. I will never forget the joy I felt at the moment I found this book "interesting! I will never forget the joy of the moment when I felt that the book was "interesting! That's how happy I was.

You will come to understand what you could not understand no matter how many times you confronted it. You will be able to find it interesting.

This pleasure is one of the greatest joys of reading.

In the following article I will tell you how I came to enjoy reading "Faust". It is a tip on how to read "Faust" so to speak. I highly recommend this article.

8 DostoevskyThe Record of the House of Death."

Now, finally, the grandest of the grand masters is on stage.

Many people think of "Crime and Punishment" or "The Brothers Karamazov" when they think of Dostoevsky, but in my personal opinion, "Record of the House of Death" is the perfect entry point.

Crime and Punishment" has Dostoevsky's characteristic black-magic style, and if you plunge into this work suddenly, you may be taken aback. In addition, "The Brothers Karamazov," as I will introduce later, is a massive and even tremendous volume, and I honestly do not recommend reading it as an entry point.

This work is not without interest, as Dostoevsky, a monster of psychological exploration, lived with and closely observed these unusual prisoners in the extreme conditions of a Siberian prison.

As Tolstoy and Turgenev praised, the scenes depicted in this work are as realistic and lifelike as if you were watching a movie. The scenes are depicted with such power that the reader feels as if he or she is there.

The story unfolds quickly, with scenes moving from one to another, so that you can't stop turning the pages.

Moreover, Dostoevsky is able to perform astonishing human analysis throughout.

Dostoevsky's eye for human nature seems to have been sharpened even more in the extreme conditions of prison.

In that respect, this book is Frankl'sNight and Fog.It may be said that this work is similar to

I believe that this is a work that sinks so deep into the human condition.

Dostoevsky is known for his psychological depictions that seem to reveal the depths of the mind, but in this work, rather than such internal descriptions, the main character calmly analyzes his surroundings and the psychology of the other prisoners through his own eyes. In this sense, this novel is much easier to read than other Dostoevsky works. (Of course, this is Dostoevsky. (Of course, this is Dostoevsky, and the content is quite heavy and deep, so it is not a simple story.)

If you ask me what I would recommend as an introduction to Dostoevsky's works, I would start with this one.

This work is perfect for looking into the depths of the human psyche. Let's just say it is a terrific piece of work! Why not pick up a copy?

9 TolstoyWar and Peace."

Now, it is time for the great Professor Tolstoy, who can be said to be the russian of the literary world.

War and Peace," the king of long novels. It is a masterpiece that truly deserves the name "Advanced Edition.

War and Peace" is a work of great scale.

This work should be read first when you are as young as possible. It is especially important to read this work when you are a student.

First of all, it takes too long to read. It takes a tremendous amount of preparation if you are in the workforce.

What's more, it is better to take a sermon from the great Tolstoy while you are young and flexible-minded.

In this work, there are a lot of lessons about "what is life? What should we be as human beings?

This will definitely lead to later life if you hear it as early as possible, rather than after you are older and have hardened yourself to some degree. You are free to nod your head or rebel against the sermons of the great Tolstoy. Either way is fine. But I believe that the experience of being bombarded with stories and life lessons told on such an overwhelming scale is irreplaceable.

I read "War and Peace" for the first time at the age of 31. I wish I had been able to read it when I was a student, but I also feel that the timing was not so bad, as I read it now after having studied Dostoevsky and learning about various literature and history.

Incidentally, I am of the school that felt overwhelmed but repulsed by the sermons of the great Tolstoy. I am sure that this is what happens when you have a Dostoevskyian mindset.

If Dostoevsky writes stories in which several people gather in a small dark room and exchange bizarre words, Tolstoy conjures up images of the vast world of Russia and the Kafkaes and the grand halls of the glamorous aristocracy.

If Dostoevsky's works seem to dive into the deepest and most profound abysses of the human interior, Tolstoy's works seem to expand into a sky-high, far-off space.

Dostoevsky dives deep and deep, and Tolstoy tries to grasp the world high and wide.

It was in the work "War and Peace" that I could sense the tremendous difference between the two of them.

It is not a work that I can recommend to everyone, but there is no doubt that it is a tremendous work. Once you read it, you will never forget its overwhelming scale. If you want to feel Tolstoy the Giant, this is the work for you.

10 Dostoevsky The Brothers Karamazov.

The Brothers Karamazov was Dostoevsky's last work, written in the last years of his life.

