
DostoevskyDostoevsky's works

Four recommended works of Dostoevsky! A selection of gems and masterpieces of interesting Russian literature!

Dostoevsky is a Russian literary master along with Tolstoy.

Dostoevsky is an overwhelming giant who left behind such literary masterpieces as "Crime and Punishment" and "The Brothers Karamazov. Dostoevsky plumbed the depths of the human psyche, opening up to us a profound and chaotic world. His stories, woven with his unique narrative style and strong personalities, have an indescribable black magic charm. I was one of those who were fascinated by his black magic.

In this article, we will introduce some of Dostoevsky's recommended works and reference books. We will also discuss useful information such as which translations are recommended and where to start reading.

Rome and DostoevskyTravels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

(42) What does Dostoevsky, who criticized Roman Catholicism, think of Rome, the temple of beauty and theater city?

We have updated our Rome travelogue 41 times so far.

As I reported in the introduction to this travelogue, I toured Rome with the question, "Although Dostoevsky hated Roman Catholicism, could he not be captivated by St. Peter's Basilica, its main temple, and Bernini's stage art in Rome?

For me, I did not forget Dostoevsky for a single moment during my stay in Rome. I was always with Dostoevsky during my stay in Europe.

So what did Dostoevsky actually think of Rome during his stay?

The truth is that we do not know as Dostoevsky left nothing behind. But even so, I have come to the conclusion that Dostoevsky would have liked but disliked Rome.

Travels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

(27) Bernini's "The Laws of St. Teresa" - A masterpiece of Baroque art! The marvelous illusion of the Cornaro Chapel!

This article presents Bernini's masterpiece, The Laws of Saint Teresa.

It is a shocking sculpture that expresses an ecstatic state that could even be described as sensual.

I was also shocked when I actually saw it on site. I can understand why this sculpture is considered a baroque masterpiece.

I visited this church many times during my stay in Rome. No matter how many times I see it, I am always amazed. It is just shocking to see such a perfect manipulation of light at a time when there was no electricity and no lights. Bernini must have been a great artist.

Travels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

(13) Special tour of the Vatican City, which is off-limits to all but authorized personnel! You will also get a rare behind-the-scenes look at St. Peter's Basilica!

Vatican City is famous for being the smallest state in the world. While the Vatican City is home to the unspoken great architecture of St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican Museums, the Vatican City also naturally has state institutions. There are banks, post offices, courts, and various other facilities within its territory. However, the areas other than the cathedral and museums are off-limits to all but authorized personnel, so the general public is not allowed to see them.

But what a surprise! I was allowed to enter there!

In this article, I will share with you my experience. I would like to introduce to you the Vatican, which you cannot usually see.

Travels in Rome" - Charms of the Theater City of Rome and Pilgrimage to Bernini

(6) A panoramic view of the Foro Romano from Palatine Hill! The marble of St. Peter's Basilica came from here!

Before I embarked on this journey, I was so immersed in the story of the rise and fall of ancient Rome that I ended up reading a variety of books.

Caesar, Cicero, Brutus, Augustus, Antonius, Cleopatra, Seneca, Caligula, Nero, Trajan, Hadrian, Marcus Aurelius, and many others who have left their mark on history lived here. How romantic!

After all, if you come to Rome, you must visit the Roman Forum. If you come to Rome, you must come here.

Even non-history buffs will be overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the amazing prosperity and collapse of 2000 years ago.

Dostoevsky and His Wife's Fateful Journey: Travels in Western Europe of Madness and Love

(28) Visit to a place associated with Dostoevsky in the spa resort of Bad Ems - Dostoevsky sends ardent love letters to his wife even 10 years after their marriage.

For me, Bart Ems is a symbolic place where I can feel Dostoevsky's love for his wife Anna.

Dostoevsky was passionately in love with his wife even after 10 years of marriage.

He continues to send ardent love letters from Ems to Mrs. Anna.

I would like to show everyone how delirious he is, which is hard to believe that he is a great writer who wrote that "Evil Spirit".

I feel that there is no better place to learn about Dostoevsky as a loving wife than here.

Dostoevsky and His Wife's Fateful Journey: Travels in Western Europe of Madness and Love

(23) Visit to Venice, the City of Arts: What did Dostoevsky think of this beautiful water city?

This article introduces Venice, which the Dostoevsky couple visited, and Bologna, where they stopped along the way.

Venice is the city of water that everyone longs to visit. Mr. and Mrs. Dostoevsky spent only a few days in Venice, but it seems that they had a pleasant time. I also walked around Venice, where they spent their time, and visited places associated with the city, thinking about their stay.

It was a marvelous city that produced beautiful photos wherever it was photographed.

Dostoevsky and His Wife's Fateful Journey: Travels in Western Europe of Madness and Love

(22) Dostoevsky's days in Florence - places associated with him and his favorite art!

The couple saw rock bottom at Baden-Baden Geneva Vvay. They have nothing to fear anymore. They have no choice but to climb up.

They have shared their sorrows and sufferings, and now they are bound together by a strong bond. Their resurrection finally begins here. Their life in Florence, where they liken themselves to Mr. and Mrs. Micawber, must have been a major point of this trip.

Ah, beautiful Florence! If I could, I would have stayed longer and longer too! Florence is indeed the city of flowers. I was in awe of the art in this city.

I would like to believe that for Mr. and Mrs. Dostoevsky, their stay in this city was an irreplaceable one.

Dostoevsky and His Wife's Fateful Journey: Travels in Western Europe of Madness and Love

(15) Dostoevsky is shocked by Holbein's "The Dead Christ in the Tomb" - a masterpiece that also had a great influence on "The Moron".

After five hellish weeks in Baden-Baden, Mr. and Mrs. Dostoevsky left for Geneva, Switzerland.

On their way to Basel, they will stay one night in a city called Basel to see a painting.

It was the painting "Dead Christ in the Tomb" by Hans Holbein.

The painting strongly shocked Dostoevsky and would have a profound influence on his full-length work, "The Idiot.
This article introduces such Holbein paintings and Dostoevsky in the city of Basel.

Impressions of the Summer Recounted in Autumn - Trip to Paris and Georgia

(19) The original of Vermeer's "Girl with a Pearl Earring" was a masterpiece far beyond imagination.

In our previous article, we introduced Vermeer's masterpiece, The View of Delft.

The Mauritshuis Museum also has another masterpiece that is a must-see for Vermeer fans.

It is that "Girl with a Pearl Earring".

Actually, I did not have such high expectations for this painting. I like "Delft" the best, and I originally had little interest in this painting.

However, my thoughts changed drastically on that day. I had no idea that it was such an amazing painting!

This article will discuss the charms of "Girl with a Pearl Earring".