Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Portrait of TolstoyTolstoy, the Russian Giant

Episode of the production of Kramskoy's "Portrait of Tolstoy" - This is how Tolstoy's piercing gaze was depicted!

The sharpness of Tolstoy's gaze in this portrait is astonishing.

Tolstoy is often associated with the white beard of his later years, but 1873, the year this portrait was painted, was Tolstoy's 45th year. 4 years earlier, he had completed the serialization of "War and Peace" and it was a huge hit. And in the same year, he wrote "Anna Karenina. In other words, it was a period when he was in full force as a writer. The sharp look in his eyes at that time is depicted in this portrait.

And interestingly, Tolstoy's encounter with Kramskoy also influenced the writing of Anna Karenina.

Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Tolstoy's 10 recommended works, commentaries, and a list of his works - Experience the overwhelming scale of the Russian giant!

In this article, we will first introduce 10 works that we particularly recommend from among those we have introduced in this blog so far, followed by a list of recommended commentaries and other works.

Even the works that did not make it to the recommended list are all essential to know Tolstoy. Tolstoy has a surprisingly large number of works, many of which are not introduced in this blog. So, basically, all of the works introduced in this blog are considered to be recommended works, but we have selected the 10 most important ones.

Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Was Tolstoy's wife, Madame Sophia, really a bad wife? Consider Tolstoy's last runaway.

Tolstoy's wife, Madame Sophia, is often referred to as one of the "three worst wives in the world.

However, after reading Tolstoy's works, biographies, and reference books, I still wonder, "Was Madame Sophia really a bad wife? Wasn't Tolstoy's fault as well?" I think that Tolstoy was also to blame.

And when I finally looked into it, I found out a surprising fact.

Tolstoy's last years were far more tragic than we can imagine.

Tolstoy revivalTolstoy, the Russian Giant

Tolstoy's "Resurrection" Synopsis and Impressions - Tolstoy's late great work, also known as the Katyusha story.

It tells the story of the wealthy aristocrat Marquis Neffrudov and his servant girl Katusha, whom he once fell in love with and abandoned.

The work caused a huge sensation not only in Russia but around the world, immortalizing Tolstoy's name.

The Resurrection is, at any rate, religious and moralistic. And it is thoroughly repetitive in its criticism for the betterment of society.

I felt that the greatness of "Resurrection" lies in the way such noble religious beliefs are intertwined with the dramatic narrative.

Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Tolstoy's "Shakespeare and Theatre Theory" Summary and Comments - Tolstoy hated Shakespeare with all his heart. What were the reasons for this?

The paper is a work of some wonder, as Tolstoy, a well-known Shakespeare hater, goes on and on about 50 pages in two columns, top and bottom, about why he hates Shakespeare.

I love Shakespeare as opposed to Tolstoy, so this was a question that bothered me in reverse. I can't help but think, "What's not to like about Shakespeare? I can't help but think, "What's not to like about Shakespeare?

This article will take a closer look at why Tolstoy hates Shakespeare.

Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Tolstoy, "What is Art?" Summary and Comments - Recommended to learn what Tolstoy thought was "good art" in his later years.

So far in this blog, we have discussed some of Tolstoy's religious writings.

And "What is Art?" is a work in this vein.

In this work, not only what Tolstoy thinks art is, but also how art should be, is passionately discussed.

This article looks at what Tolstoy considered to be good art.

This work is very important for understanding the characteristics of Tolstoy in his later years, when he reached a religious turning point.

Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Summary and Comments on Tolstoy's "The Kingdom of God is Within You" - A thorough criticism of the system based on non-violent principles. A book of accusations condemned by the authorities as "most harmful".

This work is a thorough critique of the Russian Empire and the Church by Tolstoy, who was a proponent of non-violent action. Therefore, it was banned by the authorities and was never published in Japan. As we have introduced Tolstoy's religious writings on this blog, the core of his religious beliefs is non-violence. For Tolstoy, the violent state system of the time was unacceptable.

This article looks at Tolstoy's nonviolentism and criticism of the system.

Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Tolstoy's "Kreutzer Sonata" Synopsis and Comments - A husband kills his wife for allegedly having an affair. A controversial work that stirred up controversy on both sides of the issue.

The plot of this novel is about a jealous husband who kills his wife for alleged adultery, and it's just an untenable novel...

How did this tragic work come to be?

In fact, Tolstoy's own family disintegration and the gap between his ideals and reality had a lot to do with it.

In this article we will talk about Tolstoy's tragic family life as well as his works!

Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Tolstoy's "Theory of Life (Theory of Life)" Synopsis and Comments - How does one lead a happy life? And its connection to Buddhism.

My impression of this work is that there is quite a bit of Buddhist essence to it.

Tolstoy was at one time devoted to Schopenhauer, and because of this, he also studied Buddhism and the philosophy of Lao Tzu.

When we think about "what is death," "what is life," and "what is life? I felt that Tolstoy must have felt a great deal from Buddhism when reading this work.

This work is only about 250 pages in paperback, but it is a very sturdy piece of work.

Tolstoy, the Russian Giant

Tolstoy's "The Death of Ivan Illich" Synopsis and Comments - What is death? Why do we live? Tolstoy's full-length medium-length novel.

This work is just painful to read. The description of Ivan Illich's suffering by Tolstoy, the demon of psychological description, is horrifying.

What does Ivan Ilych, an "ordinary man," think about the tragic reality that his life, which he thought was happy, is quickly falling apart? The film unfolds the struggles and suffering in Tolstoy's style of overwhelming artistic portrayal.

And I couldn't help but think of "a thing" when I read this piece.

That is the existence of Chekhov. Chekhov's medium-length story, "A Tale of Boredom," is very similar to this piece.