The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

Recommended Sightseeing Spots in RomeThe Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

List of Recommended Reference Books on Rome - History, Culture, Religion, and Art! A list of great books that will make Rome more interesting!

In the previous article, "Monks' Recommendation: 15 Sightseeing Spots in Rome! From the Royal Road to Maniacal Churches, Taste the Ultimate in Beauty" introduced the recommended spots in Rome, and in this article, we will introduce a recommended reference and guidebook to enjoy Rome even more.

Please refer to each link for a more detailed discussion of the book.

Rome is so deep. It is like a bottomless swamp that the more you know about it, the more you become addicted to it. I, too, have become completely obsessed with this Roman wanderlust.

I hope this article has been helpful to you.

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

"Civil Engineering Technology of the Ancient Roman Army: Illustrations of the Building Techniques of Streets, Waterways, Canals, etc." - Recommended to learn about the amazing building techniques of the Roman Empire!

This work provides an insight into the marvelous architectural techniques of the ancient Roman period. As the title suggests, there are many illustrations in this work, making it easy to visualize and understand.

It is recommended to learn how the marvelous buildings of Rome were created and the human system that was responsible for them. Why not pick up a copy?

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

Yoshio Kikuchi, "Two Thousand Years of Mercenaries" - A great book that will change the way you see world history! A recommended gem found in the process of studying Sacco di Roma!

The beauty of this work is that it allows us to look at history from the very beginnings of mercenaries.

This book is a very exciting look at historical changes from ancient Greece in terms of "mercenaries".

Humans have been fighting wars since long ago. But who was fighting those wars? Of course, the main players may have been royalty and nobility. But where did each soldier come from? And what kind of system has been used to conduct wars?

It is a terrific masterpiece that will completely change the way you see the world once you know it!

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

Kikuro Miyashita, "Venice: One Thousand Years of the City of Beauty" - Recommended as a tourist guide! A useful book for understanding the history and art flow!

Venice is an undisputed city of beauty. It is a place I have always wanted to visit at least once.

The city's literary connections include Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" and Thomas Mann's "Death in Venice.

And our own Dostoevsky visited this city with his wife and praised the beauty of Venice.

And to learn about the history and culture of Venice, this work, "Venice: 1,000 Years of the City of Beauty," is a highly recommended reference book.

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

Kukai Nanri Kazuyoshi Nomachi, "Vatican: Pope, Time of Prayer" - A book full of rare photos of John Paul II and the Vatican!

In this work, you will see rare photos of the Vatican that are not usually seen or covered.

I have read many books about the Vatican, but I think this book is very valuable because it focuses on the "time of prayer" and covers the ritual in progress. I have also appreciated this work very much.

The work also summarizes the life of John Paul II and shows how prominent he was.

The explanations are very clear and the book is an excellent introduction to the Vatican and John Paul II.

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

Montaigne's "Diary of a Traveler" - Travels in Italy by a 16th century French thinker famous for his "Essais"!

The beautiful cityscape around the Vatican today is actually largely due to the urban remodeling that began in the 17th century, as well as Bernini's design. Therefore, Montaigne, who visited the Vatican before that time, saw the Vatican as it used to be, which is impossible to see today. The Roman Forum was also not excavated as it is today, but was left out in the open, or rather, buried in the ground.

In this book, you will hear the precious words of Montaigne, who saw the world very differently from the kind of Rome we think of.

It was a wonderful work, full of very interesting details to learn about Rome and the Vatican. I am still afraid of Montaigne.

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

Synopsis and Impressions of Andersen's "The Improvised Poet" - Andersen's career-making work, born out of his travels in Italy. Also famous for its translation by Mori Ogai.

It is often said that "a debut novel contains everything about the writer."

I read this "The Improvised Poet" after reading his fairy tales, and "Oh, it's so like Andersen!" I found myself groaning over and over again, "Oh, that's just like Andersen! This work had such a great impact on Andersen's life as a writer.

And "The Impromptu Poet" is based above all on his travels in Italy. Andersen was also inspired by the eternal cities of Rome and Florence.

We recommend this work, which is filled with all the charm of Rome and Italy.

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

The "Globe-Trotter Rome 2018-19" - Amazingly comprehensive! I can't help but introduce it to you with so much satisfaction!

I had already bought the "Italian" edition before I bought this "Rome" edition.

But the more I learn about Rome, the more places I want to visit. And the more I learn about Bernini and his literary associations, the more maniacal the places I find myself wanting to visit. In that case, the "Italy" edition is not enough.

So I bought the "Rome" edition again and found that these maniacal places were also included!

The map is well detailed and well explained. This is excellent!

I have introduced various books on this blog, but I never thought that the day would come when I would introduce "Globe-Trotter"! (LOL)

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

Masumi Ishinabe, "As Long as St. Peter Stands: My Guide to Rome" - The most comprehensive guidebook to Rome, covering art, history, religion, and everything else!

This book is the best!

There is probably no better work to appreciate the charms of Rome! It is such a wonderful work.

The reader who has discovered the charms of Rome through this book is sure to be awakened to a passionate spirit of travel."

This is exactly what it is! This book makes me want to go to Rome so badly!

The book offers an exciting and masterful commentary throughout.

The depth and breadth of the area is nothing short of astonishing. We assure you that your vague view of Rome will change.

The best Rome guidebook, here's the best of the best!

We highly recommend this product!

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Vatican, and Roman Catholicism

Masumi Ishinabe, "St. Peter's Basilica" - Recommended reference book to learn more about the history of this temple of beauty and its attractions.

St. Peter's Basilica is an architectural marvel that is overwhelming even without knowing its history.

However, you can enjoy its charms more by learning about its history and points of interest to see.

When I visited in 2019, I was simply overwhelmed by the scale and beauty of the place and could not take the time to enjoy it. I was so overwhelmed by the scale and beauty of the place that I didn't take the time to fully appreciate it.

So I made up my mind that the next time I go there, I would study hard before heading there.

It was the best reference book for me.

It is a very interesting work. I highly recommend this book.