In this work, Dostoevsky depicts the fundamental problem of "God and man," which he has held unchanged throughout his life.

Now, the critical climax in this novel isChapter of the Grand Inquisitor."The following is a list of the most important factors that must be taken into consideration when making a decision on the purchase of a new company

I myself first read this book in the winter of my twentieth year. I don't know how much I was able to read at that time, as I was an inexperienced person with little knowledge of religion.

But this "Grand Inquisitor chapter" had a tremendous impact on me.

I had never before seen such a scathing attack on religion. And the person uttering these words is a high ranking Catholic clergyman, the Grand Inquisitor, and of course, the person he is speaking to is Jesus Christ.

The Grand Inquisitor is responsible for burning heretics at the stake. He is the one who attacks Christ. What a paradox!

But the Grand Inquisitor was not a Christ critic by nature. Rather, he was once an ardent Christ-follower. He lived for Christ and fervently sought and practiced the free faith that Christ preached.

But in the end, he ended up on the Catholic side. He, too, had his own irresistible suffering and conflicts.

I am also fascinated by the description of this area.

Although I did not know it at the time, Dostoevsky himself was a fervent believer in the Russian Orthodox Church. Because Dostoevsky was a fervent believer, he went to extreme lengths to discuss issues of faith. On the surface, the "Grand Inquisitor's Chapter" is vehemently atheistic, but in fact, it is this chapter that opens up the later development of the book.

Now, as I have mentioned so far about the "Grand Inquisitor's Chapter," Dostoevsky's lightning bolt fell on me, who at that time was wondering "What is religion?" and "What is the difference between Aum and me?"

I have come to know. There is no turning back now.

I can no longer live my life from now on ignoring the issues discussed in this chapter of the Grand Inquisitor.

This was the moment when a clear path was made for me, who had been vaguely wondering "what is religion" and "what is the difference between Aum and myself?

Will I be able to overcome this problem?

Is religion really what the Grand Inquisitor says it is?

This was the starting point of my study of religion. It is also the main reason why I have continued to update books on world literature and history on this blog under the theme "Shinran and Dostoevsky". Please refer to the following summary article where I discuss it in more detail.

The Brothers Karamazov" is not just dark and heavy.

Moreover, the image of "difficult" is quite prevalent, but when you actually read the book, you will not find such difficult expressions. The language itself may even be said to be easy to read.

Indeed, the first half of the upper volume will require patience. To be honest, the first half is more like a prologue, or a prelude to the excitement that will start in the middle of the book. (Once you get used to it, this part becomes very interesting. (No, rather, it is here that Dostoevsky's skillful novelistic techniques are applied, and I have recently come to find this part fascinating as well).

Perhaps this is where most people fall short.

However, if you persevere here, the engine will start to rev up quickly from the second half of the upper volume.

If you have been patiently reading this book up to this point, you will be swept away by the momentum of Dostoevsky's writing, as if the energy that has been building up until this point explodes.

The momentum does not stop when you enter the middle and lower volumes. I can assure you that you will be so immersed in the book that you will not be able to get out of it. It is that amazing. This work is that great.

Once you get through the first half of the upper volume, the rest of the book is a rage.

By no means is this work difficult. It is not difficult, it is deep. (To learn more about this work, please visitWhy is "The Brothers Karamazov" so difficult? What was the theme and against what background was it written - what did Dostoevsky want to convey in this novel?"(See the article on)

There is a good reason why "The Brothers Karamazov" is still loved by many people 120 years after its publication.

I think it is because of the charm of the story itself, something that appeals to readers, that the story continues to be read in this way.

This work is exceptional in my opinion. It is without a doubt the book that has had the strongest influence on me.

It is a tough work that requires a lot of volume and basic knowledge, but why don't you try this "world's greatest novel"?


So far we have introduced 24 works ranging from introductory to advanced.

I love all of them and would highly recommend them.

I have introduced a number of books on this blog. All of them are works that I am proud to recommend.

The 24 books introduced here are the best of the best of the best. In fact, there are many more that we would like to introduce, but we were sadly forced to leave them out. Of course, there are some works that were excluded because they are maniacal or because they are not popular with everyone. However, there are also works that resonate because they are maniacal. We introduce many such works on our blog, so we hope you will take a look at our site.

We are more than happy to help you with your reading.

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