Cuba Edition

TanzaniaCuba Edition

A journey through what religion is all about! 11 articles recommended by monks for the best circumnavigation of the world! (Religion and Philosophy section)

A journey through what religion is all about! 11 articles recommended by a monk's choice for the world's most round-the-world trip! (Religion & Thought) In the previous article, I introduced my recommendations for travelogues. In this article, I would like to continue with the 11 articles I recommend in the Religion & Thought section...

Cuba Edition

If you are in doubt, click here! The Monk's 10 recommended articles on the world's most circled places! (Travelogue section)

If you are in doubt, click here! The Monk's Choice of 10 Recommended Articles for the World's Longest Circumnavigation of the World! (The other day, "Takahiro Shaku's Circumnavigation of the World," which I have been writing for more than eight months, finally came to an end. And counting the articles I have written, the main story alone has...

temple in which resided a member of nobility, imperial princesses, etc.Cuba Edition

The World's Most Wondrous Circumnavigation by Monk Takahiro Ueda - Postcards

Some of you who have read this far may have the following questions.

I was wondering if you could tell me why I didn't see any mention of Buddhism at all in a blog written by a Buddhist monk. For a blog that claims to be "from the perspective of a monk, Takahiro Ueda," all it talks about is Christianity and other religions and cultures, not Buddhism." And.

Yes. That is exactly right.

I have told very few Buddhist stories on this journey.

I was consciously avoiding it.

Why is that?

This article is a postscript to my round-the-world journal, so I will talk about that.

CubaCuba Edition

Finally, this trip is coming to an end... Last night in Cuba and return to Japan Cuba ⑯

After a local tour of the Viñales Valley, I once again take the three-hour drive back to Havana.

By the time I arrived in Havana, it was completely dark outside, and the city of Havana had transformed into a world of night.

The people on the streets, the language you hear, everything is different from Japan. This is a different world.

In Tanzania, the first country I visited, I was overwhelmed by the sheer power of nature.

At that time, I thought that returning home was still a long way off.

But it's already...tomorrow, and my 80-day journey is finally coming to an end.

CubaCuba Edition

The Current Situation in Cuba as Told by the Guide - The Economic Crisis and the Adverse Effects of the Communist Regime Cuba Part 15 (15)

During this local tour, which included a visit to a farmer's hut, I was exposed to a different Cuba.

The heavy darkness of reality that occasionally glimpses through the Cuban people's joviality...

Listening to our guide, I was struck by the problems Cuba was facing.

I finished my last itinerary in Cuba while admiring the dark green scenery of Cuba from the car window.

CubaCuba Edition

Enjoy the great nature of Cuba! Take a tour of the Viñales Valley with a local touch, Cuba ⑬.

June 11. The last day of the actual stay in Cuba.

The following day, June 12, they would finally board their flight home.

I was down due to the salsa incident, but I managed to recover on this day.

On this last day, I had booked something called the Viñales Local Tour with a local tour company.

It was truly a last-minute revival, as I was prepared to cancel the event if I remained in poor health.

CubaCuba Edition

Cuba's Relying on Inbound Cities, Disparities, and Education Issues" Japan is no stranger to these issues! Cuba Part 12

Cuba has its good points and its bad points. The good part is the wonderful education and health care system. I also studied at the University of Havana for six years and in Japan for one year. All for free. It is wonderful that everyone has a chance to learn. But today Cuba has serious problems. We have serious problems with the economy and tourism."

My local guide began by telling me about the harsh reality of the situation in Cuba. This article will discuss the horrifying reality that the country's foundation is crumbling as it tries to build an economy based on tourism. And Japan is no stranger to this. I was horrified by my guide's story.

CubaCuba Edition

I fall asleep because I can't keep up with the Cubans' joviality. I was convinced that I would never be a cheerful and pleasant person. Cuba Part 11

Cubans are a jovial people who love music and dancing."

I am sure you all have such an image. I had such an image as well, but now I have experienced it firsthand. It was truly a culture shock. I was so shocked by the joyousness of it all that I fell down.

The deciding factor was a sudden decision to take private salsa lessons. I am not very good at cheerful things, but I never thought it would turn out like that...