The Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

The Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

Masaie Matsumura (ed.), "Punch" Drawings: London in the 19th Century - London in the Industrial Revolution through caricatures! What did Marx Engels see?

This work is an excellent introduction to London during the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century.

The most distinctive feature of this work is the large number of caricatures that can be seen. Punch" magazine was a sharp satire and social commentary on life in England at the time.

We have been learning about Marx and Engels on this blog, and we appreciated this work to learn more about their life in England and their ideological background.

Pavlov.The Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

Oxford Portrait of Science: Pavlov" A recommended biography of the great Russian scientist, famous for his "conditioned reflex" and Pavlov's dog!

The "conditioned reflex" and "Pavlov's dog" are directly related to modern brain science and neurological research. Therefore, I had assumed that they were more recent or had been studied in the UK or Germany.

I had no idea that was Russia in the 19th century!

At the very time that Dostoevsky and Tolstoy were drawing on psychological and religious writings that had little science in them, Pavlov was working on scientific research...

This was something I could not imagine if I only thought about Russian literature. In this sense, this biography is a valuable work that allowed me to look at Russia at that time from a different angle than usual, that of science.

belThe Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

The Oxford Portrait of Science by Graham Bell - A recommended biography of the great scientist who invented the telephone!

Graham Bell was an inventor best known for his invention of the telephone in 1876.

To my surprise, Bell was born in 1847, which is the same age as that Thomas Edison.

They were also rivals in the development of the telegraph. It was interesting to think that two people of the same age were competing with each other in the United States.

Also, in my last article, I mentioned that Edison was a reader as a young man, and so was this Bell. Bell also read Shakespeare until he memorized it, and from there he went on to read many books.

Edison also read Shakespeare, and it is still a reminder of how huge Shakespeare was to Westerners.

Edison.The Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

The Oxford Portrait of Science Edison, a recommended biography of the American inventor genius Edison! A side of Edison that reads like a book!

This work will be a biography of Thomas Edison, an inventor whose name everyone knows.

Edison attended little school. He was a voracious reader, however, and cultivated his imagination by reading Dickens, Shakespeare, "Les Miserables," and many other works of literature.

In this biography, you can learn about such a tumultuous life of Edison. I found this book very interesting because although I knew Edison by name, I knew very little about what kind of time period he lived in and what kind of life he led.

The Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

Oxford Portrait of Science: Faraday" - Recommended biography of the early 19th century English scientific genius who laid the foundation of electric civilization.

Faraday was a scientist born in London in 1791.

Speaking of Faraday, even though I was not good at science subjects, I vaguely remembered the term "Faraday's Law.

I had an image of him as a big name in the scientific world, but I had no idea about the time period in which he lived and what kind of life he led.

This biography was such a surprise to me.

I also appreciated this biography, which also gives me an insight into the atmosphere of 19th century England.

The Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

A. Warner, "Victorian London and Sherlock Holmes in Photographs" - A recommended book to learn the secrets of Holmes' popularity and historical background!

This book explains everything about Sherlock Holmes and why he became so popular. The book is easy to read and visualize as it is explained with many photos and documents.

I originally picked up this book to learn about the historical background of Marx's life, and as I had hoped, it was also very useful in learning about the social situation in late Victorian England.

I would highly recommend this work!

MendelThe Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

The Oxford Portrait of Science Mendel" - A recommended biography of Mendel, a monk from Brno, Czech Republic, famous for Mendel's Laws!

Mendel is famous for his experiments on pea hybridization. Although I too had such an image of "Mendel's laws," I knew almost nothing about what era Mendel lived in and what kind of life he led.

It was very interesting to learn about Mendel's life and the historical background of the time through this biography. This is an interesting biography.

The Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

The Oxford Portrait of Science: Copernicus - A biography recommended to learn about the life of Copernicus, the proponent of the geocentric theory!

Copernicus is famous as the man who proposed the "Geocentric Theory. He was a great man who overturned the common sense of the world, so much so that the term "Copernican turn" has been coined to describe him.

But although I knew the name and the geocentric theory of this man, I knew very little about who he was and what his life was like.

As such, I was very grateful for this biography in the "Oxford Portraits of Science" series.

And one of the characteristics of this biography is that it also emphasizes the historical background in which the great man lived.

I very much appreciated the compact biography but also the historical background shown.

Javi.The Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

The Oxford Portrait of Science by William Harvey - Recommended biography of a scientist who lived at the same time as Shakespeare!

William Harvey was an English-born scientist known for his blood circulation theory.

As a lover of Shakespeare, I appreciated the opportunity to learn about the atmosphere of this period. Moreover, it was very interesting to see this period not from the literary angle, but from the scientific angle. This is an interesting book.

It is also highly recommended to learn about the currents of late 16th and 17th century England. I highly recommend this work to Shakespeare fans.

The Industrial Revolution and British and European Society

Watt and Stevenson, Engineers of the Industrial Revolution" - Recommended biography of the inventors of the steam engine and railroad!

The book is a biography of James Watt, famous for his steam engine, and George Stevenson, inventor of the railroad.

Watt was associated with the invention of the steam engine, but honestly, it was surprising to learn when that was and what it was like.

I was honestly surprised that the book was able to summarize the lives of both men in less than 100 pages.