Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

Masaki Nakamasa, "Evil and Totalitarianism: Thinking from Hannah Arendt" - A recommended reference book by Arendt!

The book focuses on Arendt's "The Origins of Totalitarianism" and "Eichmann in Jerusalem" to explain Arendt's upbringing, path as a philosopher, and ideas. The book is surprisingly easy to read and understand. I also appreciate that the book is written in a way that even beginning students can easily understand. This is a recommended reference book to learn from "Why should I study Arendt now?"

Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

B. Stangnet, "Eichmann Before Jerusalem: The Peaceful Life of a Mass Murderer" - The "banality (mediocrity) of evil" theory is overturned!

It is a shocking work that could overturn Arendt's "banality of evil" theory!

The Eichmann revealed in this book is the exact opposite of the "banality of evil." Arendt is told in this book that he fell into Eichmann's carefully planned trap in Jerusalem. Eichmann was no mere cog in the wheel of power. It is a terrifying book.

Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

Arendt's "Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil" Summary and Comments - Why did the Holocaust happen? A book about the darkness of humanity.

The book will be the birthplace of Arendt's famous phrase "the banality of evil."

In this work Arendt examines the background of the horrific murder system in the Nazi Holocaust.

Eichmann was not a villain, but a man who could be found anywhere. This shook the world and at the same time caused intense controversy.

Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

Can Arendt's "banality of evil" be exonerated - Can crime be forgiven if you are a cog in the wheel of power? Considering Genocide.

Is Aren't Arendt's "banality of evil" an excuse to get away with sin? This was the question that occurred to me in the process of studying Srebrenica and the Rwandan genocide. The perpetrators do not consider themselves responsible for their actions, saying that they had no choice. But is that really enough? This article is my attempt to think about that question once again.

Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

What Did Soviet Soldiers Believe and Why Did They Keep Fighting - "Learning from the Battle of Germany and the Soviet Union" Articles

The book reveals what each soldier went through and why he continued to fight.

Each one of them is an ordinary human being just like us.

A person has the potential to be anything. Depending on the circumstances, people can commit atrocities with impunity. Even if you think you are a good person, you never know what you might do. This book makes you think about that.

Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

To learn about the history of the Soviet Union and the Nazi genocide - "Learning from the Russo-German War and the Holocaust" article list

The work "Bloodland: The Truth About Hitler and Stalin's Genocide" was a truly shocking book.

It made me realize how little I knew about anything. There are facts in this book that we cannot see in the history of the world that we learn. And it seems to me that these invisible facts are what we really need to learn.

In today's chaotic world, learning about dark history can be a painful experience. However, I believe that this is why it is important to learn, even if it is painful, in order to prevent such history from repeating itself.

We hope you will be happy to read these articles.

Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

(6) Summary - Why did Ivan fight? The meaning of studying the inner life of a soldier in the extreme conditions of war.

The content in this book is truly shocking. It tells of barbaric acts that make you want to turn away.

But Ivan and others who lived in such a hellish world also shed tears.

The misdeeds committed by Ivan and his colleagues are unforgivable. However, merely impeaching them will not solve anything.

Why did this happen, and what did Ivan and his friends suffer and shed tears over? I felt that it is important to find out the answers to these questions in order to prevent the repetition of the same history.

Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

(5) Soviet soldiers did not regard their victims as human beings: the psychology of wartime soldiers and the tragedy of sexual violence.

Their goal was Berlin, Hitler's stronghold. Wherever they went, the Soviet soldiers committed acts of tyranny.

The atrocities committed by the invading Nazis were indeed appalling. In response, the Soviet soldiers, eager to be an eye for an eye, repeatedly looted, murdered, and raped their way into the invasion.

I even wondered if I should blog about this content. The same is true of what I will be describing from here on. The book reveals facts that make you want to turn away.

However, I want to caution you against thinking that these acts are only about Soviet soldiers and have nothing to do with us. If we look at it as "the Soviet soldiers are just crazy," then the book has a completely different meaning. We must not forget that in the extreme conditions of war, we all can become like this.

Stalin and Hitler's genocide and holocaust

(4) Stalin's creation of war myths and historical management: How do heroic stories mask reality?

In 1943, the Soviet Union finally gained the upper hand. From here, politicians created war myths to further boost public morale.

Facts were interpreted and myths were created to suit the Soviet government. Anything that did not conform was silenced.

And such historical management would continue throughout the postwar period.

Put a lid on what you don't want to see. This is something we all want to do. This is especially true when it comes to what one has committed under the extreme conditions of war. Stalin took advantage of this human weakness.